Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

113 Goodbye Slowking

Arriving in the car, the aunt took off her big sunglasses, revealing a face that was three or four similar to Jiang Lan, not a big beauty, but the lines and facial features on her face gave people a very comfortable feeling.

From their uncle, to their father, to their sister-in-law, and to their current self, the Jiang family really can't match the handsome guys and beauties in terms of appearance, but you say that they are ordinary.

Of course, Jiang Qing thinks that he is good looking, at least his mother and love steward say that he is more handsome than his father Jiang Lan.

"Jiang Qing, your auntie, why do I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

Before wearing sunglasses, Wang Fengzhi felt that Meiqing's aunt looked very young, but now that she took off her sunglasses, the face of the other party gave him a familiar feeling, obviously it was the first time they met.

"Could it be that I awakened the memory of my past life, and I met your auntie in my past life?"

Jiang Qing glanced at the grandson, fearing that it wasn't because of a mental illness.

"My aunt's name is Jiang Qi, put away the thoughts you shouldn't have in your head," Jiang Qing snorted coldly.

"Jiang Qi, I'm going to be the one in the textbook"

Wang Feng suddenly realized, I said how do I think I have seen it somewhere? Isn't the other person's appearance the author of the book "On the Influence of Pokémon Ability on Moves" in the third year textbook.

The first page of the textbook is her photo and her achievements. When they saw each other in their thirties, they won the Arceus Award, the biggest award in the Pokémon scholar world, and they were amazed at how awesome each other was.

Now that such a powerful character appears in front of him so suddenly, the key is his good brother's aunt.

"Textbooks?" Jiang Qi asked suspiciously.

Facing well-known scholars, the existence of breaking the record of the youngest winner of the Arceus Award, Wang Feng changed his inconspicuous appearance before and said quite seriously: "It's the book "On the Influence of Pokémon Ability on Moves""

"Oh, it's this one, it has already been selected for your third year course." Jiang Qi nodded.

She has published many papers and books, big and small, so she can't remember this trivial matter at all. Now that Wang Feng mentioned it, she seemed to remember that people from the Ministry of Education had indeed approached her for consultation two years ago. The research is entering a critical stage, so let the assistant go, and she will only be responsible for signing.

"Little Qinger, it's almost noon, I'll take you to dinner first, or go to the Laboratory" "eat"

Jiang Qing was resolutely opposed to the title of Xiaoqing'er, but it was useless. After fighting for more than a dozen years, the ending was like the Rockets' capture of Pikachu, and they never succeeded.

"Let's go to the Laboratory to eat"

"Xiao Qing'er seems a little unhappy, is it because I called you Xiao Qing'er?"

Jiang Qing turned his head and looked out the window, expressing that he did not want to talk to the other party.

"Obviously the eldest brother calls you Xiaoqing, and I call you Xiaoqing'er. This sounds better than the eldest brother's. Those who don't know it might think he's calling a snake."

Jiang Qi won't let Jiang Qing go so easily. She used to like to tease Jiang Qing, but she hasn't teased Jiang Qing for three years. Now Jiang Qing has brought it to her door. Tightness.

Seeing Jiang Qing's face becoming stiff at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his expression of anger and refusal to speak, Jiang Qi thought it was very interesting.


Jiang Qing stared at Wang Feng, he shouldn't have brought this guy.

"Sorry, I saw a joke on my phone and couldn't hold it back"

Looking at the other party's mobile phone page, there is a circle of friends that has not been sent yet, with a picture of Airport Jiang Qing being slapped in the face by Jiang Qi.

"Little aunt, your bodyguard has a murder certificate, so let him be destroyed."

Wang Feng: L(0)

Jiang Qi's Laboratory is located in the north of the imperial capital, backed by Damang Mountain. It is a rare place. This is normal. After all, this Laboratory is a national key Laboratory. Level Elite Trainer.

This Laboratory is not only a strategic scholar, Jiang Qi, there are five in total, and their research directions are different.

After entering the laboratory, the inspection becomes extremely strict, with three steps, one post, five steps and one post, and all soldiers are armed with live ammunition. Each soldier is equipped with an elite-level Pokémon.

Before he came, Jiang Qi greeted the Laboratory, and Jiang Qing's grandfather was Jiang Oreburgh, and Slowking was also discovered by Jiang Qing, so the Laboratory agreed to Jiang Qing and Wang Feng to enter.

However, Wang Feng could not enter the key areas of the Laboratory.

"Professor Ginger"

Jiang Qi took the two into the Laboratory's restaurant, and some researchers who were eating greeted Jiang Qi, who nodded lightly.

Most people looked at Jiang Qing and Wang Feng curiously, thinking about their relationship with Jiang Qi.

All the researchers in this laboratory are the treasures of the country, and the food used is the best. The food in the restaurant is naturally full of color, flavor and health.

The chefs who cook are all state banquet-level.

Wang Feng was eating the food in front of him, and suddenly felt that what he had eaten before was all pig food. For a moment, he wanted to change careers and become a Pokémon scholar.

After lunch, Jiang Qi took Jiang Qing and Wang Feng to the place where the Laboratory raises and Breeder Pokémon.

"." Salamence, the quasi-god of the dragon system"

"Gardevoir, Wife Beast"

“Pikachu in white, all Pikachu in this color”

In this Laboratory, Wang Feng met rare and powerful Pokémon who had never seen the three words that followed.

"What is that Pokémon, it looks like a Slowbro"

Looking at a certain person standing on a raised rock, with his hands behind his back, his face was flat, and there was a wise light in his eyes, Wang Feng couldn't help shouting.


Jiang Qing shouted.

Slowking, who was thinking about how he should live after the cosmic Explosion, suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Yeah dong"

Jumping off the rock, Slowking walked towards Jiang Qing unhurriedly.

"How was your time at the Laboratory recently?"

Jiang Qing touched Slowking's pink belly, the guy's belly was obviously bigger than when he sent it away.

Waiting (Wang Haozhao) level has also changed from level 22 to level 25 now.

It seems that the days in the Laboratory are still very good.

"Yeah dong"

Slowking nodded, indicating that it was good,

"Jiang Qing, it's called Slowking?35


"How do you know it's called that?"

"Because it's my Pokémon"

"Slowking is another evolutionary form of Slowpoke, which was discovered by Xiaoqing'er, and I borrowed it to study for a while," Jiang Qi explained.

Wang Feng said that he was shocked and needed a little time to brush it up.

"Little Qing'er, Slowking's IQ is very high. It has been tested by more than 99% of the researchers in our laboratory. In its eyes, most humans are idiots."

"But Xiaoqing'er, you are its trainer. Although Slowking thinks you are stupid, he will definitely not say it. If you have any problems with your studies in the future, you can ask Slowking for advice."

Jiang Qing:(-_-).

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