Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1133 Lucariovs Deoxys

As a Trainer, it is only a matter of time before he sees blood. Jiang Qing has been watching his father, a national-level steel gym leader, fight against challengers since he was a child.

Although neither side of the Gym Challenge is rushing to kill the opponent's Pokémon, the blood that should be shed and the bones that should be broken are definitely not missing at all.

When he was older, Ginger Oreburgh took him to kill some evil Pokémon.

Until now, Jiang Qing still clearly remembers the first time he saw the death of Pokémon.

It was an Elite-level Vileplume that poisoned a whole village, and was bitten in half by Ginger Oreburgh's Aggron using Crunch.

Blood and internal organs flowed all over the floor. Because the grass-type Pokémon has strong vitality, Vileplume did not die on the spot.

He lay on the ground wailing for half an hour before finally dying.

Jiang Qing still remembers the extreme hatred that the other party looked at Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Qing before he died.

After returning home, there was no change in Jiang Qing's appearance, but she had nightmares for several nights in a row~ and her mental condition was also extremely poor.

The fussy waiter felt very distressed when he saw it. When Jiang Oreburgh came home, the fussy waiter hit Jiang Oreburgh several times with a rolling pin to vent his anger on Jiang Qing.

Habits are terrible things.

When you get used to bleeding and seeing life passing by, you will no longer feel the same way you did at the beginning.

Look at Jiang Qing, who killed 30,000 soldiers in Myanmar without blinking an eye. He showed no expression at all, and was not cold-blooded. The main reason was that he had seen and experienced a lot.

Since Jiang Ai wants to be a Trainer, training in this area is naturally inevitable. Now that she has the opportunity, of course she needs to see more.

Although she was only three years old, Jiang Qing remembered that she was still five years old when she saw blood for the first time.

Then Jiang Ai is his sister. Although she will definitely not be able to surpass him in strength in the future, she can surpass him in some aspects.

For example, when I saw blood at the age of three, I was two years ahead of myself. This is also a kind of transcendence.

Right, you can't let your sister live in your shadow forever.

You need to give her a way to surpass herself.

Jiang Ai: Thank you.

"Brother, Lucario won't beat Deoxys to death, right?"

Jiang Ai saw that Deoxys now only had one head and most of his body left, and all his limbs had been beaten to pieces by Lucario.

"You can't die. Lucario has a sense of proportion, and Deoxys has a strong self-healing ability. Rebirth of a broken limb is a trivial matter for it," Jiang Qing said calmly.

Deoxys is currently in attack form. If he were in defensive form, he wouldn't have been beaten so badly by Lucario who was close at hand.

In its attack form, its defense is the weakest, and its normal form has higher defense than its attack form.

Lucario's super-high-speed close attack only lasted for a minute and then stopped.

It's not that Lucario can't hold on anymore, but that Deoxys now has no place for him to hit.

The complete part is a crystal on the head and chest.

The crystal on the chest must not be hit, what if it is cracked by yourself.

As for the head, I don't know if it will heal on its own after being beaten. If the head cannot heal on its own, wouldn't it be beaten to death by myself?

"Can your brains heal themselves?" Jiang Qing asked.

Deoxys next to him said: "As long as the crystal on the chest is there, our bodies can be regenerated even if they are gone."

He still looked arrogant when he spoke.

"Did you hear Lucario?" Jiang Qing said.


Lucario nodded.

Then an Aura Sphere smashed the opponent's head into pieces.

Deoxys next to you:......

This is why you ask about feelings.

Deoxys looked at his headless companion on the field and suddenly felt a little sorry for him.

Although the other party's head had been smashed by Lucario, Deoxys still felt that his partner was looking at him with resentful eyes.

This time Lucario really stopped.

Then he looked at the Deoxys in his body that was constantly squirming and starting to self-repair his flesh and blood. This was the first time he had seen such a terrifying repair ability.

Perhaps because the body was so badly damaged, the entire repair process took half an hour to complete.

After the body was repaired, Deoxys' aura was much weaker than before.

Jiang Qing opened his exploratory eyes and took a look.

I found that this guy's level was about to drop to the quasi-champion level.

Obviously repairing the body consumes too much energy, and it is still in an injured Contest Condition.

…‥Please give me flowers 00

Jiang Qing gave Jiang Ai a bottle of repair potion and said, "Give it to Deoxys."


Jiang Ai nodded and came to Deoxys around the repair potion given by Jiang Qing.

There was no expression of fear on his face.

"Deoxys is for you, your body will be fine after using it."

Deoxys turned his head and didn't want to pay attention to this little kid at all.


Lucario looked at the other person.


He took the repair potion from the other person's hand and drank it in one gulp.

After the repair potion entered the stomach, the effect came out immediately. The energy that was originally lacking began to fill up, and soon the energy in the body was replenished by more than half.

Only then did the power of the repair potion disappear.

"nice one"

Deoxys looked at the empty bottle in his hand, his eyes slightly brightened, then he looked down at the little bean curd at his feet, and his expression calmed [he said in a cold and arrogant tone: "Do you still have this thing?"


Lucario felt that he had acted too lightly.

"Ahem------Are there any more?"

His tone became much calmer.

"Yes, I'll get it for you"

Jiang Ai nodded, jumped up to Jiang Qing, and took another bottle of repair potion.

After two bottles of repair potion, Deoxys's injury was finally cured, and his level naturally did not drop to that of a quasi-champion.

Jiang Qing walked to her side and said: "From now on, you will be my sister's protective Pokémon."

"Bang bang"

As soon as the words are spoken, the black and white Opelucid Poké Ball opens automatically.

The aura belonging to the late stage of a first-level god rushed towards his face.


Deoxys knelt directly on the ground, looking at the black and white Opelucid standing behind Jiang Qing with horror on his face.

What the hell is this, what is the origin of this human being.

Being able to be put into the Poké Ball can only mean that these two powerful first-level gods truly recognize the human being in front of them.

The extremely arrogant first-level god actually agreed to become this human's Pokémon, and he didn't even care that the other person had another first-level god.

Is it because I have been asleep for too long due to injury and the world has changed? Or is it because I haven’t woken up and am still in a deep sleep.

"What are you two doing out here? You're scaring it?"


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