Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1177 One Against Two

In the battle arena, Jiang Qing's Meilu Meta is fighting against Steelix. As the duo in Jiang Qing's team who likes to lie flat the most.

Today's battle was definitely not initiated by them, but was conducted under Jiang Qing's order.

Both sides are at level 88. In the late stage of the quasi-championship, their strength can be regarded as firmly occupying the second place in Jiang Qing's team.

He's just too lazy, otherwise he would probably be level 89 already.

Arcanine is already level 89, and Banguiras is a latecomer, also at level 89, mainly because of the stone marrow, which greatly improves its absorption and digestion of energy taken into the body.

Kartana, like Milotic, is a quasi-champion at level 90, and is only one chance away from becoming a champion-level Pokémon.

The fighting styles of Mel Meta and Steelix are similar. To put it simply, their fighting styles are that they like to attack and fight head-on.

Steelix's body structure is destined to be unable to take the agility route.

But Melumeta doesn't need to use force at all. This guy's body structure can still take care of both, but for some reason, this guy just likes to fight.

The two sides have been fighting for more than ten minutes and 797 minutes now, and it's all a collision of moves.

It seems to be saying that whoever hides is an inferior Pokémon.

Melmetal uses Mega Punch, and Steelix uses Iron Tail.

Steelix uses Dragon Breath, and Meilu Meta uses Steel Beam.

It focuses on body collision and light waves.


Arcanine: "Two reckless men, don't worry, I won't fight them like this."

Arcanine, who was standing next to Jiang Qing, was very good at observing people's emotions. When she saw Jiang Qing's expression was not good, she knew that her Trainer must be angry.

These two fools didn't know that they were having such a great time fighting there.

Steelix: "The boss looks a little bad, doesn't he?"

During the fight, Steelix took the time to observe Jiang Qing's face and found that his face looked bad.

After hitting Melumeta's Bullet Punch with Crunch, he whispered.

It was also difficult for him to bite Melumeta's Bullet Punch in his mouth and he could still talk at the same time.

Hearing this, Meilu Meta also looked back secretly.

Damn it, my face is really not that good.

"Have we been discovered for fixing matches?"

Meilu Meta said softly.

Steelix was a little anxious now.

"Are you trying to trick me? Didn't you say that you have studied how to fight against fakes?"

Meilu Meta hurriedly explained: "I must have studied it, and studied it for a long time, and also discussed it with Celebi. I shouldn't have been discovered by the boss so quickly."

It's not scientific.

"Don't mess with me. When the boss knows that we are cheating like this, if he trains us like Aggron, we will not be able to survive this life."

Steelix now wants to kill this cheating teammate with one tail.

Melumeta shuddered when she thought of Aggron.

Jiang Qing's training of Aggron was absolutely inhumane in their eyes.

Even the avengers are not treated like this.

"What are you two muttering about? Hurry up and move."

Jiang Qing's face suddenly went blank when he saw that these two guys were actually starting to chat.

And do you have the proper attitude towards fighting?

"Kartana, go in, as long as you have the ability to kill them, it will be fine." Jiang Qing looked at Kartana who was already eager to try.

Although he really didn't see that Steelix and Melmeta were cheating, he was very dissatisfied with the way the two fought and the Contest Condition they treated.

If you really think you are a charitable Trainer, then you are overthinking it.

One against two!!

Kartana was so excited. Although her winning rate in one versus two was not very high, Jiang Qing trusted herself and felt that she could win.

A hole opened in the protective cover, and Kartana flew in.

"What are you doing, are you planning to change someone?" Meilu Meta asked curiously (bdbh).

Kartana looked at the two indifferently and raised her right hand to point at them.

"Two Hakimi, the boss asked me to come in and educate you. Come on Hakimi, beat me and survive, or I will kill you."

Sure enough, this show-off started to show off again.

Jiang Qing has long been used to it. A Kartana who doesn't show off is not a Kartana.

Steelix and Meilu Meta both looked at Jiang Qing and found that their Trainer's face was even more gloomy than before. They immediately knew that this pretentious fan was really sent by their Trainer.

"One against two, I'm afraid you don't know how strong you are."

Melumeta clenched his fists together, and fire flew everywhere.

Although Kartana is higher than them, it is only one level higher.

"You think you are the boss?" Steelix said angrily.

One level higher, I thought it was ten levels higher, it was so awesome.

If you are the giant boss, then I will kneel down and surrender immediately.

"Two Hakimi know nonsense," Kartana said disdainfully.

"You are Hakimi"

Melumeta said and punched Kartana directly.

In terms of body shape, only Kartana in Jiang Qing's team is the most suitable to be Hakimi.


Kartana easily dodged Melumeta's fist, but the latter's fist turned in the air and came at him again.

"It's useless. I already know your fighting style like the back of my hand."

The body is like a thin piece of paper, constantly dodging.

Upon seeing this, Meilu Meta also punched out with his left fist.

The two fists are like two spiritual snakes Normal, surrounding Kartana in the air, but no matter how fast it is, it cannot hit Kartana.

"It's useless, it's useless, your actions have already been noticed by me"

While Kartana was dodging, she was still spouting trash talk, which made Meilu Mehta even more angry.

"What are you looking at? Do something?"

"Don't you feel uncomfortable watching this show-off? If we really lose, what do you think the old Conference will do to us?"

Melumeta looked at Steelix, who was still standing stupidly beside him without making a move, and suddenly became furious.

Then he looked at Kartana: "You little brat, you'll always hide from me if you can, but if you get punched by me, I'll beat you out of your last night's meal."

Kartana is a typical assassin type Pokémon, with high damage and high attack speed, but this guy’s HP is really low. Even with the Steel type, its defense is good, but its special defense is very low.

So if it is really hit by Melometa's fist, it might really knock out its overnight meal. After all, Melumeta's fists are strengthened and are more powerful than those used by most Pokémon. Boxing skills are all very powerful.

"With your speed, you can't even touch the corner of my clothes."

Kartana sneered. It knew its shortcomings very well. It was difficult to make up for the shortcomings. Even if it could be made up, the effect would not be very great.

Then expand your own advantages. .

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