Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1106 Zhou Han’S Father Is Sick

After teaching Arcanine and Steelix a lesson, Gengar came back with a smile on his face.

Looking at the two Pokémon who were still frightened, Jiang Qing pouted and said: "You deserve it."

I promised to train hard, but it turns out that it has only been a while. People spend three days fishing and two days drying nets. It would be better for you to train for five minutes and rest for two hours. Do you think it is a certain mobile phone?

Even if you want to take Slack Off, at least wait until you leave.

I am still here, just sleeping like this. I really don't take myself as a Trainer seriously.

Jiang Qing sneered and turned on her phone, when a message popped up.

Zhou Han: Brother Qing, my father is sick. I’m so scared now.

Jiang Qing: What's wrong with Uncle Zhou?

Zhou Han: The doctor said it was Pokémon mitral stenosis.

Of course Jiang Qing was confused about the disease, but Zhou Han had a prefix when talking about this disease, which was Pokémon sex.

Since the integration of the Pokémon world with the real world, and with the technological power in the ruins, humans can almost cure most diseases by using Pokémon and the technology in the ruins.

Even cancer in the past is not difficult to cure now.

In the past, long life was a beautiful blessing, but now this word is a reflection of reality.

Even if many people are sick now, it is quite fast and convenient to see a doctor, and even fewer people are hospitalized.

But wherever there are advantages, there are disadvantages.

Humans do use the power of Pokémon to cure their own diseases, but Pokémon is also a living body, and it is inevitable for a living body to get sick.

Then a hospital to treat Pokémon diseases was born.

As humans and Pokémon live together day and night, without distinguishing each other, some symbiotic diseases have appeared in humans.

To give a simple example, that is a cold.

Both humans and Pokémon can catch colds.

After humans catch a cold, there is a very small chance that it will be transmitted to Pokémon.

With Pokémon's physique, it is difficult to infect it with human cold viruses, but once it is infected, the Pokémon's cold will become very serious.

If you put this kind of cold on Pokémon, it would be a human cold.

On the other hand, if a Pokémon catches a cold, it is difficult for the virus in its body to infect humans. After all, the two are not essentially the same species.

But the principle is the same. Once a human is infected with the virus in Pokémon, the cold symptoms will become very serious and there may even be a risk of death.

This kind of cold is Pokémon cold in humans.

To put it simply, humans are infected with the Pokémon virus. With a weak human body, being destroyed by the Pokémon virus is very fatal.

Now Zhou Han's father, Zhou Zhang, suffers from Pokémon mitral stenosis.

Humans themselves can also get this disease, and they can return to normal with just one operation, and the operation is not very difficult.

Now the other party has Pokémon-induced mitral stenosis, which is almost a heart disease that can only be withstood by a human heart and a Pokémon.

"This disease is going to kill people."

Jiang Qing used Qiandu to check the information about this disease and was suddenly surprised.


Metagross: "Thousands of times of checking the disease, there is still a disease even if there is no disease"

This joke is indeed circulating on the Internet.

Even if you check for a cold on Qiandu, you will find a bunch of diseases that will scare you to death.

So if you are really sick, don’t search online or scare yourself, go directly to the hospital.

Zhou Han: Brother Qing, what should I do? My mother and I are so helpless now.

Jiang Qing: Which hospital are you in?

Zhou Han: At Dongli Hospital in Lancang City.

As an international metropolis, Lancang City has four very famous hospitals.

They are Lancang City First Hospital, Lancang City Dongli Hospital, Lancang City Army General Hospital, and Lancang City Mingzhu Hospital.

Lancang City Dongli Hospital is extremely famous for heart treatment, so Zhou Han's father chose to receive treatment there.

Lancang Mingzhu Hospital is a private hospital and belongs to the Jiang Group.

Hideki's wealthy Jiang Group naturally hired many excellent doctors with high salaries, plus world-class equipment and the best services.

It is a typical hospital for the rich. Ordinary people will never come here for treatment when they are sick.

Jiang Qing: Send me the department and bed number, and I’ll come over to see Uncle Zhou.

Then Zhou Han sent the specific information.

"Zhang Da, let's go to Dongli Hospital"

Jiang Qing did not take back all the Pokémon. Lancang City was the territory of the Jiang family. If something happened, Metagross immediately followed after riding on Fatty.

Gengar chuckled, and then sneaked into Jiang Qing's shadow.

Jiang Qing means, what can happen if I lead the three major champions?

It didn't take long for Jiang Qing to come to Dongli Hospital. Although he was recognized quickly, fortunately no one came around.

After all, those who come to the hospital are either patients or medical workers. They are not here to chase stars.

There are 16 beds in the cardiac surgery ward. At this moment, Zhou Zhang's attending doctor Lin Yi is explaining the treatment plan to Zhou Zhang. Next to him are Zhou Han and his mother Zhao Ying.

After talking for about ten minutes, the attending doctor Lin Yidao said: "Family members, please think about it. As a doctor, I suggest that the best treatment is surgery."

"But doctor, you just said that the success rate of surgical treatment is only about 50%, only half. That's it."

Zhao Ying is full of worries about the success rate of the operation.

Half of it succeeds and half of it fails. Isn't this just like gambling?

"If treated conservatively, his life will be in danger at any time, and with each attack, the consequences will continue to worsen."

Lin Yi's tone couldn't help but become a little heavier.

Zhou Han looked at Lin Yi, who looked very young, so he subconsciously asked: "Then if I change to another doctor (Li Hao), will the success rate be higher?"

Doctors are a profession that becomes more popular as they get older. Although this is not absolute, the older you are, the more experience you have.

Nurse on the side heard this and immediately said: "Dr. Lin Yi is the best doctor in cardiac surgery in Lancang City. He is a genius."

"Don't look at Dr. Lin Yi's youth, but he has performed no less surgeries than doctors in their 70s and 80s, and there has been no death case among the patients that Dr. Lin Yi has operated on."

This Nurse must be a fan of Lin Yi. She had an expression of admiration when she spoke, which made Lin Yi feel a little embarrassed.

"A genius player, just like Jiang Qing?" Zhao Ying asked subconsciously.

Seeing that the other party called Jiang Guanjun directly by his name, Lin Yi frowned slightly, but still said: "I don't dare to compete with Jiang Guanjun, but I am confident that I can perform this operation well, and the patient's condition cannot be delayed any longer."

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