Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1186 Jiang Qing’S Training

There are still almost ten days left before the Silver Conference, which is really not that long in terms of time. If you want to improve your strength in this short period of time, you can, but the improvement will be relatively small.

However, considering Gu Xi's current situation, a small improvement is definitely not enough. Let alone the championship, he may not even be able to win the third place.

So I can only learn some technology and work hard.

Steelix is ​​level 61, Scizor is level 58, Skarmory is level 58, Aggron is level 57, Mawile is level 57, and Empoleon is level 57.

Except for Steelix, who is a quasi-Elite, the other five main Pokémon are all late-stage elites.

In terms of qualifications, Steelix and Aggron both have cyan qualifications, while the others have green qualifications.

In the backyard, Jiang Qing looked at Gu Xi's six Pokémon, and his exploratory eyes had already fed back all their information.

The six Pokémon that Gu Xi held their backs straightened up, as if they were soldiers waiting for a general review, and their faces were full of tension.

There is no way, there are too many steel bosses around Jiang Qing.

Especially for the cherished Aggron, seeing Jiang Qing's Totem-level Aggron felt like an ancient commoner seeing an emperor, almost kneeling on the ground without a car.

As a trainer, Gu Xi was also very nervous, fearing that her Pokémon would make Jiang Qing feel dissatisfied.

He took out seven bottles of qualification potions and handed them to Gu Xi.

"Two bottles of Scizor, one bottle of Skarmory, two bottles of Mawile, two bottles of Empoleon, let them eat them, and upgrade their qualifications to cyan first."

When Pokémon of the same level and combat experience are similar, Pokémon with higher qualifications will tend to be stronger.

Gu Xi didn't expect such a big surprise when she arrived, and directly upgraded her Pokémon to cyan qualification.

As a direct member of the third generation of the Steel family, she only has the cyan qualification for Earl Dervish Pokémon Onix, and all other Pokémon are green.

Aggron has been upgraded from the green qualification, and she will gradually upgrade the remaining Pokémon, but it will take a long time, and it is estimated that it will take at least ten years to complete.

And now Jiang Qing means that taking these potions can immediately improve their qualifications.

There is no need to doubt Jiang Qing's words at all, because the qualified potions produced by the Jiang family have long been spread among the aristocratic families.

There is a high probability of improving the green qualification to cyan.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to make qualified potions. The Jiang family never sells them to outsiders, but only uses them for trade or for families with whom they have befriended.

The outside world didn't even know that the qualification potion was not produced by the Jiang family, but purchased by Jiang Qing from the system mall.

Therefore, many commercial spies, including domestic and foreign spies, have not yet found the place where the Jiang family produces this potion.

After all, all fools know how important the potion that can greatly improve the qualifications of green Pokémon is.

This means that a large number of cyan-qualified Pokémon can be added.

As the number of cyan-qualified Pokémon increases, the number of Elites in the country will increase. As the number of Elites increases, the country will become stronger.

And the more Elites there are, the more likely a champion will be.

After watching these Pokémon take the qualification potion, Jiang Qing took out a bunch of treasures that he had no use for, but were very suitable for taking care of these Pokémon at this stage.

"Today's task is to "eat"

Jiang Qing said to the Pokémon he was caring about.

The six Pokémon nodded in unison, drooling as they looked at the treasure in front of them. This treatment was much better than their own Trainer.

"Isn't this too expensive coach?"

Gu Xi originally thought that Jiang Qing would simply teach some fighting skills, or fight him for a few games, and that would be the end of the training.

I didn't expect him to be so serious. The seven bottles of qualification potions alone can no longer be measured in money.

Now there is another pile of treasures.

Seeing this, Gu Xi was completely confused and at the same time very embarrassed. After all, she was having sex for nothing.

If you pledge yourself to me ------- others will look down on you.

"They are all useless things. What's the expense?" Jiang Qing asked puzzledly.

Apart from spending some points on the qualification potion, Jiang Qing didn't feel sorry for these treasures at all. It was just a waste of space to put them in the system space.

Unintentional display of wealth is the most deadly.

Gu Xi, who has never been short of money since she was a child, now feels her "poorness" from Jiang Qing

"That's it for them first, now it's your turn"

Jiang Qing looked at Gu Xi.


Gu Xi pointed at herself and then said: "Coach, are you going to teach me combat theory?"

"Why teach that stuff?"

Jiang Qing shook his head and continued: "Four of your Pokémon have Mega Evolution forms. Do you have their Mega Evolution stones?"

Mega Evolution can greatly improve the strength of Pokémon.

"Aggron's doesn't have one," Gu Xi said and looked at Jiang Qing.

After all, many of the Mega Evolution stones related to Metagross and Aggron are monopolized by the Jiang family. There are some in the outside world, but only very few.


Jiang Qing took out an Aggron Mega Evolution stone and handed it to the other party.

"If you win the championship, I'll give you the Mega Evolution Stone. If you don't have it, I'll give it back to you," Jiang Qing said lightly.


Gu Xi nodded heavily. With just the qualification potion and these resources Jiang Qing gave her, she had to go for the championship.

And this is only the first day of training, there are still nine days to come.

"Now to enhance your mental strength"

The length of time you want to maintain Mega Evolution has a lot to do with the Trainer's own mental and physical strength.



Gengar, the fat white man, appears.

"Wait a minute Gengar will hypnotize you, and then use nightmare on you, and try to survive in the nightmare."

When Gu Xi heard this, she took a few steps back and said with a pale face: "Coach, you don't have to be so big."

Using nightmares after hypnosis can indeed improve the Trainer's mental power, but this level must be controlled well, otherwise the Trainer will suffer a great loss of mental power due to nightmares, and if not, he will directly become an idiot.


Jiang Qing didn't give her a chance to refuse at all.


Gengar Frillish glanced at Gu Xi, who immediately fell down.

"Move her to the bathtub. There is medicinal liquid there that can improve her physical condition," Jiang Qing said to Gengar.


Gengar nodded, and then floated towards the villa with Gu Xi.

"Bisharp, these six guys are left to you. As long as they are not dead or disabled, you can do whatever you want."

"Magearna, just stay here and take care of them."

Magearna's Ability is Soul Heart. The function of Soul Heart can quickly increase the level of surrounding Pokémon and help them absorb energy in the body. Of course, this only works for Pokémon with low levels.

After reaching the quasi-championship level, the role of the soul heart is almost gone. .

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