Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1108 Zhou Han: Almost Admitted To Tokyo Metropolitan University

Although the Zhou family is only a medium-sized family in Lancang City, this family has several businesses that cooperate with the Jiang Group, and the cooperation is very close.

There were many outside families who lowered their own interests and wanted to take away projects from the Zhou family that were cooperating with the Jiang Group, but the Jiang Group didn't agree.

From this point of view, the Zhou family and the Jiang family have a deeper relationship.

Because they don't know the relationship, most families will look at the Zhou family in a different light.

Since Zhou Zhang was admitted to Dongli Hospital, the hospital's leadership has also been very concerned about this.

First, Zhou Zhang has made several major donations to Dongli Hospital.

Secondly, Zhou Zhang is a well-known businessman in Lancang City. Curing him will also be of great benefit to Dongli Hospital.

Based on these two points, Dongli Hospital certainly treated Zhou Zhang with great care.

And now this kind of treatment is going to be upgraded again, directly to the top level.

Because Jiang Guanjun came to see Zhou Zhang and gave Zhou Zhang's attending doctor Lin Yi four blood muscle fruits, which shows how much he cares about Zhou Zhang.

According to what a young nurse said, Jiang Guanjun had an unclear relationship with Zhou Zhang's daughter.

Zhou Zhang's daughter, Zhou Han, has been met by the hospital's senior officials. She is indeed a beautiful girl with an excellent figure, and she is also a top student at Lancang University.

"Why is this happening? It's not like Champion Jiang likes men. If he does this, I won't have a chance."

A certain male doctor's face was full of disappointment.

With this expression, he saw his colleagues around him retreating.

"Really or not, you like men"

Of course it’s true, I don’t like Champion Jiang now, I like you.”

"Get out of here"

The doctors gossiped about Jiang Qing.

The nurses are naturally no different. Whether they are married or unmarried, their expressions are as if they are lovelorn.

How could his idol have a girl? He should be single all his life.

But even if you have a girl, you can also have a second and third one. I don’t mind being the little thirteen.

"Thank you for this time, Xiaoqing."

Zhou Zhang had already woken up the next day. He learned about this from Zhou Han and thanked Jiang Qing who came to see him.

"Uncle Zhou, given the friendship between our two families, you can't be polite."

"My dad recently went to the original secret realm, so he doesn't know about this yet. Mom will come over to see you in the afternoon," Jiang Qing explained.

"It's not too much trouble, just come and see me."

Zhou Zhang shook his head. His body is much better now. If nothing happens, he can have surgery tomorrow.

"Brother Qing, you are here"

Zhou Han, who went outside to get food, walked into the ward and saw Jiang Qing already there, so he happily placed the lunch box beside the bed and hugged Jiang Qing's arm affectionately.

Although Zhou Zhang's health had improved a lot, he still had a bottle of water hanging on his hand. He had to be fed by someone to eat. He looked helplessly at the lunch box on the bedside.

And the daughter holding Jiang Qing's arm.

While the old father's heart felt cold, he also felt that his daughter had really grown up.

"Okay, stop hugging Jiang Qing. He is so old, I thought he was a child," Zhou Zhang said with a smile.

Because of Tian Rou and Zhao Ying's relationship, Zhou Han followed Jiang Qing since childhood until Zhou Zhang and his family went to Canada because of family business.

Didn't come back until the last few years.

Although they had been separated for nearly ten years, the relationship between Jiang Qing and Zhou Han was indeed a bit unfamiliar at first, but after they got in touch for a while, their childhood memories came back. "The relationship naturally returned quickly.

Jiang Qing still remembers that when they first returned to China, he was the one who took Zhou Han out of the bar. At that time, he was staying with a Huang Mao, who was then beaten up by Jiang Qing.

"Dad, I'm still young. Besides, this is Brother Qing and he's not an outsider. It doesn't matter if I hug him. Many girls in our school regard Brother Qing as the lover of their dreams."

"Brother Qing is definitely the dream of 900 million girls in Xia Kingdom"

Zhou Han said quite proudly, and then Jiang Qing's arm became a little tighter and the elasticity became clearer, so Jiang Qing felt uncomfortable if he pulled it out now, or if he didn't pull it out, and he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Where are you studying in university now, in the imperial capital?"

In the past two years, Jiang Qing has spent most of his time in the original secret realm, so he has no idea about Zhou Han's situation in the past two years.

There was no active inquiry on the mobile phone.

Zhou Han was a little embarrassed, and Jiang Qing obviously felt the hand holding his arm loosen a little.

Here Zhou Zhang said angrily: "She has the ability to be your junior sister. Now she is just a student in the general class of the Steel Department of Lancang University."

0......Please give me flowers......

Lancang University has always been ranked among the top five universities. Of course, it is still lagging behind the Imperial Capital, which has long been No. 1 in Totem.

But it is still the dream university for many students.

Being able to get admitted to Lancang University, even if it was just an ordinary class, Zhou Han was still very good.

"It's almost, Brother Qing, I'm just a little bit"

Zhou Han pressed his thumb on his index finger, indicating that he was really just a little short.

"It's about thirty points away. It's just a little bit close."

While Zhou Han was still explaining, Zhou Zhang had already exposed her lie, which made Zhou Han jump to his feet in anger, and said angrily: "Dad, you are like this, can't you stop talking?"


"Why isn't thirty points just a little bit off? I just need to get one more big question right, or ten multiple-choice questions."

This sounds true, but it seems difficult to do.

"Xiaohan, feed Uncle Zhou, this body is going to be cold."

Jiang Qing pointed to the lunch box next to the hospital bed. Zhou Zhang hadn't eaten lunch yet.

"Dad, I see that your Contest Condition is pretty good. It shouldn't be a big deal if you don't eat this meal."

Zhou Han curled his lips, women were all vengeful creatures, and Zhou Han was no exception, especially since his father was trying to undermine him in front of Jiang Qing.

When Zhou Zhang heard this, he suddenly felt that his little cotton-padded jacket was leaking badly. Not only was it not keeping warm, it was also a bit irritating.

"Uncle Zhou, if nothing happens, I'll leave first."

Jiang Qing didn't want to get involved in the war between father and daughter. It was almost time and it was time to leave.

"Ah, Brother Qing, you are leaving so soon, I just came."

Zhou Han looked at Jiang Qing with some reluctance.

"Jiang Qing is a person who does important things. I think that just like you, people with the lowest grades in ordinary classes can't say that you know Jiang Qing when you go out in the future. "Otherwise Jiang won't be able to afford this shame.


Zhou Han gritted his teeth angrily after hearing these words: "Believe it or not, I will pull out your oxygen tube right now to make you talk too much."

This was originally an online joke, but now it seems that Zhou Han wants to make this joke true.

Zhou Zhang immediately cooperated and did not dare to move. He covered his mouth to show that he would not speak. .

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