Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1162 The Remnants Of The Wen Family Died

"Xerneas is in the original secret realm of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, and the direction is to the west."

Jiang Qing had already thought about which address to use to deceive them.

First of all, except within my own country. After all, if I talk about my country, the people in the Y God Organization may not believe it, and they may think that I am lying to them.

He wanted to lure them to Xia Kingdom and then catch them all.

And once people from the Y God organization enter the country, they may cause some trouble. There is still a first-level god within their organization.

Jiang Qing absolutely cannot start the War of Gods in the Xia Kingdom.

So we can only talk about foreign countries.

There are several choices in these countries, and Jiang Qing thinks the best choice is the Stars and Stripes Country.

Who told them that the original secret realm appeared in their country, and it is rumored that the Fairy energy of their country's original secret realm is more intense than the energy of other Attributes.

Xerneas is the first level god of the Fairy family.

The original secret realm also has its own mysterious color.

In addition, if the Xingstripe Kingdom and the Xia Kingdom don't deal with each other, then if you don't say anything about them, who will?

Just as Jiang Qing thought, the woman opposite had no doubts, at least on the surface.

"Jiang Champion, I know that the Star-Spangled Kingdom guards the original secret realm very strictly. How did you get in?" the woman asked.

330 "You don't have to worry about how I got in. It's my secret. I've already told you the location anyway." Jiang Qing looked at the other party coldly.

Show an expression of disgust at being asked about your secrets.

"Now can you give me that man on the ground?"

Jiang Qing pointed at the remnants of the Wen family.

The woman nodded, and then the men beside her threw the man to love.

Maybe the fall was a bit heavy, or maybe the other party was about to wake up.

Looking at the man who was gradually waking up, Jiang Qing chuckled and said, "Just wake up, otherwise I will have to wake you up."

The man who was a little confused at first, saw that the person speaking was Jiang Qing, his pupils shrank for a moment, and then he saw his sister next to him.

At present, he does not know that his sister is dead and thinks that she is still in a coma.

Thinking of what happened before he fell into coma, and looking at Jiang Qing in front of him, he didn't understand what happened.

"I have done so much for the organization, but in the end I ended up like this, becoming a commodity for trading."

Because he was tied up, he turned around with difficulty and questioned the woman behind him.

"Wen Shan, your purpose of joining the Y-god organization is inherently impure" (aedi)

"Your sister Wen Wen even relies on her body secrets to get many people within the organization to do things for her."

"Without organization, you might have died long ago."

The woman looked at Wen Shan expressionlessly. Although the other person was indeed a genius, his mind was not on the organization. If the other person was dedicated to the organization.

Then she may be hesitant when facing this transaction. Of course she will trade in the end, but at least she will be hesitant.

"Hahaha, then let me ask you how many people in the organization are sincerely committed to the organization?" Wen Shan laughed and looked at the other person with sarcasm.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jiang Qing, and his sarcastic expression turned into Rage.

"Jiang Qing, you killed my father and Aunt Zhang, why did you do this?"

Roaring, saliva was about to spray onto Jiang Qing's face.

"Your father was not killed by me, but by my grandfather. He seemed to have died quite miserably at the time, but if the Aunt Zhang you mentioned was the old woman, then it can be said that I killed him."

"But you still missed one thing."

As he spoke, Jiang Qing pointed to Wen Wen on the ground: "I also killed your sister."

Wen Shan was startled, looked at Wen Wen, and climbed over directly.

"Wenwen, Wenwen, sister, sister"

He called the other person's name and put his ear against the other person's muzzle.

No breathing.

Dead, really dead.

"Jiang Qing, I want to kill you"

His only relative was dead. Under the huge rage, this guy actually broke the rope on his body and rushed towards Jiang Qing with blood-red eyes.

That look was going to tear Jiang Qing alive.

But before the other party even got close, Jiang Qing kicked him hard on the chest, and he didn't even know how many ribs were broken.

Before he could get up due to the severe pain, Jiang's foot had already stepped on his head.

"If you want to blame, blame your father. He wanted to kill me and failed. Then of course he and his family will have to pay the price."

"As his illegitimate son, you can't escape."

Their siblings are innocent, to a certain extent, they are indeed innocent, but who knows that they have the blood of the Wen family flowing in their bodies.

You have to do things to the best of your ability. In this regard, Jiang Oreburgh is much more cold-blooded than Jiang Qing.

Otherwise, if it had been Jiang Oreburgh who had faced the Du family in Xiangjiang last time, he would have killed not the direct descendants of the Du family, but the entire Du family.

Even the Rattata in the sewers of the Du Family Manor will be destroyed by you.

"Ah ah ah, Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing!!!"

Wen Shan kept roaring and struggling, the anger in his heart erupting like a volcano.

But it has no effect. Rage can indeed bring him strength, but it can't change his fate.


With the force of his feet, Wen Shan's head exploded like a watermelon.

"Jie Jie"

Gengar swallowed Wenshan's soul and read the other party's memory.

It can be considered that he has truly achieved the point of not being able to live beyond death.

The headless corpse twitched a few times, and then stopped after a few seconds.

"Celebi, have you noticed that Jiang Qing likes to stomp on each other's heads?" Jirachi whispered in Celebi's ear.

"Well, I have discovered a long time ago that Jiang Qing has a violent tendency. If he marries a wife in the future, he may domestically abuse her."

"No way, I don't hit women in circles."

Jirachi shook his head, not quite believing what Celebi said.

"Then we are so cute, and Jiang Qing beats us, isn't this a violent tendency?" Celebi said confidently.

When Jirachi heard it, it didn't seem to make sense.

Jiang Qing was secretly enjoying the pleasure of killing the remnants of the Wen family, and then he heard Celebi's slanderous words in his ears.

"I agree that Jirachi is cute. You, Celebi, have nothing to do with being cute now. You are just greasy." Jiang Qing looked at Celebi angrily.

"Jie Jie"

Gengar has digested Wen Shan's memories and determined that this person is Zhen Wen Shan, and many of his memories are the same as those of his sister Wen Wen.

On the surface, the two are indeed siblings.

And there is no third Wen family member in his memory.

Now Jiang Qing can be sure that there are no remnants of the Wen family in the world.

"Then Champion Jiang, let's leave first."


Jiang Qing nodded.

Watching the five people leave, Jiang Qing said to Deoxys: "Let's go back too."

He didn't take action against these five people, wanting to keep them or something, because there was a sense of crisis in the Unown within his body.

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