Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1152 Machamp And The Girl

After turning off all the lights in the store, Boss Shen said to Machamp beside him: "Machamp, all the windows have been closed."

Machamp nodded.

"Then after get off work today, let's go home"

Boss Shen smiled and then walked out of the door with Machamp. When he was about to close the door, there were subtle footsteps.

"Why did the boss close the store so early? It's only ten o'clock?"

There was a questioning voice from behind.

Most sparring clubs stay open until one or two in the morning.

Battle clubs that close so early are basically the kind that have no business.

"I still have to go home to spend time with my wife and children."

Boss Shen did not look back, but closed the door and turned around.

Looking at the middle-aged man behind him, Boss Shen said: "Guest, if you come to my battle club, I will give you a 20% discount at eight o'clock tomorrow."

Just after he finished speaking, Machamp next to him suddenly took action and slashed the man's neck with his knife.

But the hand knife stopped abruptly when it was just a finger away from the man's neck.

Machamp's face turned red, and veins popped out on his neck, but no matter how hard he tried, the knife could not move any further.

"It seems that even after retirement, you have not lost your vigilance as an Oreburgh guard. I am very happy about this, 507 Aron"

The man's words made Boss Shen's face suddenly darken.

Aron was his codename when he was an Oreburgh guard.

"If you take action against me, you should know the purpose of my coming to you, right?" the man asked.

Boss Shen shook his head: "I don't know, I just sensed danger from you. I didn't know you were from the Oreburgh Guard."

"Back then, ten Oreburgh guards were sent overseas to deal with the Wen family. So far, three of the ten Oreburgh guards have died, and the other six are still among the Oreburgh guards. Only one has chosen to retire."

"Aron, with your talent back then, as long as you continue to stay in the Oreburgh Guard, even if you cannot become the leader, you can at least become a team leader."

"You are in your prime, but you chose to retire."

"Aron, tell the truth, you know the Oreburgh Guards have a lot of tricks up their sleeves"

Tianyuan Community, Boss Shen’s home.

His seventeen-year-old daughter was watching TV on the sofa with a bag of potato chips beside her.

Machamp, wearing an apron, was clearing away things on the coffee table, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

"What's Machamp doing? It's placed in a wonderful place"

The young girl (abfj) suddenly became anxious and wanted to snatch the remote control from Machamp's hand, but was pushed to the ground by Machamp's ten-worm hand.

"Mom, Mom, save me"

The girl asked for help towards her mother who was vibrating on the other side of the sofa.

Her mother glanced at her and said calmly: "It's like this every time. I wonder if it's time for you to go to bed and rest?"

"But tomorrow is Saturday, I can go to bed at 11 o'clock"

The girl's "stern" voice sounded.


Machamp remembered that tomorrow was indeed Saturday, so he silently released his palms and helped the girl straighten her messy hairstyle.

"Hmph, Machamp, if you don't buy me something delicious tomorrow, I won't forgive you." The girl's cheeks swelled and she looked at Machamp with grievance, but there was a sly look in her eyes.

Machamp nodded silently.

"Then I want potato chips, spicy strips, beef jerky, milk tea, preserved fruit, nuts, and - woo woo woo -"

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was directly covered by Machamp.

Machamp: I gave you face, right?

He looked at the girl dissatisfied.

The girl opened Machamp's palm with her hands and said angrily: "Machamp, are you going to cover me to death? You="

The words were still not finished, but this time Machamp suddenly hit Sky with a Fire Punch on his head. Under the hot air waves, the girl could even smell the burning smell coming from her own hair.

With a scream, a Gourgeist appeared from above the girl's head.

Gourgeist smashed into the wall and flew out, and the sound caused alarmed the entire community.


The sudden change caused the girl to scream in surprise, and her mother immediately held her in her arms.


Machamp stared at the three Gengar around him.

Elite's peak aura exploded instantly, killing the three Gengars directly under their horrified gazes.

"So-so strong"

The girl looked at Machamp blankly. It was hard to imagine that Machamp, who had taken care of her and had been a nanny, could be so powerful.

Machamp's change made the girl temporarily forget what had just happened.

Without waiting for the girl to ask, Machamp picked up the girl and her mother, jumped directly from the twentieth floor, and then ran in a certain direction.

"The Machamp on the other side of the team leader is a peak Elite, and now it has escaped with the mother and daughter."


The unhurried voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's going on with Machamp? Why are there Pokémon trying to kill us? And why are you hiding your strength? Where's dad? Where's dad?"

The girl was held on Machamp's shoulders, and now they had entered a small forest in Aquila City.

Facing the girl's inquiry, Machamp said nothing.

"Mom, do you know something?"

The girl asked her mother beside her.

His mother pursed her lips and shook her head, her face slightly pale.

Although she didn't know the reason, it must have something to do with her husband. The power Machamp had just burst out was definitely Elite level.

She has such strength, but she has been working as a nanny at home, and her husband, who has such a Pokémon, only opened a small battle club.

Machamp ran all the way and suddenly noticed something. His footsteps rubbed against the ground and he stopped abruptly.

"Has Machamp reached a safe place?"

The girl was a little dizzy from being pressed up. She only knew that Machamp stopped and asked subconsciously.

Then the girl felt herself being put on the ground by Machamp.

Machamp: "You go first, I'll stop them"

Ahead, under the moonlight, an Aggron was standing quietly, and the aura emanating from it made Machamp wary.

The girl didn't understand Machamp's words, but she understood Machamp's actions.

"Machamp, you must come over to me and mom."

It's not like in the TV series, where you let someone go at a critical moment, and someone refuses to leave, and in the end, you drag down your teammates.

His mother released her Dodrio and the two rode on it, but Aggron did not stop him.

"Introduce yourself, the leader of a group under the three leaders, codenamed Lairon." A man wearing a Lairon mask walked out from behind a big tree.

"Are you going to be captured by yourself, or am I going to break your legs and hands and kill you in the end?"

It was Machamp's fist that answered the opponent's words.

Listening to the sounds of fighting coming from behind, the girl couldn't help but tighten her grip on Dodrio's feathers. .

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