Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1195 Re-Entering The Secret Realm

After Gu Xi successfully subdued the aluminum steel dragon, she jumped up to Jiang Qing and said happily, "Thank you, coach."

Jiang Qing nodded, and then said expectantly: "Is there anything else you need me to help you with?"

Gu Xi didn't know why Jiang Qing asked this, but immediately shook her head: "No, it's not good to bother the coach all the time."

This is sincere, there is really nothing she needs Jiang Qing's help with now.

"There really aren't any more, no such enemies," Jiang Qing asked unwillingly.

"No" Gu Xi shook her head.

"As for love rivals, there are always love rivals. I can help you beat up that love rival, or even disfigure her."

Gu Xi felt that Jiang Qing was so scary at this moment, that he could even talk about disfigurement.

"No no"

Frightened, Gu Xi hurriedly shook her head.


Jiang Qing sighed, feeling somewhat disappointed.

If this NPC doesn't need his own help, then there will definitely be no mission.

Gu Xi inspired two temporary missions, which was unprecedented, so Jiang Qing determined that this woman was definitely an NPC.

“Love to take care of guests”

Since you have no mission, why are you still staying at my house? I feel upset just looking at it.

Gu Xi:?

Jiang Qing was a little confused by Jiang Qing's sudden change. Just now she had enthusiastically asked herself if she needed help, but in the blink of an eye she was about to see her off.

Isn’t this change too big?

Then Ai Guanshi sent Gu Xi out of the door.

"Get ready, Daidai, tomorrow we will go to the original secret realm," Jiang said to Daidai beside him.

Jiang Lan and the others had already come out of the original secret realm, so it was his turn to go in again.

As for the transaction with the Y God Organization, we have to wait until he comes out of the original secret realm.

They should be looking for the cocoon of destruction transformed by Yveltal now, and they don't know how long it will take to find something.

Jiang Qing couldn't wait for them to find him. What if it took a year, or even several years?

"Yeah dong"

He nodded blankly, it seemed like he was going to make a big purchase.

So I called Magearna and Lucario and went out, already thinking about the vegetables I wanted to buy.

Even when Lucario reaches the championship level, he still cannot avoid becoming a nosy and dull exclusive grocery shopping follower.

Who is Lucario who is the most suitable for carrying vegetables with both hands? You are too fat like Dragonite, and Melometa doesn’t even have fingers.

Jiang Qing has already explored two places in the original secret realm.

The first one is the obsidian wilderness, and the king's field is the giant wood battlefield.

The second is the Cinnabar Wetland, where the King Field is the stage battlefield.

Now he has come to the third area and learned from the Pokémon in that area that this area is called Ultramarine Coast, and his current location is Ginkgo Beach, which means it is on the seaside.

"Okay, let's go. I didn't hit you hard, so why are you crying? I'm really hopeless."

Jiang Qing kicked a quasi-champion Primarina. This was too cowardly. How could he become a quasi-champion with such courage?

Primarina sniffed, tears and snot flowing down her face. Listening to Jiang Qing's words, she felt even more aggrieved.

Can I not be afraid? I was just sunbathing on the beach as usual, and Salamence beat me up as soon as you came.

The key point is that Salamence looks so cruel.

I'm still stepping on my body, maybe because I want to eat me.

When Primarina heard Jiang Qing's words, she immediately left as fast as she could.

"Wait a moment"

Jiang Qing remembered something and called out to the other party.

Primarina paused in her steps and turned back with difficulty, thinking that this human being might have regretted it.

Looking at the tearful Western Lion and Sea King, Jiang Qing looked down upon it even more, and said contemptuously: "Look, I scare you. I ask you, do you have any more talented descendants in your family? Send one to me."

It's not that he wants Primarina, but his mother wants one. She said that one of her students in school is very good and helped him a lot on a topic.

The other party was a water type trainer and liked Primarina very much, so Tian Yao thought of giving him a Popplio.

Popplio is a rare water-type Pokémon.

Of course, with the ability of the Jiang family, they can definitely get it easily. Those with cyan qualifications are just a matter of words, and even those with blue qualifications can be obtained as long as they give some time.

Tian Rou told Jiang Qing some time ago, but Jiang Qing forgot about it. Only now that he saw this Primarina did he remember Tian Rou's words.


Primarina shook her head hastily, it doesn't want too many outstanding descendants.

"Then bring one over," Jiang Qing said.

The requirements are not too high, as long as you have cyan qualifications.

Then Primarina left, and Jiang Qing was not afraid that the other party would run away. Metagross could find this guy in an instant, and then it wouldn't be a matter of beating him.

After about ten minutes, Seibu Haiqian came back with a ball sea lion.

"These are my descendants"

Primarina said with a proud expression on her face.

"Okay you"

Jiang Qing took a look with his exploratory eyes and found that six of the seven Popplio had cyan qualifications, and one actually had blue qualifications.

This guy not only keeps a harem, but the quality of the harem is also exceptionally high.

Jiang Qing looked at it with admiration.

When Primarina heard Jiang Qing's words, her expression became even more proud and happy.

These seven Popplio also looked at Jiang Qing curiously.

"That's it"

Jiang Qing pointed at the one with the best development among the six cyan aptitudes.

I didn't choose the blue qualification because this guy was obviously trained as the heir by this Primarina, and he was just returning a favor to his mother.

Pokémon with cyan qualifications are enough.

If the person has blue qualifications and the other party does not have the strength, then even if some people from the outside know that this is a gift from the Jiang family, they will easily do desperate things.

The blue qualification is the qualification of a quasi-champion. How many Elites are stuck at the Elite peak due to Pokémon qualification issues.

Compared with blue qualifications, cyan qualifications are undoubtedly safer.

"This human vision is not that good either."

Primarina somewhat despises Jiang Qing, who can't even tell who his best heir is.

Originally, it didn't want to bring its best heir here, but it was afraid that Jiang Qing would see something, so it brought him here.

Fortunately, Jiang Qing's "clumsy eyes" didn't notice it, so she felt relieved.

However, Primarina still feels a little distressed after choosing her second best heir.

After subduing the Popplio, Jiang waved to it: "You can go now."

Primarina immediately ran away with the remaining offspring, without asking Jiang Qing if he would treat his offspring well, because it knew that this human being was not bad.

Although he was beaten, there was no malice. .

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