Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

118 Elite class teacher

In the special class, there are only thirty places in the special class of Imperial Capital University each year, and those who can enter the special class are among the best, and they have achieved outstanding results in high school.

Jiang Qing is the No. 1 in both the team and individual competitions of the Yinbai Provincial High School League, and has awakened the power of the advanced guide and the intermediate Psychic, but only his own people know about the intermediate Psychic.

In this special recruit class, there are people with special abilities like Jiang Qing, such as Shen Yu's heart and the power of Yulong.

There are also people who have won the first place in the high school league held in their own province.

There are also people who challenged city-level gymnasiums in their third year of high school, participated in provincial conferences, and got the top three good results.

There are also those who have passed the normal college entrance examination and are national champions.

Everyone here is the best of the best. If you haven't achieved impressive results in high school, you will be looked down upon.

Everyone is a genius, and geniuses are arrogant. The so-called literary has no first, martial arts has no second, no one wants to be second, and the first is the goal they pursue.

Jiang Qing's student number is 202201, not only the first student in the special admission class, but also the first student in this year's Imperial College.

Many people in the class were looking at Jiang Qing, most of them were unconvinced, Taunt, eager to try, they didn't think they would be worse than Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing's family background is very good, but their family background is not bad. None of the students in the special admission class are from ordinary families, and at least they are local tyrants.

All of them were born in a family, so why should you be crushed by Jiang Qing? Could it be because of your Elite grandfather.

"Jiang Qing and the others seem very upset when they look at you"

Before Teacher came, Shen Yu sat down with Jiang Qing. In terms of pure strength, she was basically at the bottom of the special recruitment class. If she hadn't awakened her mind, she would not be eligible to enter the special recruitment class.

Because she was sitting with Jiang Qing, she was also noticed by many people who were hostile to Jiang Qing.

"Your position as chief doesn't seem to be good 〃〃"

Speaking of which, Shen Yu showed a schadenfreude expression.

She said that Zi was also very unhappy with Jiang Qing, but she couldn't beat the other party. If they had the ability to defeat Jiang Qing, she would cheer for them.

"It looks like you really want to join them," Jiang Qing said lightly.

"How come, I'm with you"


Shen Yu hurriedly shook his head, but the expression on his face was very guilty.

Looking at Jiang Qing secretly, I really doubt whether the other party has the ability to read minds, it can be seen.

I don't have mind-reading skills, but I can still feel your malicious guide.

Following the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor outside, a burly man in his thirties walked in.

Glancing at the class, seeing that all thirty people had arrived, he said, "I'm your head teacher Fang Xian, Rock is an Elite"

There are hundreds of millions of registered trainers in Xia Guo, but there are only more than 500 Elite-level trainers in total, and each Elite-level trainer is the confidence of Xia Guo to other countries.

It is the most important existence to protect the nuclear level of the Xia State.

The quasi-Elite Jiang Qing has contacted several, and even killed one, but Fang Xian is the third Elite trainer besides his father and grandfather.

At the same time, this Elite-level Trainer is also their class teacher. An Elite-class Trainer does not go to explore advanced secret realms or ruins, protect the family and the country, or perform various tasks. Instead, he is their class teacher, which shows the treatment of the special recruit class how special.

And the other party is not a Normal Elite Trainer, Fang Xian's reputation is also very loud among all Elite Trainers.

In the entire Imperial University, there are a total of six Elite Trainers, the strongest Elite Trainer is the Dean of the Trainer Academy, and the second strongest is this Fang Xian.

"As students of the special class, each of you will be challenged by ordinary class students once a month. The loser will enter the ordinary class, and the winner will enter the special class."

Everyone knows this, but no one thinks that they will lose to ordinary people. They are special recruits, they are children of aristocratic families, and they are geniuses. How could they lose to ordinary people.

Pride, arrogance, and complacency are the mentality of many students in special classes.

"Choose a monitor first, Jiang Qing, you are the chief, and you can be the monitor. The monitor has 1,000 credits per month."

Originally Jiang Qing was going to reject it, but when he heard that he had credits and it was still a thousand, he nodded in agreement.

In each university, credits are coin currency, and students can purchase Pokémon, props, treasures, skill CDs, tree fruits, etc. in the school through credits.

You can also use certain students to ask a special teacher to teach them one-on-one.

On the fifth floor of the school library, the books in it are written by some quasi-Elite or even Elite-level trainers about their own experience in raising and training Pokémon and matching moves.

And viewing such books also requires credits.

Treasures, props, and Pokémon are all Jiang Qing. There are two Elites at home, and there is no shortage of one-on-one teaching from a dedicated teacher.

But the books in the library are still worth reading. Although the Jiang family is a steel family, the training of steel Pokémon is definitely the world's top, but this does not mean that the training of steel Pokémon by other steel trainers is not as good as the Jiang family.

There are always some books that can be used for reference and improvement.

Seeing that Fang Xian had let Jiang Qing be the monitor without their consent, he finally couldn't sit still with Jiang Qing, the few people who occupied the chief position.

"Teacher Fang, I don't agree." One person stood up against it.

"I don't agree with Teacher Fang either. The squad leader should be the strongest person in the special class."

"I want to be a class leader too"

One person stood up against it, followed by a second, a third, and finally six people stood up against Jiang Qing being the monitor.

Other students chose to wait and see, a look of a good show.

"Jiang Qing, what do you say, if you don't want to be, then I'll change someone" Fang Xian asked.

He kicked the ball to (Wang's) Jiang Qing. As the chief, if he doesn't have a certain strength, he should go down as soon as possible.

Trainer is a profession that needs competition to improve, and proper competition can make Trainer grow better and faster.

"Let's go and fight the battlefield"

Jiang Qing stood up and walked out of the classroom.

No matter whether he is the squad leader or not, this battle is absolutely inevitable. Who made him the leader, they value the position of the leader more than the squad leader.

And the so-called wanting to be a monitor is just an excuse to challenge himself.

Jiang Qing also happened to have this idea. Anyway, if you all don't accept yourself, then I will beat you all, and I will continue to find fault with myself after the province.

Fang Xian smiled slightly, but Jiang Qing's self-confidence made him very satisfied.

PS: Regarding the update issue, I am not a full-time writer. I usually have to go to work. I guarantee two updates a day. If the situation allows, I will have more.

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