Each student in the special recruitment class has a villa of their own, about 300 square meters, and a small courtyard, where Pokémon can usually be placed.

If the students of other ordinary classes live in dormitories, the kind of four-person room.

As the chief of the special recruitment class, Jiang Qing's villa is five times larger, with a gym, swimming pool, Pokémon training room, not to mention the area of ​​the yard, which is almost the size of a football field and a half.

Jiang Qing is still very satisfied with the place where he lives. He can suffer and get tired, but he can't let Pokémon suffer with him.

A good trainer must have such a noble consciousness.

There are four villas like his in the entire Imperial University, representing the chiefs from the freshman to the senior year.

The ground area of ​​the entire Imperial University is also huge, with a total ground area of ​​300 square kilometers, which is larger than that of the Johto Region in Normal County.

Among them, the Trainer Academy occupies the largest ground area. This academy occupies 100 square kilometers, and there are thousands of large and small battlefields in it.

If you are in a relationship at Imperial University, if it is not a college, it is considered a long-distance relationship, but you can see that the area is huge.

I took a cursory look at my room and took out the luggage from the system space. The room will be cleaned regularly, which saves Jiang Qing hiring a cleaning-Pokémon.

In the yard, there is a pool, rockery, Abigail, ancient trees, and even a barbecue grill. The school is really thoughtful.

Released all the Pokémons.

Metagross, Lucario, Meltan, Dragonair, Steelix, Slowking, Aron, seven Pokémon are looking around curiously.

"What kind of environment do you like or not, and if you don't like it, I will tell the school"

For the place where they live, Pokémons are not very demanding, the biggest requirement is to have a large space, otherwise their activity space will be controlled.

The other Pokémon were all observing their surroundings, but Aron didn't have the same thoughts, and trotted to Jiang Qing with Meltan on his back.

"Here, gluttonous guy"

Jiang Qing patted Aron's head lightly, because of Totem's soul, Aron is now one meter tall.

You must know that Aron is only 40 centimeters under normal conditions, and it can reach 50 to 60 centimeters when it develops better. It is absolutely impossible to reach 1 meter.

So much taller than Normal's Aron, so is his appetite.

Now Jiang Qing is a little worried that the hundreds of tons of rough diamonds he has dug out of the secret realm will not be enough to last until Aron evolves into the final Aggron.

"Okay okay, stop licking"

Jiang Qing picked up Meltan, who was constantly licking Aron's head. If Aron didn't have hair on his head, he would have been bald by Meltan.

Although Aron has no hair, the metal color in the places where Meltan is often licked is undoubtedly a lot brighter than the other places.

This polished piece can almost be used as a mirror.

The little guy who was being carried by Jiang Qing was still a little unconvinced, and his limbs kept Struggle.

If you can't eat its shell by yourself, can't you just lick it?

Jiang Qing bought an aura stone from the system space, and the little guy immediately started to eat it happily.

"I don't know if the character is still like this after evolution," Jiang Qing muttered.

The evolution of Meltan is not in a hurry, the current Pokémon is enough, and after the evolution of Pokémon, the character will tend to mature.

For now, let Meltan continue to enjoy its "infant" joys.

Anyway, in the near future, Meltan is unlikely to appear in people's field of vision.

"Metagross, come out with me, Lucario will take care of you here, remember not to let Meltan eat other metals, Steelix don't give me Dig"

Lucario nodded.

After Jiang Qing left, Dragonair flew into the pool to take a bath. Steelix said that I don't drill holes, so please don't look at me.

Meltan was sitting on Aron's head with the Ora ore, and both Pokémon were cooking.

Slowking took off his crown, took out a scarf from the hollow of the crown, put on the crown again, tied the scarf, and walked into the villa.

Lucario: The crown was originally used in this way.

Walking in the Trainer Academy, almost every student walking on the road is accompanied by a Pokémon. Those who can enter the Trainer Academy of Imperial College are not weak.

Even freshmen, their Pokémon have reached the elite level. The second year is basically between the elite peak and the quasi-Elite. In the third year, if you are not a quasi-Elite, you are embarrassed to say that you are a student of the Trainer College of Imperial University.

...for flowers ·

As for Elite, it depends on how good your life is.

Jiang Qing's probing eyes swept the surrounding Pokémon one by one, and they were basically all green-qualified. Even in Imperial University, green-qualified Pokémon were mainstream.

Occasionally you can see one or two cyan qualifications.

At the Trainer Academy, you can see almost every Pokémon on the market, even quasi-gods are here.

Jiang Qing saw a student holding a Gible in his arms, which attracted a wave of attention. After all, although there are some quasi-god cubs in Trainer College, there are still relatively few people who can really see them. .

Of course, the most eye-catching person is Jiang Qing.


A big silver Metagross followed behind Jiang Qing, it was like a moving Spotlight, as long as the eyes were not blind, they would see through.

Many people took out their mobile phones and took pictures.

“Silver Metagross, amazing”

"Another family member, nothing but family background"

"Brother, what did you open your mouth to say, I didn't even hear you standing beside you"

"I heard that Jiang Elite's grandson came to our school, it seems to be true"

Someone quickly guessed Jiang Qing's identity, after all, the silver Metagross is so iconic.

"Guoguo, do you know him?"

Guoguo was the Stephanie who was holding Gible in her arms, and the one who spoke was the best friend beside her.

"I don't know, Jiang Elite never took him to our party," said Stephanie, named Guoguo.

Fixed social interaction plus the Pokémon, props, treasures, intelligence, etc. that you need to trade yourself, so there will be parties from time to time between top Trainers.

Most Elite Trainers will bring their juniors here, get familiar with them, and deal with the juniors of other Elite Trainers by the way.

"Isn't it right that Jiang Elite doesn't like this grandson? It is rumored that Jiang Elite is a champion."

"It's not that I don't like it, it's that Jiang Elite said he didn't want to go to such a party and felt it was a waste of time"

"With such a powerful grandfather, if he goes to a party, 80% of you will lick him. That's quite right."

Guoguo: (①...☉) Dead.

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