Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1043 Riding Mission


"Daily mission release: ride 100 kilometers, time limit is four hours."

"Reward: 80,000 points, Rare CandyX3 (available at Elite level)"

While eating breakfast, Jiang Qing heard the system's voice in his mind, and the daily task was released.

The daily tasks released by the system can be described as diverse in content, such as riding a hundred kilometers, which is quite normal.

One hundred kilometers in four hours at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour is really not difficult at all.

With Jiang Qing's physical fitness, one hour is enough.

However, the system also planned a route for him, and the route was already in his mind.

Starting from home, we rode to a certain sign in the center of Dayun City, next to Lancang City.

"Jiang Qing, we have finished eating and are going out to play."

Before Jiang Qing finished eating, Celebi and Jirachi ate in a hurry and flew out.

"Stay, where are they going?"

Jiang Qing looked at the date on her phone. It was Wednesday today, not old man Ken's crazy Thursday yet. Why did he leave so early this morning?

"Yeah dong"

Daidai took out a poster.

"Pokémon Glory Comic Con!"

Seeing this poster, Jiang Qing's voice increased a bit, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "These two guys didn't even tell me and wanted to go secretly."

Because Jiang Qing had already replenished them with the pocket money owed to them in the secret area at one time, the two little ones now had tens of thousands of pocket money in total.

I'm afraid I'm not worried about spending their money and not calling them my own.

Celebi, who had already flown towards the Pokémon Glory Comic Exhibition, was relieved when she saw that Jiang Qing did not follow her.

Jirachi on the side asked hesitantly: "Celebi, if we don't tell Jiang Qing, will he be angry if he knows?"

"Jirachi, you are just cowardly. If Jiang Qing is angry, make him angry. Now our pockets are bulging."

It's tens of thousands, and the little money saved is enough for them to live a "luxury" life for several months.

"If we take him to the Comic Con, Leng Tou Qing will definitely try every means to cheat us out of our money. Didn't you see that when he gave us extra pocket money, his face was full of regrets? He is really a stingy person. "

Celebi finally figured out how to do one thing in front of her and the other in the back. When she was trying to please Jiang Qing in front of her, she called her daddy, but behind her back she was like a dumbass and a stingy guy.

"You don't want your money to be taken away by him."


Jirachi nodded vigorously.

“I also want to buy Jirachi peripherals.”

There are many peripherals at Comic Expo, and the most important thing is that one of the main peripherals is Jirachi peripherals.

I definitely want to buy my own peripherals.

“Well, I also want to buy Celebi peripherals.”

Celebi's face was full of excitement, because it also has peripherals.

In addition, there are black and white Opelucid peripherals, Metagross peripherals, Aggron peripherals, white Gengar peripherals, and Kartana peripherals.

It sounds quite familiar.

Because the peripherals featured this time are all based on Jiang Qing’s Pokémon.

There are even the surroundings of the small nebula.

Among these peripherals, the two little ones most want to buy are naturally their own peripherals.

In the villa, Jiang Qing had already had breakfast.

Although he was angry with the two little ones for abandoning his behavior, now was not the time to settle accounts with them. He had to complete his daily tasks first.

We came to a warehouse in the backyard of the villa. It was said to be a warehouse, but it was actually a garage. There were dozens of models parked here, including cars, SUVs, sports cars, vans, and commercial vehicles, all of which were luxury brands.

In addition, there are various motorcycles, street cars, imitation racing, retro, cruise, rally, off-road, etc.

As well as various types of skateboards, roller skates, electric scooters, and passenger bicycles.

Basically, all means of transportation that can be driven on normal roads are available here.

You mean bus?

Yes, I didn't see a luxury bus parked over there.

Question: Why do you buy so many bikes, including Acrobatics bicycles with large and small wheels?

Answer: It’s all about completing daily tasks.

Jiang Qing had already used some means of transportation to complete daily tasks, including the bus, but many of them had not been used, but he was prepared.

This is what this road bike needs.

Without wearing any professional cycling equipment, Jiang Qing put on a cycling helmet and goggles and set off directly.

Not even cycling pants.

Cyclists who love cycling know that if you ride a hundred kilometers without professional cycling pants, your butt must be made of iron, and the same goes for your hands without gloves.

0…Please give me flowers…

Following the route in his mind, Jiang Qingkuku rode forward without using all his strength, otherwise it would have been too frightening.

But the speed is still 40 kilometers per hour.

At this speed, it only takes more than two hours to reach the destination and complete the mission.

There is a route around the lake between Lancang City and Dayun City. The scenery around the route is very beautiful.

Therefore, it has attracted many cycling enthusiasts to come and start cycling. Cycling fleets can be seen everywhere.

Like Jiang Qing, there are also people who ride alone.


Like a gust of wind whistling by, another cycling team was overtaken by Jiang Qing.

He didn't know how many such convoys there were along the way.

"Damn, it's so fierce, the speed must be 40+"

“This guy is an amateur, he’s actually riding in casual clothes.”

"Even if you are an amateur, you are still a big shot. That car is a limited edition and now costs more than three million."

"No, I have to catch up. I can't be beaten by him like this."

As he spoke, he chased Jiang Qing with all his might.

There are many people who want to catch up with the big boss just like him, and they are not convinced that they were pulled away by the big boss so easily.

And they don't believe that the big guy can maintain such a high riding speed for a long time.

The result is that no matter how hard they try, their legs will be broken and they can't catch up with the big guy. They can only watch the big guy's back getting further and further away.

"Hoo ho ho, I'm done with it. I chased him for half an hour. Not only did his speed not slow down, but it even sped up."

"I'm afraid it's not a player from a professional team who came to our place to fry the fish pond."

"I don't think he is from a professional team. This guy is even more powerful than the people in the professional team. The people in the professional team can reach the speed, but his durability is too abnormal."

"Could it be that Machamp is wearing human clothes? Have you seen what the boss looks like?"

"When I see a hairy thing, it's like the wind, and it's gone in a flash, but the speed and endurance are so abnormal, it seems that maybe it's not a human being."

"Machamp, it must be Machamp if the stone is hammered"

Jiang Qing kept riding forward. Because the road conditions were very good, his speed increased unknowingly. He didn't even know that he had become a boss in the eyes of others and then changed from boss to history. .

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