Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1053 Enter The Secret Realm Again

"You brat, are you ready to go in now?"

While Jiang Qing was talking to Xia Shang, Jiang Lan came over.

"Well, you are all out, I have nothing to do if I continue to stay outside."

Jiang Qing nodded. The original secret realm was so big that he had to hurry up and explore it. The second time he went in, he had to explore at least the second area.

"Jiang Guanjun, the energy eroded by your secret realm has disappeared?"

Mr. Yang looked at Jiang Qing in surprise.

According to his estimate, even if they only stayed in the original secret realm for a month and a half, it would take at least three months for the secret realm energy on their bodies to disappear, which is twice as long.

Jiang Qing had been in there for more than half a year, but after just over a month outside, the energy erosion in the secret realm had already disappeared.

This really surprised Mr. Yang.

"Old Yang!"

Before Jiang Qing could say anything, Xia Shang beside him gave a soft drink.

"I'm an old man and I'm too talkative."

After Mr. Yang came to his senses, he hurriedly apologized to Jiang.

This kind of thing must be related to Jiang Qing's secret. By asking this, doesn't he want to explore Jiang Qing's secret? This is simply an act of seeking death.

After realizing that his behavior was a bit reckless, Mr. Yang's face turned pale.

I was afraid that Jiang Qing would be angry.

"Teacher Xia Shang, it's okay. Mr. Yang, my body is quite special, so I have strong resistance to the erosion of secret energy," Jiang Qing said with a smile.

With his current strength, even if the system is exposed, no one can punish him. Of course, he will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

"I see. Champion Jiang should have obtained some kind of treasure. I have to say, Champion Jiang, you are very lucky." Mr. Yang nodded knowingly.

It is natural to attribute the special characteristics of Jiang Qing's body to some kind of treasure or treasure.

Of course he didn't know which one specifically.

After all, there are many types of treasures in this world, and the treasures that humans have discovered so far only account for a very small part.

More treasures are still hidden throughout the secret realm.

Although the treasure has the highest probability of being discovered in top-level secret realms, it has also been discovered in intermediate secret realms, and more than once.

For example, the fire crystal stone that Jiang Qing obtained in an intermediate secret realm is a fire element treasure.

Therefore, there are indeed a lot of treasures, but they are just too well hidden to be found.

Unless everyone has a Dowsing Machine.

I waved goodbye to Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan, and stepped into the original secret realm.

“Back again”

Looking at the endless prairie, Jiang Qing returned to the Hoof Grassland again.

"Shh, why did you become like this? You were beaten by Quan?"

Just after sighing, Jiang Qing suddenly saw something out of the corner of his eye. When he turned around, he saw the Thunderbolt King Kong Ape with a bruised nose and swollen face looking at him with a Tearful Look.

This look shocked Jiang Qing.

The Thunderbolt King Kong felt even more aggrieved when he heard Jiang Qing's words, and the macho man finally couldn't hold back his tears.

The beautiful Pokémon cries and calls Karen to bring rain.

But the Thunderbolt King Kong with a bruised nose and swollen face is really ugly, and this cry makes it even uglier.

"Shut up"

Jiang Qing glared at it.

The latter was like a conditioned reflex, and he subconsciously covered his mouth.

"What's going on? You're not Totem from the Horseshoe Grassland. Why were you beaten like this? Was it the Gyarados that beat you?"

The Thunder King Kong Ape shook his head. Although Gyarados was strong, he didn't have this ability.

It was done by the humans who came in before.

They let their Pokémon battle with them every day, beating me and ravaging me regardless of my poor strength.

Listening to Thunder King Kong's cry, Jiang Qing also felt that his grandfather, father and others had gone too far. Why did they catch Thunder King Kong and bully a Pokémon?

Look, this kid has been wronged.

Jiang Lan and the others said that the Thunder King Kong is the strongest in this Hoof Grassland, so they can only fight it [exercise training Pokémon].

In the late stage of the quasi-championship, it is indeed a good Rival.

It's a pity that only eight champions came in, as well as three peak quasi-champions.

The Thunder King Kong is just like the top dog in Yihong Courtyard. He has to pick up customers every day, and the customers are very aggressive, leaving him covered with bruises.

The injury was not healed the next day, so I had to receive a second guest.

Although some customers would be kind enough to treat themselves, after treatment, the subsequent customers would become even more cruel.

Later, the Thunderbolt King Kong learned to behave and would beat himself to death if he could without receiving treatment.

"It's been a hard time for you."

"But why are you here? You shouldn't be in the west."

…Please give me flowers…

Jiang Qing looked at the Thunder King Kong Ape curiously.

As I said just now, as soon as Grandpa entered the secret realm, he surrounded it like a little sheep.

But when Jiang Qing met it for the first time, it was on the west side of the Iron Shoe Grassland. It was still quite far away from here, because it had to guard against Gyarados in the west.

Why did you come here for no reason?

Jiang Qing's question made Thunderbolt King Kong hesitate a little, not knowing what to say.

Could it be that Jiang Qing told Jiang Qing that she couldn't beat him and wanted to beat other humans, so she guarded the door of this secret realm and beat a human if she thought of it?

It just didn't expect that the humans who came in would be so fierce. It was so scared that it didn't let itself go.


“Forget it if you don’t say it”

Jiang Qing shook her head and threw a bottle of Potion to it.

But after seeing Potion, the Thunder King Kong Ape quickly moved away from Jiang Qing as if he had seen a ghost.

You looked like you were going to beat yourself up too.

"I'm not going to beat you, I'm going to treat you. I'm going to other areas later," Jiang Qing said angrily.

After all, he is still in the late stage of the quasi-championship. If you put them in addition, he is a Totem character. How can he be so promising?

After hearing this, the Thunder King Kong Ape felt relieved. While using Potion, he asked: "Which area are you going to?"

“Do you know about Cinnabar Wetland?”

This is the collective name for the second largest region.

"have no idea"

The Thunder King Kong orangutan shook his head, a little confused.

Its strength is very good, but this secret realm is too big. The places it has been to are only in the Obsidian Wilderness area, and it has not even visited all of the Obsidian Wilderness.

Not to mention the second large area, the Cinnabar Wetlands.

"Your medicine is so effective, I seem to be cured."

The Thunderbolt King Kong touched his cheek and could no longer feel the swelling. It seemed that he had turned back into the handsome Thunderbolt King Kong Ape.

Originally, this guy just had a skin injury, and he just looked miserable. Even if there was no medicine, he would be able to heal himself after a while. Jiang Oreburgh and the others were very measured in their actions.

And they didn't conquer it, which surprised Jiang Qing. After all, Champion Lu Wan was the grass-type champion, and the Thunder King Kong Ape was also very powerful, so why didn't he conquer it?

Don't look down upon it. .

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