Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1061 Sand Snail Python

"Why aren't these guys afraid of Tyranitar?"

As Tyranitar continues to walk forward, the distance between the two sides is now less than a hundred meters. The level of the Sandbag Snake is far inferior to that of Tyranitar. There is not even an Elite among them.

In the world of Pokémon, level suppression is almost irresistible.

But now these sandbag snakes bear the aura of Tyranitar's quasi-champions, and each one displays extremely contradictory emotions of fear and determination.

Jiang Qing patted Tyranitar and told it to restrain its aura, otherwise these sandbag snakes would not only be injured by Tyranitar's aura, but their strength would even decline.

I'm quite curious as to why these sandbag snakes are standing in front of Tyranitar.

Although there are red dots on the Dowsing Machine, they are far away from me and have nothing to do with the sandbag snakes. It is probably not to protect some kind of treasure.

As Tyranitar's breath calmed down, the expressions of these sandbag snakes obviously felt much better, but they still lined up in front of Tyranitar.

"We have no ill intentions"

Jiang Qing released his kindness, and the waveguides in his body invisiblely enveloped the sandbag snakes, soothing their nervous and wary hearts.

Under the influence of the waveguide, the expressions of these sandbag snakes did change slightly, but they still did not let Jiang Qing pass, which made Jiang Qing even more curious.

He could sense that these sandbag snakes were not only nervous and scared, but also worried.

The first two emotions were for him, but the worried emotion in the latter was obviously not caused by himself.


Just when Jiang Qing asked Celebi, the natural Pokémon and the owner of the Face Fruit, to appear, a painful voice came from his ears.

The next second, the sandbag snakes in front of them hesitated for a moment and then gave way to a passage.

With several sandbag snakes leading the way, Jiang Qing and Tyranitar came to the back of a sand dune, and then saw a Pokémon lying on the sand.

There was a long wound on his body, which must have been there for several days. The wound had stopped bleeding, but the blood that had flowed before had dyed the sand under him red.

This is the sand snail python, an evolved form of the sandbag snake, which looks like a large spiral snake.

But now the body of this sand snail python is not coiled in a spiral shape, but in a long strip shape. This has a lot to do with its injury.

The sand snail python in front of me has the strength of the early Elite and should be the boss of this sandbag snake group.

"It hurt well, "seriously"

Jirachi looked at the wound on the opponent's back. Even though it was no longer bleeding, the wound was still extremely hideous, and even Mori Bai's bones could be seen.

It turned out that these sandbag snakes were stopped to protect the sand snail python.

But the sand snail python in front of me seemed to be dying.

Although Pokémon's self-healing ability is very strong, not all injuries can be healed by themselves. The injuries on the back of the snail python can no longer be cured by its self-healing ability.

The flesh and blood around the wound was purple, and many places were rotten. It seemed that it was still in the Contest Condition of poisoning.

Maybe it was caused by fighting with a certain poison-type Pokémon.

The sand snail python looked at Jiang Qing, its eyes calmly waiting for death seemed to have a glimmer of luster at this moment, and it moved its body hard.

Jiang Qing did not move, but there were Tyranitar and Metagross beside him, and he did not believe what the other party could do with his current body Contest Condition.

After moving its body a few times, its mouth opened, and Rituan spit out something that looked like sand.

It pushed the ball of sand in front of Jiang Qing with its head.

"For me?" Jiang Qing asked tentatively.


The sand snail python nodded.

I used my exploratory eye to examine the ball of sand, which was almost like jelly.

Baking sand: After the sand snail python swallows a large amount of sand, there is a very small probability that it will condense into baking sand in the body. The more sand the sand snail python swallows, the larger the baking volume will be. You can increase it a little after use. Ground foundation.

Note: This item is ineffective against sand snail pythons and sandbag snakes.

Both sandbag snakes and sand snail pythons are good at swallowing sand and then using it to attack, and sand is also one of their food sources.

Baking sand is the product of the sand snail python devouring a large amount of sand, but the chance of this thing being born is very small, just like not every cow has a bezoar in its body.

This treasure is useless against sand snail pythons and sandbag snakes.

Obviously, the sand snail python wants to use the dry sand to exchange for a chance of survival.

"Okay, transaction reasons"

Jiang Qing released Steelix, who swallowed the baking sand in one gulp.

Based on Steelix's background, baking sand would only increase it very little, unless such a thing weighed hundreds of kilograms, but it was better than nothing.

Walking towards the sand snail python, several sandbag snakes tried to stop it, but the sand snail python drank it away. Jiang Qing took out a bottle of antidote and dripped it on its wound, and then took out ten bottles of healing potion.

".~Celebi give it a Heal Pulse"

With the combination of antidote, healing potion, and Heal Pulse, the snail python's injuries have been fully recovered.

The body that was originally unable to spiral due to injury is now coiled into a spiral.

"The transaction is completed," Jiang Qing said calmly.

In fact, even if there was no baking sand, Jiang Qing would still help the sand snail python.

This is not the Holy Mother of Jiangqing. It does not follow the natural laws of Pokémon. If you encounter it, then help it.

It's not like he doesn't have the ability to do things easily, and he can't do it by watching the sand snail python die.

When it comes to dealing with Pokémon, Jiang Qing's heart is actually relatively soft.


The sand snail python expressed its gratitude to Jiang Qing.

I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn’t expect that Jiang Qing really agreed, and the treatment effect was so good, it is almost as good as it is now.

Only using something like drying sand, which had no effect on it at all, and getting such a report made the sand snail python a little embarrassed.

He gave some instructions to several sandbag snakes around him.

The general meaning is to give Jiang Qing and the others some delicious food.

Not long after, several sandbag snakes came over carrying sanda fruits. This fruit is a specialty of Trial Shazhou. It is not available in other places except here.

Shasha Fruit: One of the favorite tree fruits of Ground-type Pokémon.

The introduction is simple.

Looking at the drooling Steelix, Jiang indicated that these fruits belonged to him.

Seeing Steelix eating several mouthfuls of fruit in one bite, with an unfinished expression on his face, a hint of distress flashed in the eyes of the snail python.

Because the production of Shasha Fruit is very small, and there are a lot of Ground-type Pokémon in the trial sandbank, with more monks and less rice, the Shasha Fruit is even more precious.

There are many Pokémon here who can fight for a Shasha Fruit. .

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