Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1169Jiang Lan’S Heart Flow Contest Condition

In the battle between Pokémon, no matter how big the strength gap between the two sides is, even if the opponent knows that there is no possibility of winning, there is still a Covet for victory deep in his heart.

This covet of victory is Pokémon’s biggest motivation for pursuing strength.

Victory is what it wants, and it is also what it wants to give its Trainer the best Present.


Mega Metagross's voice was still as calm as before, but this time Jiang Lan felt its burning fighting spirit and pursuit of victory.

"Smelly boy"

Jiang Lan laughed loudly: "Today I will show you how powerful Metagross and I are."


Mega Metagross gave another soft drink, seeming to be responding to Jiang Lan.


Jiang Qing's eyes widened slightly.

The atmosphere between my father and Mega Metagross has changed, and they seem to be slowly merging into one.

This is Flow Contest Condition!!

I was extremely surprised.

If Trainer wants to enter the flow Contest Condition with Pokémon, it is equivalent to the epiphany in fantasy novels. It is simply a rare thing.

To enter this kind of Contest Condition, the relationship between Trainer and Pokémon, Contest Condition, has very high requirements.

Jiang Qing remembered that the last time Jiang Lan entered the Flow Contest Condition with Metagross, he broke through the bottleneck and became the champion. At that time, Jiang Lan's pressure came from Yveltal, and his motivation was naturally to protect Jiang Qing.

Now Jiang Lan's pressure comes from Dragonite, and his motivation is to defeat Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing did not rush to attack.

Jiang Lan and Mega Metagross have just entered the Flow Contest Condition, and are not very stable yet. Once they attack, it will be easy to break out of the Contest Condition.

This is my father, not an enemy.

And the Flow Contest Condition is extremely rare and has great benefits for both Trainers and Pokémon.

If this is interrupted, Jiang Qing will really become a traitor.

In about two minutes, Jiang Lan and Mega Metagross' flow Contest Condition had completely stabilized.

“Mega Metagross Meteor Mash”

Under this Contest Condition, Jiang Lan did not need to speak, his voice directly passed into Mega Metagross's heart.

The Jiang family’s signature Pokémon is silver-white Metagross, and Metagross’ signature move is Meteor Mash.

Seeing the starting action of Mega Metagross, Love will know what the opponent's moves are.

Even Dragonite is familiar with it. After all, it often challenges Metagross in private and has been beaten by its Meteor Mash countless times.

A swish sound.

The speed of Mega Metagross is extremely fast, and it is almost like teleporting within a short distance.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Dragonite, and Meteor Mash hit his head. The pressure on his fist actually made Dragonite feel that he was facing his own partner.

"A million punches"

Dragonite went straight up.

The fists of both sides were heavy and Tackle, and a bright white light appeared in the center, just like atomic fission Normal.

As the light illuminated the entire battlefield, the dazzling light made Jiang Lan and Jiang Qing subconsciously close their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, an explosion that was more terrifying than the previous Dragon Pulse and Ultimate Impact sounded on the spot, and a white bolt formed a small air wave from nowhere, cutting everything around it like a knife.

Tackle heavily on the protective cover.

Deoxys continuously inputs Psychic to maintain the energy of the protective shield.

I sighed in my heart more than once, both Dragonite and Mega Metagross showed strength far beyond their own level.

There was also a hint of amazement in Jiang Lan's eyes.

As the father of his Trainer, he is indeed not a simple character.

Under the explosion, both Dragonite and Mega Metagross were thrown away, and they all hit the protective cover heavily.

This time the attacks from both sides were evenly matched.

Flow Contest Condition, the strength of Mega Metagross has undoubtedly become stronger.

Of course, this Contest Condition is not without side effects.

Looking at Jiang Lan, who also took a few steps back, his face was a bit paler than before.

Under Flow Contest Condition, the Trainer and the Pokémon are one, and the Trainer will also be hurt if the Pokémon is harmed.

Of course, Trainer's damage must be much smaller than that of Pokémon. Otherwise, if the damage was the same, the mother who raised Qingqing now would be a widow.


Jiang Qing's voice came into Dragonite's mind.

This is Psychic, not that Jiang also enters the flow Contest Condition.

Letting him fight does not mean that Dragonite is not the current Rival of Mega Metagross, but Jiang Qing wants his father and Mega Metagross to maintain the flow Contest Condition longer.

If Mega Metagross is injured again, Jiang Lan's body may not be able to maintain flow Contest Condition...

Dragonite nodded at Uncheckable.

"Mega Metagross Hyper Beam"

The golden Hyper Beam drives layers of air waves.

However, with Dragonite's speed and the fact that both parties are now at both ends of the field, this distance is enough for Dragonite to avoid.

"Bullet Punch"

Mega Metagross flies towards Dragonite.

"Double Team"

Dragonite's body shook, and then dozens of Dragonites appeared in the venue. It was difficult to tell whether they were real or fake.

Mega Metagross's Bullet Punch can only stop and change its moves instantly.

Psychic swept through the entire field like a hurricane. All the fake Dragonites disappeared, and soon the only true Dragonite remained.

Strong mental thoughts instantly covered Dragonite's body.

Although it was unable to completely restrain Dragonite's movements, it made its movements extremely sluggish, and Mega Metagross took advantage of this opportunity to attack directly.

While maintaining Psychic, Comet came over.

It is not difficult for a champion-level Pokémon to perform two tasks at once, not to mention that Metagross has a Mega computer in its body, which can perfectly calculate the output ratio of steel-type energy and super-type energy in the body, ensuring that the two moves have the greatest relativity. The power.

Being restrained by Psychic, Dragonite's movements were still slow, and his head was hit by Mega Metagross's Meteor Mash.

The body hit the ground like a meteor.

Because the Ground was covered with a protective shield by Deoxys, 4.3 Dragonite did not hit the Ground. Instead, it was because the protective shield was too strong. After hitting it, it bounced back hard.

The damage is much greater than hitting the ground.

After all, falling on the cement floor and falling on the lawn are two different concepts.

The flying Dragonite immediately controlled his body, shook his dizzy head, and a little blood slowly fell from the top of his head to the corners of his eyes.

Not a big problem.

Jiang Qing secretly thought in his heart.

If it weren't for his father, when Dragonite was restrained by Psychic just now, Jiang Qing could have asked Dragonite to use Dragon God Dive.

Mental strong thoughts only bind the physical body, but they cannot restrain the energy in the body.

With a son like me, Dad, you will wake up from your dreams with a smile.

Jiang Qing feels that if she is not a filial son, then absolutely no one in the world will be. .

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