Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1167 Dragonitevs Metagross On

Jiang Qing felt that he must be a filial son. He saw his father being beaten to the ground by the carefree attendant and screamed for about ten minutes.

Jiang Qing couldn't bear the sound of his voice going from loud at the beginning to weak now.

"I'm sorry to have to take care of you. If you hit me again, you'll beat me to death."

"When he is healed, you can continue."

Added another sentence at the end.


The carefree waiter felt that what Jiang Qing said made sense, so he put away the rolling pin, and then said angrily to Jiang Lan: "Handle things more cleanly in the future."

After saying that, he stepped on Jiang Lan's back and left.

Lunch was ready. Jiang Lan came back today and had to cook more and asked him to take it to the kitchen to eat. Such a guy is not worthy of being served on the table.

"You brat, I'm your father, why aren't you afraid of being struck by thunder if you treat me like this?"

Seeing that Ai Guanshi had left, Jiang Lan quickly stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and looked at Jiang Qing, the traitor, fiercely.

At that time, I should have shot this traitor against the wall.

Jiang Lan's screams were of course fake.

But Aiguanshi also knows.

"Didn't I plead with the carefree waiter on your behalf? Otherwise, dad, you would still be screaming on the ground."

Jiang Qing felt that her old 580 father was a little ignorant. After all, she had saved him, so if she didn't feel grateful to herself, it would be fine. "Why do you still need me?"

"Then do I still have to thank you?"

Jiang Lan gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Qing, the traitor.

"You're welcome"

Jiang Qing grinned, and the next second she tilted her head, and then a shoe flew past her head.

With a snap, it hit Arcanine right in the face.

"Woof woof"

Arcanine suddenly became unhappy. He stood up and started talking trash to Jiang Lan.

As long as it's not his own Trainer, Daidai, or Tube, Arcanine isn't afraid of anyone.

“Asshole, even your dog is like this Power Trip.”

Jiang Lan was furious. Although he didn't know what Arcanine was shouting, he knew from his tone and expression that this guy must be scolding him very dirty.

"A dog relies on human power, haven't you heard what dad said?" Jiang Qing said.

Then he patted Arcanine's head to indicate that it was almost done.

After all, he felt that the scolding of this bitch was quite dirty. Fortunately, Jiang Lan couldn't understand what Arcanine was scolding, otherwise Arcanine would probably be roasted.

"I haven't taught you anything for a long time, how about a game?"

Jiang Lan took out a Poké Ball.


Jiang Qing nodded. He happened to be a little bored and wanted to play a game to pass the time.

So the two came to the battle site.

“Deoxys decorate it”

A Psychic protective cover rose, which was stronger than the field protective cover.

Pokémon: Metagross (Steel/Super)


Qualification: purple

Ability:Light metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: no gender

Moves: Tackle, Steel Beam, Confusion, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Psychic, Scary Face

Disc Skills: Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Protect, Light Screen, Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Gyro Ball, Psyshock

Note: The power of Dijingua steel skills increases by 20%

Note: Using power crystal increases speed by 30%

Note: Using punch, punch, and punch moves increases the rate by 30%.

Note: If you use Homeland and fall on the Ground, your physical strength will be restored by 1% every second.

Note: Using Crystal Stone increases defense by 20%

Jiang Qing was a little surprised when he saw the information about his father's Metagross. Where did the crystal stone come from? He already knew the first four, and where did the fifth one come from.

"Did you find a treasure in the original secret realm?" Jiang Qing asked.

"You have seen this all"

Jiang Lan was a little surprised, but at the same time he said proudly: "I had better luck going in this time, and I actually found a treasure."

"By the way, kid, why didn't you take this treasure?" Jiang Lan asked curiously.

No one else had this shitty luck, and Jiang Qing felt envious in her heart.

"Look down"

But he said it very hard.

This (bdcb) crystal stone is definitely not missing by itself. As long as it is a treasure, it will never escape the detection of the Dowsing Machine, let alone a treasure.

The Dowsing Machine did not display it at that time, so this treasure must still be in the process of being conceived, so the Dowsing Machine did not display it.

It was only born after he left the original secret realm.

So Jiang Lan is not lucky.

But Jiang Qing really doesn't like this thing. It's just a very ordinary treasure, and none of his main Pokémon is useful.

Jiang Lan's Metagross used a total of five treasures. The second and third pieces were given to him by Jiang Qing, and the others were made by Jiang Lan himself.


After seeing Jiang Qing, Jiang Lan's golden monster said a deep hello.

Jiang Qing has liked to lie on Metagross's back since she was a child, so her relationship with Metagross is very good.

At that time, Metagross wanted to split a Beldum for Jiang Qing to use as the Earl Dervish Pokémon. Unfortunately, Jiang Qing refused and chose the Beldum that was split from his grandfather's Metagross.

This made Jiang Lan's Metagross sad for a long time.

"Metagross, wait a minute, don't hold back, let this kid see how powerful you are," Jiang Lan said.


Metagross nodded.

Jiang Qing touched the Poké Ball that was swinging around her waist.


He sent out the Dragonite.

He didn't let his own Metagross appear. After all, this would be too bullying of Jiang Lan's Metagross.

Pokémon: Dragonite(Dragon Flying)



Ability: mental power

Props: Dragon Fang

Gender: male

Moves: Hurricane, Wing Attack, Roost, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Slam, Rain Dance

Skill Disc: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Substitute, Iron Tail, Breaking Swipe

Genetic Skills: Extrreme Speed, Dragon Stars, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Note: Soaking in the dragon pond will increase the power of dragon moves by 25%.

Note: When flying feathers are used, the flying speed increases by 30%, and there is a certain chance of recovering 15% of the physical strength during flying.

Note: Using the dragon soul source will increase it by three times, and dragon-type moves will increase by 50%. Depending on the strength gap between the two sides, the strength of Pokémon of the same type will be suppressed from 10% to 90%.

Note: With golden qualification, the road to becoming a god is opened, and the overall strength is increased by 50%.

After Jiang Qing completed the main mission of owning six championship-level Pokémon, he was rewarded with two golden legendaries.

I wanted to use it all for Metagross to see if I could improve its golden qualification, but the system showed that it couldn't be used.

So one of the golden legends was given to Dragonite.

Jiang Qing still owes a lot to Dragonite. The number of partner treasures in the same period is more than it, and Gengar, the ghost of destiny, is a latecomer.

So Jiang Qing didn't hesitate and directly gave the golden legend to Dragonite.

The second golden legend is naturally given to Aggron, there is no problem with this.

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