Jiang Qing originally thought that Gu Xi and Dong Bo couldn't talk for more than a few minutes. After all, they didn't know each other, and Gu Xi also called Dong Bo as aunt. It was already good that the other party didn't hang up on the spot.

But half an hour passed before Gu Xi walked out of the battlefield.

"Coach Cellphone"

Gu Xi returned the phone to Jiang Qing.

"What have you been talking about? How long have you been talking?"

Jiang Qing was very curious that they could chat for half an hour. He almost couldn't help himself and went over to eavesdrop.

"Let's talk about some girls' topics with my sister, coach, and you can leave it alone." Gu Xi looked at Jiang Zhi angrily.

First sister?

I used to call her aunt, but now I call her sister. This change is too fast.

Women are truly magical creatures.

The look of wonder on Jiang Qing's face made Gu Xi speechless.

Of course she wouldn't tell Jiang Qing "730" about what they were talking about. This was a secret between her and Dong Bo.

"Jiang Qing, we are back"

Celebi and Jirachi, who went out to play here, have already flown back.

"Jiang Qing, I brought you milk tea"

Celebi handed a cup of milk tea to Jiang Qing.

"You are so nice that you will bring me milk tea. You don't have anything to ask of me, do you?"

Jiang Qing took the milk tea and looked at Celebi with special vigilance. This guy was either a traitor or a thief when it came to being courteous for nothing.

"No, I just want to bring you talent."

Celebi suddenly became a little angry when she heard this.


Jiang Qing still remained skeptical and determined that Celebi had too many criminal records.

"Jiang Qing, I also have ice cream here."

Celebi had already brought milk tea to Jiang Qing. Of course, Jirachi would not lag behind and hurriedly handed an ice cream to Jiang Qing.

I took the ice cream, looked at it, and found that it had indeed not been licked, so I started eating it.

A sip of hot milk tea and a sip of ice cream.

Just eat this way, people with weak constitution will immediately become thinner.

"You guys are a little weird today"

Jiang Qing was still a little worried, always feeling that these two little guys would plant a bomb for him later.

Just now he looked at the brands of milk tea and ice cream. They were both relatively expensive. This cup of milk tea cost dozens of dollars, and the ice cream was the same.

The two little ones only have one hundred dollars of daily pocket money to pamper each other.

Spending most of the money to buy food for herself, if there are no ghosts in it, Jiang Qing said that she and Arcanine will be brothers from now on.

"Are you getting into trouble?" Jiang Qing asked.

Celebi and Jirachi nodded in unison.

This is really the case.

"What happened this time? Did I accidentally break the glass of the shopping mall, steal a child's snacks, or sneak into a movie theater without paying?"

When it comes to the troubles the two little ones have caused over the years, Jiang Qing is very clear and logical.

The two little ones shook their heads again.

It seems that this disaster is still new.

Jiang Qing was also very curious about what new trouble these two little guys had gotten into.

"I just wanted to update Douyin with Jirachi today, so I wanted to take a picture of your figurines."

Hearing this, Jiang Qing's heart tightened inexplicably.

The eyes he looked at the two little ones were beginning to look dangerous.

"Then I accidentally dropped your limited-edition Salamence figure on the ground and broke it."

Celebi said this in one breath, and then immediately ran away with Jirachi.

"I'm sorry Jiang Qing, we didn't mean it"

Jirachi didn't forget to apologize to Jiang Qing when he ran away.

The limited edition Salamence figure was broken into pieces, and Jiang Qing covered her heart.

What is a limited edition? It is one that is produced in small quantities and will never appear again.

And this Salamence limited edition was not something he bought at a high price from other buyers, but something he really got by his own luck.

This is a rare moment for European emperors.

So Jiang Qing loves this figure very much, which Celebi and Kiraikan also know.

Now it's broken.

No wonder he spends a "big price" on food for himself.

"Coach, what's going on?"

Gu Xi looked at Jiang Qing, who was exuding low pressure, and felt a little scared, but she was also curious about what Celebi and Jirachi had just said to Jiang Qing to make him so angry.


Ai Guanshi: "I broke Zai's figure into pieces, I really deserved it."

"Black and white Opelucid, catch them back to me"

Jiang Qing watched Celebi and Jirachi disappear and sneered.

Run, you can run away.

After a few breaths, the black dragon carried Celebi and the white dragon carried Jirachi to Jiang Qing.

Just let the black and white Opelucid catch it. It seems that Jiang Qing is really angry this time.

"Dad, I was wrong" X2

Seeing that they couldn't escape, the two children immediately admitted their mistake and cowardice. If they hadn't been carried, they would have knelt on the ground...

But it didn't work this time. Jiang Qing just dealt with their buttocks, otherwise he would never be able to get out of his heart.

There was also a good thing dog in the middle who told Salamence about this.

When Salamence heard this, he realized that the figure that symbolized him had been broken into pieces by two foodies. It was okay, so he immediately flew over.

Then he joined in the spanking with his tail.

Anyway, a first-level god and a quasi-champion doesn't have to worry about damage at all.

"There is no pocket money this month"

After pumping for a while, Jiang Qing relieved herself and let go of the two little ones.


The two little ones didn't dare to say anything. After all, their buttocks were still red, and they didn't dare to bargain with Jiang Qing now.

"Who is this woman Jiang Qing?"

Celebi pointed at Gu Xi. It had noticed Gu Xi for a long time, but it was just because something happened that it didn't ask about it until now.

"NPC" Jiang Qing said.

"Coach, why am I an NPC? At least I can be considered your student," Gu Xijiao said angrily.

Jiang Qing will train himself later, so even if he is half a student, it is not too much.

"Hello Celebi and Jirachi, I am Gu Xi, a student of the coach," Gu Xi introduced herself.

Then he took out his mobile phone and took another group photo.

He told the two Xiaozhai that he was their fan, and also took out his Douyin account. Although he followed hundreds of them, Shin did have Celebi, Jirachi and of course Yangqing.

I follow hundreds of women who are really "philanthropic".

Seeing the extremely enthusiastic Gu Xi, Celebi suddenly gave Jirachi a wink.

Celebi: What does she look like?

Jirachi: Like what.

Celebi: Doesn’t it look like our money bag this month?

Jirachi: If Jiang Qing knew, would he be angry?

Celebi: Leng Tou Qing doesn’t get angry often, so you don’t have pocket money for a month.

Jirachi: No.

Celebi: Then keep an eye on this money bag.

With a few glances at each other, Celebi and Jirachi understood each other's intentions.

This damn thing is simply more awesome than telepathy.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Gu Xi suddenly found that Celebi and Kira were much more interested in her.

Jiang Qing: What are you doing again? .

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