Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1171 Jiang Qing: I’M Married

Daidai's House is a coffee shop specially opened by Daidai for homeless Slowpoke.

Jiang Qing came here today, not because of anything, but just because he was bored at home and wanted to come over and take a look.

After all, the last time I came here was on the first day of opening of this Daidai House, and I haven’t been here for more than a year.

Everyone on the Internet knows that this coffee shop is opened by Jiang Qing, and the barista in this shop is trained by Jiang Na's parents.

The brewed coffee tastes really good and the price is cheap.

Therefore, Daidai Home has become an internet celebrity store in Lancang City, with many customers coming here to drink coffee or check in every day.

In order to cause unnecessary trouble, Jiang Qing naturally did not bring the two little ones here. Even the little Nebula was left at home by him to rest.

Metagross was included in the Poké Ball.

After using Psychic to change his face, Jiang Qing walked in.

Jiang Qing came earlier, but there were already quite a lot of customers in the shop. Fortunately, the coffee shop has three floors, and today is not a holiday, so there is still a seat.

After ordering a cup of coffee, Jiang Qing went directly to the third floor.

When passing by the lobby on the first floor, many people were taking pictures of the things displayed in the lobby. These things all belonged to him.

In order to support Daidai, he even used his beloved hand power.

"Limited edition silver-white Metagross, I finally saw it for real. There are only 500 of them in the world."

“Jiang Guanjun’s Metagross figure number is 1”

"At that time, the price was one million, but now it has risen to 20 million. I think there are people who want this Metagross 50 million."

"I really don't know how Jiang Champion got it. He must be so lucky."

The man said with great envy.

When Jiang Qing heard this, she felt very proud.

I still need to grab it, why not just buy it directly from the person who grabbed it.

It didn’t cost more than 30 million to buy it.

The price has increased now.

There is an inexplicable sense of pride that the investment has paid off.

It’s not that I don’t make money, the figures I don’t buy have already increased by 20 million.

The first and second floors are non-smoking areas, and the third floor is a smoking area, so in addition to the aroma of coffee, there is also a faint smell of smoke on the third floor.

In the past, excessive smoking and drinking would harm the body.

But now with the development of medical technology, the harm caused to the body by smoking and drinking has been reduced a lot.

Therefore, the number of these two types of people is relatively large.

Basically, more than 80% of trainers like these two.

Jiang Qing felt that she was not involved in these two things. It was not because she was self-conscious, but because she loved to take care of her.

My grandfather and father both smoked, but they never smoked at home. You know the reason.

Although Jiang Qing has changed his face, he will definitely not turn himself into an ugly guy. He is still very handsome, and he has a very unique temperament.

As soon as we arrived, we attracted a lot of Stephanie ladies who were drinking coffee on the third floor.

"Handsome guy, can you add your contact information?"

Then a brave Stephanie walked over directly.

"Thank you for getting married," Jiang Qing smiled.


Stephanie curled her lips in disappointment.

Stephanie around heard Jiang Qing say that she was married, and her expressions were more or less disappointed.

Poochyena, who was greeting guests on the first floor, suddenly smelled a familiar smell.

Suddenly I thought of something and immediately ran upstairs following the smell.

At this moment, Jiang Qing is enjoying the coffee sent by Slowpoke.


A cheerful Growl sounded in my ears.

He saw Poochyena sitting at his feet, wagging her tail and looking at him excitedly.

Although the face changed, the smell did not change. Tianlang Quan knew that the person in front of him was Jiang Zhi.

"haven't seen you for a long time"

Jiang Qing bent down and gently stroked Poochyena's head with her palms.

Poochyena's tail wagged even more cheerfully, and her tongue came out.

"It actually lets you touch it, you are so awesome."

It's the same Stephanie who wanted to add WeChat just now. She is sitting at the table next to Jiang Qing.

In fact, she didn't believe Jiang Qing was getting married. After all, Jiang Qing didn't even wear a ring on her finger. Maybe she was just rejecting herself.

After all, I have rejected many boys who came to ask for WeChat.

"Oh, doesn't it usually let people touch it?" Jiang Qing said curiously.

Seeing Jiang Qing talking to her, the girl said happily: "Yes, I often come to this coffee shop, and I have seen many customers trying to touch Poochyena, but they were all avoided by it."

"Maybe it likes me more."

Jiang Qing smiled and stopped what he was doing.

Poochyena was very smart and knew that Jiang Qing didn't want to be recognized, so she hurried downstairs.

"Then you must be a good person," the girl said firmly.


Jiang Qing was a little speechless. Stephanie, a very beautiful wife, why did she suddenly curse?

"Because Poochyena likes you, and this cafe is owned by Champion Jiang, then neither Slowking nor Slowpoke nor Poochyena are normal Pokémon."

When Jiang Qing heard this, he couldn't help but asked: "... I remember that these Pokémon seem to be wandering Pokémon. So if they are really not Normal, how could they become wandering Pokémon?

In fact, the qualifications of these Pokémon are very Normal. Only Slowking has green qualifications, and the others have yellow qualifications.

It is also because their qualifications are too low that they are abandoned by their Trainers and become wandering Pokémon.

"You are stupid. After being taken in by Champion Jiang, these Pokémon will become abnormal even if they are normal."

That girl looked so serious that she almost believed she loved herself.

"Yeah, you are right."

Jiang Qing nodded in agreement.

"Can you add your contact information, beauty?"

At this time, a man came over. He was a bit handsome, but of course he couldn't compare with Jiang Qing.

He has long been attracted to this woman, and he knows that Jiang Qing has nothing to do with this woman. After all, they are not at the same table.

"I'm sorry I'm married"

Stephanie shook her head.

Jiang Qing: (Zhao Zhao) You are learning from me.

"Beauty, your reason for rejection is really bad," the man laughed.

"Yeah, I think it's pretty bad too."

The woman said and looked at Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing touched her nose awkwardly.

Is it bad? I feel pretty good.

"It's not impossible to add my contact information, as long as you are stronger than me."

As she spoke, the girl took out a Badge box from her bag. After opening it, there were ten Badges from city-level gyms lying inside.

"I want to participate in this year's Yinbai Province Conference. I am the pinnacle of elite strength. I am a junior at Yinbai University and a Trainer in the Steel Department."

Jiang Qing glanced at this girl in surprise, but she didn't expect that she was a genius.

After noticing Jiang Qing's gaze, the girl gave him a proud look.

"And you"

"Well, I'm not as good as you."

The man shook his head in embarrassment. If he had such strength, would he need to take the initiative to love Stephanie's wife's contact information?

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