Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1116 Jiang Aikao Celebi

Various countries have been monitoring the Meteorite that may threaten Blue Star. After all, if the diameter is too large, if it is really smashed down, it will not matter if it hits other countries.

But if it hits your own country or a country adjacent to you, it will have a big impact.

So when these two large Meteorites entered Blue Star, satellites from various countries had already detected them, and they also felt that there was something unusual.

After all, there may not have been one Meteorite of this size for decades, but now two appear at once.

Although I felt a little uneasy, I wasn't too worried. After all, Rayquaza would crush Meteorite.

There are satellites outside Blue Star, and Rayquaza living in the ozone layer is actually equivalent to living under human surveillance.

At the beginning, Rayquaza was very happy to have a satellite above his head, and he felt like he was being watched.

So during that time, the satellites of various countries were destroyed by Rayquaza.

But I can't bear it. Countries continue to launch. If you destroy one, I will destroy two.

As time went by, Rayquaza became bored and stopped destroying it. He just let the satellites stay above his head. Occasionally, when he looked unhappy, he would shoot one down.

Rayquaza is considered to be the only first-level god that humans can directly observe, and he is also the one who protects Blue Star the most.

The Meteorite destroyed by it in the past hundred years alone has saved many countries.

Originally, various countries thought that these two Meteorites would be defeated by Rayquaza like the previous Meteorites, but this time something unexpected happened.

Among the defeated Meteorite, a Pokémon that had never appeared before unexpectedly appeared.

And this Pokémon can actually deal with Rayquaza for a short time.

First level god?

All countries have this idea.

A Pokémon that can contend with a top level one god like Rayquaza is definitely a level one god.

Later, various countries saw the scene of Rayquaza fighting the mysterious Pokémon, and the second Meteorite was broken in half by Rayquaza's Hyper Beam, and each fell to the ground below.

"Quickly, quickly analyze the specific location of the two Meteorites falling and the amount of energy generated after falling."

The top leaders of the space agencies of various countries watched the huge Meteorite fall in two, and their faces turned pale with fright. They quickly asked their subordinates to calculate and make sure it didn't fall into their own territory.

After calculation, most countries breathed a sigh of relief.

Except for two countries.

Xia Kingdom and Star Stripe Kingdom.

Half of this split Meteorite fell towards the location of Lancang City in the Xia Kingdom, and the other half fell towards Lambur City, the second largest city in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

When the countries looked at it, they didn't smash their own homes, so that would be fine. When they looked again, they saw that it was the Xia Kingdom and the Star Stripe Kingdom that were smashed. The homes of the boss and the second child suddenly felt happy.

They hurriedly gathered around to watch the fun.

If this Meteorite is not blocked, the city it hits and the surrounding cities will suffer a huge blow, especially the city it hits from the front, will definitely be destroyed.

"Director, after our calculations, once Meteorite falls on Lancang City, it will be equivalent to five hundred nuclear weapons detonating at the same time. Lancang City will disappear instantly, and the huge energy will spread to one-fifth of the area of ​​​​Xianghuo."

Countless people at the Xia State Space Agency were making calculations, and the conclusions they drew made everyone pale.

"There are still half an hour before Meteorite falls. Director, should we notify the military and let them launch missiles to blow up the Meteorite?"

With the technology currently available to humans, there are still many ways to prevent Meteorite from falling, so even though it is very dangerous now, the director is not too panicked.

"I will inform the great elder, and you seem to have forgotten that Lancang City is Jiang Guanjun's hometown, and he is there now."

The director's words made the people around him calm down immediately.

Yes, they also have Champion Jiang.

At Jiang Feng's home in Lancang City, Jiang Zheng was holding his sister Jiang Ai and watching cartoons on the sofa.

"Brother, this Mightyena is so stupid. Why can't she always catch Mareep and Flaaffy? If she had loved me instead, she would have caught them long ago."

Jiang Ai sat in Jiang Qing's arms, looking at Mightyena in the cartoon with some dissatisfaction.

"Isn't that why our family loves to be smart?"

Jiang Qing pinched the other person's soft cheeks and smiled.

"Well, love, love, I'm the smartest."

Perhaps he was blessed by Mew when he was born, or maybe the Jiang family’s genes have always been excellent. Three-year-old Ai’ai was not only able to speak very early, but was also very smart.

This makes everyone in the family very happy.

"Celebi, why are you still eating French fries? Mom said eating too much of these things will make you stupid. Love, love, I never eat them," Jiang Aida said.

Celebi curled her lips and said: "Your mother is lying to children. Only a brat like you would believe it. Look, I have become stupid after eating so many French fries."

Jiang Ai has Mew's blessing, so like Jiang Qing, she can understand the words of all Pokémon.

'.々You are not smart, my brother said you are the stupidest."

Jiang Ai stuck out her tongue at Celebi.

Celebi looked at Jiang Qing angrily. This stupid young man knew how to speak ill of me in front of a little kid.

"If you are not stupid, I will give you a test. If you can answer it correctly, then you are smart Celebi"

"Come on, I'm afraid of you little brat"

How could Celebi be so excited by a three-year-old kid? She immediately put down the fries in her hand.

“Dragonite’s wings are so small, but why can it fly?”

Celebi was stunned and touched her chin. The image of Meiqing's Dragonite with a very big belly and small wings appeared in her mind.

Yes, its wings are so small, why can I fly it? Why have I never thought about this problem before?

"Because Dragonite is actually very light, it just looks heavy," Celebi guessed.

"That's not right," Jiang Ai said.

"Well, Kuai (Qian) Dragon's wings are very powerful, so I can fly with it."

"No" Jiang Ai shook his head.

"If you don't know, I can change the question."

"Change the question. The question just now was an accident. I can definitely answer the second question."

Jiang Qing: So I don’t know what the answer to the above question is, but I want to save face, so I can’t ask.

"The second question is why Metagross is silver-white instead of other colors, such as black and yellow"

"Because its father or mother were silver-white, that's why it is silver-white."

Celebi answered quickly, and felt that it was definitely right this time, because it knew that Metagross reproduced by division.

Therefore, the Jiang family’s Metagross has always been a silver-white heterochromatic Metagross.


But Jiang Ai still shook his head.

Jiang Qing: This isn’t right either. Am I also a fool?

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