Come out of the warehouse and return home.


The caring attendant saw that Jiang Qing was covered in sawdust and immediately asked him to take off his clothes and take a shower. There were even sawdust in his hair.

"I made some gadgets, so there were some sawdust," Jiang explained.

Then he took out a headband made of World Tree branches. This headband is actually small beads connected with elastic rubber bands.

"I made this for you, love escort. Come here and let me put it on for you."


The stewardess narrowed her eyes happily.

Jiang Qing put the hair tie on the left corner of the escort.

Fifty years of additional lifespan is definitely very little for a quasi-champion level Pokémon like Aegis, but this thing also has the effect of nourishing the body.


After Jiang Qing put it on, the caretaker immediately took out a small mirror and looked at it carefully, constantly changing the angle of his head.

The headband made by Zai is so beautiful.

And it can feel that a very comfortable energy appears in its body the moment it is put on.

Obviously, the things I gave you must be good things.

"Son, come out quickly and come see my trophies, hahaha, come out quickly."

Jiang Lan's excited, eager and showy voice came from outside the door.

He went fishing yesterday and did not come home at night. He only came back this morning.

Judging from the sound, did he really catch something huge? Or did he catch Kyogre?

Jiang Qing opened the door immediately. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Jiang Lan standing at the door with a gray fish Pokémon at his feet.

"Relicanth! Good guy, Dad, you can catch these"

Jiang Qing's face showed surprise. This was not pretending, but real surprise.

Relicanth is a large fish with map-like markings on its body. Its head is light brown, and its dark brown body has light brown patterns and a large red spot.

The gill covers of female Relicanth are shorter.

This type of Pokémon lives in the deep sea and has been discovered only a handful of times. It is considered by Pokémon scholars to be extinct Pokémon.

"Dad is awesome"

Jiang Qing gave Jiang Lan a thumbs up.

Being able to catch the extremely rare Relicanth, for a fisherman, this honor is second only to catching Kyogre.

"Hahaha, you know how powerful your dad is, right?"

Jiang Lan was so happy when she saw her son's heartfelt surprise. When I left, my self-esteem came back.

"Dad, where did you go fishing?"

Because Relicanth is a deep-sea fish, although there is sea near Lancang City, it is only a shallow sea. If you want to go to the deep sea, you have to leave Xia Kingdom.

"We fish in the South Bay here," Jiang Lan said.

Now Jiang Qing looked at Relicanth on the ground, a little dumbfounded, and muttered: "Isn't this fish coming to the shallow sea because of something wrong with its brain?"

"What's wrong with your brain? Your dad is obviously good at fishing," Jiang Lan said dissatisfied.

"Metagross, quickly put it in the fish tank for me. You are qualified to enter that fish tank," Jiang Lan said to Metagross beside him.

There is also a large fish tank in the house, but it has always been empty.

In Jiang Lan's words, he has not caught a fish that is worthy of being placed in this fish tank.

Now this extremely rare Relicanth has obtained this qualification.

This Relicanth level is pretty good, it's quasi-Elite, but it's very honest and doesn't dare to move around.

After all, this family is either a champion or a quasi-champion, and a quasi-Elite cannot make any waves.

It can't even break the glass of the fish tank.

"Son, let me tell you in detail how I caught this guy."

Jiang Lan is obviously in a very high mood now, and he will probably be excited for several days.

"Dad, you are wearing this bracelet."

Jiang Qing didn't want to listen to Jiang Lan's nonsense, so he took out a flashlight and handed it to Rival.

"Why should I bring this thing? No?" Jiang Lan shook his head.

"All right"

As Jiang Qing took it back, he continued: "Although this thing can strengthen the body, and wearing it for a long time can increase your life span by fifty years, if you don't want it, Dad, then..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bracelet disappeared from his hand.

Then I saw Jiang Lan had put it on his wrist quickly.

After fishing for a day and a night, and being in a concentrated Contest Condition, he felt a little tired when he got home.

But from the moment I put on the bracelet, a warm current spread throughout my body, instantly washing away the physical and mental fatigue.

"nice one"

Jiang Lan felt that he could fish for another three days and three nights.

This bracelet is a perfect tool for staying up late.

And to listen to the ten-year lifespan, of course, the premise is long-term wear.

Jiang Lan's lifespan has reached more than two hundred years with Jiang Qing's help. This increase of fifty years is quite a lot.

"You brat, why do you have so many good things?"

Jiang Lan looked at the bracelet in her hand happily.

I didn’t ask Tian Rou and Jiang Oreburgh if they had any. If the quantity of this thing is limited, and with this brat’s habit, there are really only one or two pieces like this, then they must be given to Tian Rou and Jiang Oreburgh first.

Now that even I have it, then other people in the family must have it too.

Then he saw that the horn on the head of the caretaker was wearing a hairband. He had never seen this hairband before, and the beads on the hairband were exactly the same color as his own beads, except that his own beads were bigger. .

"My pearls are bigger than yours," Jiang Lan said proudly.

"Hey 103"

The carefree waiter didn't bother to pay attention to Jiang Lan, an idiot.

Looking at Jiang Qing, he asked him to take a shower quickly, and a change of clothes had been given to him.


Then he looked at Jiang Lan. This guy had been fishing for a day and a night. Not only was he dirty, but he also smelled like sweat. The carefree waiter frowned.

"You also give me a bath"

The family has been together for so many years, and even if Jiang Lan doesn't have Psychic, he still knows what the nosy waiter is talking about.

"No, I want to go out now"

Jiang Lan shook his head. After putting on the bracelet, his physical strength and energy recovered. And because of the stimulation of Relicanth, he even felt that he could catch another one.


Ai Guanshi just looked at Jiang Lan quietly.

Jiang Lan had a cold war, and instantly returned to reason. He knew that he had been too excited just now, and he dared to refute what the supervisor said.

So he nodded hurriedly.

"I'm going now. Please prepare the clothes for me, the inquisitive servant."


The stewardess nodded.

Watching Jiang Lan walk into the bathroom, Ai Guan waited until he started to prepare a change of clothes for him.

But when I was halfway there, I took out a small mirror and looked at the hair tie on my corner to see if it looked good.

The bad mood that was originally caused by Jiang Lan immediately improved.

Humming a little tune, he brought Jiang Lan a new set of clothes. .

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