Listening to the conversation between the two people, it felt like two partners talking, without the feeling of tension between enemies at all.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to feel something was wrong. He changed the subject and said in a deep voice: "If what you said is true, we are willing to do this deal."

"Oh, you can be the master," Jiang Qing said jokingly.

"I can't do it, but I just informed the leader of what you said."

"So your leader agreed."


Trading the lives of Wen's family for a chance of eternal life was a huge profit. If the leader of the other party disagreed, Yadu would suspect that his mind was just a decoration.

"But only if you tell us where Xerneas sleeps."

Hearing this, Jiang Qing mocked: "Do you think I'm stupid? You can use it on me like a white wolf with nothing."

"Tell your leader to bring me all the people from the Wen family, and then I will tell you where Xerneas sleeps."

"Jiang Qing, aren't you a wolf with nothing?" the man said angrily.

"Humph, we are different. Even if the remnants of the Wen family have help from your organization, as long as I have 01, I will never be able to cause any trouble."

"It will be a matter of time to find them and your organization. Once I find them, you know what will happen without me telling you."

"Since I will find you sooner or later, why don't you take the initiative to hand over the remnants of the Wen family, so that you can also get the place where Xerneas sleeps?"

"I don't believe your leader will reject the hope of eternal life."

“Think about it”

"Consider it and call me. I think you must know my number. And don't say anything to the carefree waiter again, otherwise the transaction will be cancelled."

After saying that, the Jiang family hung up the phone directly, and then returned the phone to the escort at the side.


"Baby, what do you want to eat tonight?"

The carefree waiter put his cell phone in the pocket of his apron and looked at Jiang Qing with a smile.

My cub has grown up and knows how to protect itself, and my heart is filled with pride and relief.

“Octopus balls”

Jiang Qing thought of the unpalatable octopus balls he had eaten in Baga Country. This memory was obviously not very good. He had to eat delicious octopus balls to cover up this memory.

"What about the others?"

"You can decide for yourself about the other care-taking servants. I like to eat whatever you make," Jiang Qing said with a grin.


The stewardess nodded.

Then he went to the kitchen, took the vegetable basket, and left.

"Lucario, you go with the caretaker, just in time to get the basket," Jiang Qing said.


Lucario's Poké Ball opens automatically.


Lucario appeared next to the caretaker and took the vegetable basket from his hand.


Ai Guanshi smiled softly, knowing what his son meant and didn't say anything.

With the strength of the quasi-champion, and being in a city, it would be very difficult for the opponent to succeed.

But isn't Jiang Qing at home? Of course, she has to ensure safety.

Watching Guanshi and Lucario leave, Jiang Qing checked in the refrigerator.

"Huh? I bought a bottle of Coke before and put it here."

After talking so much to that guy, Jiang Qing's throat felt dry and she wanted to drink some Coke, but there wasn't even a bottle in the refrigerator.

"Did you two drink all of it for me?"

He looked at Celebi and Jirachi sitting on the sofa vibrato with evil eyes.

"It's only ten bottles. Jirachi and I can't even rinse our mouths. Jiang Qing, you are so stingy."

Celebi pouted and handed the phone to Jirachi.

"Jirachi, hold your phone for me. I want to record a video."

Then he took out a chicken drumstick with a pistol from his small backpack. He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the drumstick in one bite, leaving the bones outside.

After moving her mouth a few times, Celebi pinched the outer bones with her little hands and pulled them slowly.

A bone without a trace of flesh or fascia was completely pulled out of its mouth.

The smooth bones would make flies slip on them, and Arcanine would shed tears just looking at them.


After looking at Jiang Qing for a long time, he choked out these two words. This skill is really difficult for normal people or normal Pokémon to do.

The whole chicken legs go in and the whole bones come out.

"Celebi, you are so awesome, please teach me"

Jirachi stopped recording the screen on his phone and still looked at Celebi respectfully.

We all also like to eat chicken drumsticks, but why do you make such a fuss about eating fried chicken drumsticks?

It's like smoking. People just smoke normally, but you can blow out several smoke rings in a row, even through your nostrils.

If you do this, it will make me look stupid.

"It's easy to say, as long as you give me half of the money in the small vault and use it as tuition, I will teach you immediately. I will not refund the full amount."

Celebi's abacus was beating loudly.


Jirachi agreed without any hesitation.

I can’t help it, the fried chicken leg bone spitting out just now is so cool, it really wants to learn it.

Then Jirachi flew to the second floor, and when he came down again, he already had a layer of small coins in his hand.

Jirachi took out five hundred dollars.

But Celebi did not answer, but sneered: "I'm talking about half of the small vault, why don't you have two in the small vault?"

"How did you know"

Jirachi suddenly looked at Celebi in surprise.

"You said it yourself when you were dreaming at night," Celebi said.

This excuse sounded so familiar to Jiang Qing.

But now I am too lazy to watch the scene in 393 where Celebi defrauded Jirachi of a small amount of money. After all, this scene has appeared countless times.

Celebi succeeds every time, but Jirachi is just stupid and reasonable.

"Lucario asked the caretaker to buy some Coke"

Jiang Qing used the power of the waveguide to contact Lucario, because after Lucario became a champion, Jiang Qing had a closer connection with its waveguide.

Now we can use waveguides to communicate even though we are far apart.

Jiang Qing has not yet experimented with the specific distance, but it is just far away.

Lucario, who was shopping for groceries with the stewardess, heard Jiang Qing's words in his mind and immediately conveyed them to the stewardess.


"There is so much moo milk in the refrigerator and you don't drink it, why do you always like to drink cola?"

The steward couldn't help but complain, but after buying the groceries, he turned around and walked into the supermarket to buy a Coke for Jiang Qing. By the way, he also bought some potato chips, shrimp crackers and other snacks for Celebi and Jirachi.

For this family, the core is not Jiang Qing, but Ai Guanjia.

As long as you take care of yourself and stay at home, the home will always feel like home.

No matter who comes home or how late he comes home, he can always have a hot meal.


"This hat fits Magearna very well and is very cute."

The stewardess held a hat, gestured, and then put it in the shopping basket. .

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