After giving up the Desert Heart, the treasure of the trial sandbank, Jiang Qing has no interest in this place. There is a high probability that the second treasure will not appear on this sandbank.

But you still have to complete the exploration of the trial sandbank. After all, his map needs to explore the entire Region to complete.

The map behind is for grandpa and father, so it must be explored completely. Otherwise, because of his laziness, grandpa and father will be in danger while exploring this area, and Jiang Qing will never forgive himself.

During the exploration, Jiang Qing also saw several oases, but these oases were not formed by the heart of the desert, but were formed naturally.

But in terms of scale, it is not as big as the oasis formed in the Desert Heart. The lake is also much smaller, and the greenness is not as lush as the Desert Heart.

However, every oasis is a sacred place in the hearts of Pokémon in the desert, and "610" is the foundation for their ability to survive in this desert.

Plop, plop

Just where they were drinking water, several things suddenly fell from the sky.

The water-type Pokémon in the lake was very angry at Soaring in the Sky, but couldn't see anything. It had no choice but to pick up the things that had just fallen into the lake.

What's this!!

The shape is so strange.

Looking at the cylinder in his hand, Crawdaunt was a little confused. He had never seen such a thing before.

Could it be food.

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up slightly, so he stuffed the cylinder into his mouth, but the next second, it spit it out.

It's not food, bastard, this is garbage.

Who threw it? I wonder if you can't throw garbage in the oasis.

Crawdaunt roared, but unfortunately the guy who threw the garbage had already run away.

"Celebi, the Coke can we just threw away seems to have fallen into the oasis. Will it pollute the oasis?" Jirachi asked worriedly.

He has watched a popular science program and said that it would take hundreds of years for some garbage to decompose.

"It's fine, it's fine. It's just two Coke cans. How much pollution can they cause? Besides, this is metal, not plastic or battery. Don't worry."

Celebi waved his hands with an indifferent look on his face. He was just throwing away garbage. It was not the first time, and he did not learn from Jiang Qing.

It is said that those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. When I was still in the forest, I was so kind, ignorant and simple, but I was abducted by Jiang Qing.

This happy life is here. Hey, why didn’t Jiang Qing come earlier?

Jiang Qing was riding Dragonite, and Metagross beside him suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Qing asked.

Metagross: "The breath below should be the Totem of this desert, the Tyranitar"

Hearing what Metagross said, Jiang Qing became a little interested. Who knew he also had a Tyranitar, so he patted Dragonite on the back and said, "Go down and have a look."

By the way, with Dragonite becoming the champion, Jiang Qing now has five champion-level Pokémon that he has personally cultivated, thus completing the fifth stage of the main mission.

Five hundred thousand points and a level one god Rayquaza summoning card (ten minutes) were awarded.

Not to mention the points, but the summoning card of the first-level god Rayquaza made Jiang Qing very happy. Although it only lasted ten minutes, in ten minutes of the first-level god, he could use his full strength to destroy ten countries.

Undoubtedly, in addition to the black and white Opelucid, he has another trump card.

As Dragonite landed, a roar followed.


Following the sound of footsteps, a Tyranitar was seen striding towards Jiang Qing and the others.

Pokémon: Tyranitar(Rock/Evil)


Qualification: blue

Ability: peeling

Props: none


Moves: Iron Defense, Tackle, Payback, Leer, Bite, Rock Throw, Scary Face, Rock Slide, Stomping Tantrum, Smack Down, Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Sandstorm, Hyper Beam

Skill CD: None

Genetic Skills: Take Down, Protection, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang

Level 88 Tyranitar, a late-stage quasi-champion, is indeed very powerful and worthy of being the Totem of the Trial Sandbank area.

A wild and violent aura emanated from it, and it looked at the Metamorph and Dragonite without fear.

You must know that Metagross and Dragonite have not restrained their aura, which means that Tyranitar now knows that they are the champions.

In this case, it doesn't matter if he is not afraid, he still releases his aura unscrupulously, which is obviously like Taunt.

This may also have something to do with the character of the Tyranitar clan...

They have a bad temper and don't really have much concept of fear. Once they get angry, they can break mountains and rivers, change the course of rivers, and become walking map-making machines.

The Poké Ball on Jiang Qing's waist was shaking.

The next second his Tyranitar came out of the Poké Ball.


Jiang Qing's Tyranitar also roared.

Compared with his Totem-level Tyranitar, the Tyranitar opposite him is obviously not even half as tall as him. It looks like a completely pocket-sized mini version of Tyranitar.

The Tyranitar on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, looking at Jiang Qing's Tyranitar with some confusion. It seemed that he had never seen such a handsome, tall, and mighty male Tyranitar before.

As a result, his aura immediately weakened, and his fierce eyes became softer, even looking a little shy.

"Why does something seem wrong?"

Jiang Qing noticed something strange about the Tyranitar opposite. What's the matter with your coquettish look? You were so domineering just now.

Then Jiang Qing watched this Tyranitar walk up to his own Tyranitar, looked up at the other person, and his ferocious face became much softer at this moment.

"Isn't this Tyranitar who has fallen in love with me?" Jiang Qing said differently.


Celebi stood on Jiang Qing's head with great interest.

Jirachi's eyes also shone: "Then are they going to kiss on 4.7?"


But what happened next was completely beyond Jiang Qing's expectation. His Tyranitar actually slapped the female Tyranitar and flew it away.

Tyranitar: "Don't get so close, I feel sick"


Jiang Qing, Celebi, and Jirachi took a breath of air.

Tyranitar actually beat the opponent and even disliked the opponent.

"This this"

Jiang Qing was so surprised that he was speechless.

I can't help but wonder if that Tyranitar is the uglier one among the Tyranitars, just like the ugly women among humans.

Jiang Qing saw that the Tyranitars all looked the same, but in Tyranitar's eyes, every female Tyranitar was different.

So what I just heard from Tyranitar's words is that it most likely dislikes the opponent's ugliness. .

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