Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1123 Can Champion Jiang Future Sight?

The next day, the news all over the world was about Jiang Qing conquering the first-level god Deoxys and giving him one as a gift.

Because we don’t know the specific strength of the unconscious Deoxys, but judging from the other one, many outsiders speculate that the unconscious Deoxys is actually a first-level god.

However, this was soon overturned by some professionals.

The main reason is that the super crystal is a world treasure, very precious, but it should not be enough to heal the injuries of a first-level god.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the unconscious Deoxys is not a first-level god, but a champion.

And Jiang Qing also said that the unconscious Deoxys should be Jiang Ai's protective Pokémon. If it is a first-level god, then Jiang Qing is harming Jiang Ai.

Commanding a first-level god, or having a first-level god do things for you, will consume your lifespan.

From these two points of view, the comatose Deoxys is definitely the champion.

In fact, those professionals did guess it.

But so what if I guessed it, there was no way to cover up the fact that I had obtained another first-level god.

The top leaders of various countries really couldn't figure out why all the good things happened to Jiang Qing.

I won’t talk about the black and white Opelucid of unknown origin.

Deoxys needs super crystals to recover from his injuries. Why? No one in the world has super crystals, but you do.

And you have a super crystal, but you haven’t used it yet.

Does your Metagross have a Super Attribute? Your Daidai also has a Super Attribute. Why don't you use such an important world treasure?

Then when Deoxys needs it, you just take it out.

Nima, this kind of thing is too coincidental.

Some people doubted whether Jiang Qing had seen the future, so he made preparations in advance.

Or maybe he himself traveled back from the future.

[Don’t tell me, it’s really a coincidence]

[Yeah, do you think Champion Jiang can really see the future?]

[I believe even more that Champion Jiang has traveled from the future]

[Is that soul wear?]

[Don’t guess, it might just be a coincidence]

[If Champion Jiang can really see the future, then why is he still single now and not looking for his future wife?

[Is it possible that Champion Jiang will always be single in the future]

[I took a screenshot and will send it out now. You can wait to receive Jiang Guanjun’s lawyer’s letter]

Looking at the comments on the Internet, Jiang broke into a cold sweat and even started to stay.

Although both are wrong about seeing the future and traveling from the future, they are somewhat related.

After all, he is a time traveler, and he also has a system.

As for why some people believe that people can see the future or travel from the future.

That's entirely because Pokémon, such magical creatures, especially the top ones among the first-level gods, each possess magical powers.

For example, Dialga is known as the God of Time. He can freely travel between the past and the future, and can speed up, slow down or even stop time.

This power of controlling time has been reflected in reality, so these people actually have certain basis for saying that Jiang Qing can see the future, or has traveled from the future.

But it’s okay, anyway, if I don’t tell them, they can only guess.

When she saw the following comments, Jiang Qing became a little angry. When talking about the comment that she would be single in the future, she commented: You are single, and your whole family is single.

Then this comment was directly pinned to the top, with more than 500 million likes.

"It's better to play vibrato"

Jiang Qing felt that she had better change her entertainment method to avoid being annoyed by these netizens.

As a result, when you turn on vibrato, this is the first thing you hear.

"I conquered Catterpie"

Jiang Qing's face darkened, and she looked at the blogger in the video to see if his actions and tone were imitating his own.

"Tsk, they don't look alike at all."

With a murmur, he moved his thumb and slid down a video.

"I conquered Magikarp"

Next one.

"I conquered Charizard"


"I conquered the hamburger"

"I conquered the girl in the foot bath shop"

I'm crazy.

Mimic doesn't care about himself, why don't he surpass himself.

Jiang Qing felt a blue pain in his head, and immediately lost interest in playing Douyin. All he watched were Mimic and videos that surpassed him, which were not interesting at all.

"Your human world is so interesting"

Next to him, Deoxys is holding a mobile phone and looking at information about human society.

Its tentacle-like palms are very flexible and have a strong learning ability. In just half a day, it almost understood human society.

…………seeking freshness


And also got to know Jiang Qing.

You can find out the information about Jiang Qing by just searching.

"No wonder I feel a variety of powerful auras on you. It turns out that you have dealt with several first-level gods."

Deoxys' rather emotional voice came from his mind.

"And it is also a first-level god."

Tentacle pointed at Jirachi who was drinking milk tea, his tone was a little weird.

I feel like I am a first-level god together with it, and it seems that I have lost a bit of value.

"What are you looking at? I'm better than you. I'm 102 and you're 101."

Jirachi felt the other person's disgusted gaze and attacked him unceremoniously.

What is courage? Naturally, it feels that its level is higher than that of the opponent, so its strength must be stronger than the opponent, so it has courage.

I have never thought about whether I am good at fighting or not, and I don't know my position.

What you have is an auxiliary first-level god.

In a real fight, Deoxys doesn't even need to switch forms, he can just pin you to the ground and hammer you.

Originally, Jirachi was also 101, but while it was eating junk food, Jiang Qing also gave it energy cubes from time to time, so its level was raised by one level.

"I will catch up with you"

Hearing Jirachi say that his level was higher than it, Deoxys was also depressed for a while. What the other party said was the truth, and it was really hard to refute it.

You can't really beat Jirachi, after all, he is a partner now, and the one who beats him will probably be beaten to tears by you, and you will have to coax him when the time comes.

"Don't even think about it, I won't let you catch up. I will also eat energy cubes every day from now on," Kira said firmly.

Because it has to eat junk food, if it eats energy cubes, its stomach will be full at once, and it will not be able to eat French fries, fried chicken, milk tea, etc.

Therefore, it would only eat some energy cubes every few days at Jiang Qing's forced request.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have taken so long to give birth to such a level.

"You'd better eat more fried chicken, energy cubes are already once every five days," Jiang Qing said.

He never expected to fight Jirachi, so why upgrade the level? Besides, energy cubes don’t require points, even though the points for purchasing energy cubes can be halved now.

Maybe we can just save it, so we should start from Jiguangbian to save the king. .

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