Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1037 Heading To The Imperial Capital

Witnessed by countless soldiers and construction workers, Jiang Qing's Dragonite went from being a quasi-champion at level 88 to becoming an early champion at level 91.

After flying several times in the air, Dragonite suddenly stopped in front of Jiang Qing with a gust of wind.

His originally naive expression was now somewhat excited because he became the champion.

Patting Dragonite's belly, Jiang Qing said proudly: "Congratulations Dragonite"

Jiang Qing's Dragonite is extremely well developed and is more than four meters tall, more than half taller than Jiang Qing. It bent down and gently rubbed Jiang Qing with its head, exuding joy and gratitude.

Watching Metagross, Moltres, Gengar, and Aggron become champions one after another, Dragonite, who was the first to follow Jiang Qing, felt somewhat anxious.

Now it has finally become the champion, without holding back too much and without embarrassing the US Youth League.

"Once you go in, Dragonite will become the champion. There are such great opportunities."

Jiang Lan looked at Dragonite who became the champion, his eyes turned red with envy.

He knew that Dragonite was not even at the peak of a quasi-championship before he entered, and then he became a champion directly after he came out. This span is really quite a few days.

"Well, I got a world treasure, which is just right for Kuai 517 Dragon," Jiang Qing said lightly.

His expression made Jiang Lan cover her chest subconsciously, and said uncomfortably: "Stop calling me a traitor."

The world's treasure, to say it is such an understatement, you don't know how rare this thing is.

If a Pokémon uses an Arcana, there is a certain chance that it will become a Champion. If it uses a World Arcana, the chance of becoming a Champion is as high as over 90%.

The world's treasure is simply an invitation to the championship. With it, as long as you are not too useless, becoming a champion is basically guaranteed.

"speak nicely"

Jiang Oreburgh slapped Jiang Lan on the back of the head angrily, and then focused on Jiang Qing with a proud expression on his face.

"He is indeed my grandson. Counting Dragonite, there should be five champion-level Pokémon."


Jiang Qing nodded.

"It's only one worse than the old man Gongyang."

As the strongest champion before Xia Kingdom, the Ram Army has six champion-level Pokémon, which is the only one among the known champion-level trainers in the world.

Jiang Qing now has five, one behind Gong Yangjun.

"My dear grandson, have you finished exploring the original secret realm?"

Jiang Oreburgh's expression was a little surprised when he said this. Jiang Qing has entered the original secret realm for more than half a year. This time is naturally not short, but this is a brand new original secret realm that has been explored in half a year.

"No, the original secret realm is very big. I have only explored one-fifth of it in the past six months. The energy erosion in the secret realm is also greater than that of the top secret realm. Without the secret realm fruit, my body can only resist for one year at most."

"This one-fifth of the area is almost as big as the Asian continent."

Jiang Qing shook her head and explained.

Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan knew that Jiang Qing's body was highly resistant to the erosion of secret energy. For the specific reason, Jiang Qing only said that he had eaten a treasure.

The two of them didn't ask any more questions.

"So big!?"

When Jiang Lan heard Jiang Qing say that he had explored one-fifth of the area, which was almost as big as the Asian continent, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Well, it's very, very big." Jiang Qing nodded seriously.

Here Jiang Oreburgh's phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, brother"

"Oreburgh, Jiang Qing is out, right?"

"Well, it's out."

"Then you ask Jiang Qing to come to the Imperial Capital quickly to tell you about the situation in the original secret territory. You and Jiang Lan will also come over."

Jiang Gangji's voice on the phone was quite urgent.

When Jiang Qing entered the original secret realm, the one who cared most about him must be Xia Guo. Now that he finally came out, he had to ask Jiang Qing what was going on inside.

"Why are you so anxious? My dear grandson has been staying in Lima for more than half a year and is not allowed to go home for a rest. He has been waiting for so long anyway. It will be fine if he keeps them waiting for a few more days." (agj)

Jiang Oreburgh said politely.

When Jiang Gangjin heard this, it seemed to make sense, but now many senior officials in Xia Kingdom, including the other five elders, were eager to know what was going on in the secret territory.

"Grandpa, I'm fine. Grandpa, I'll be here in a moment. You just need to wait for me in conference room 1."

Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Gangji both had loud voices, so Jiang Qing heard the conversation between them, so she shouted to Jiang Oreburgh's cell phone.

Since his grandson said so, Jiang Oreburgh naturally stopped stopping him.

Jiang Oreburgh rode Skarmory, Jiang Lan rode Salamence, Jiang Qing rode Dragonite, and the three generations flew towards the imperial capital together.

Xia Guo also immediately notified the news of Jiang Qing's coming out of the original secret territory.

After all, countries and domestic people have been paying attention to this matter. Even if you don't notify it, do you think the spies in various countries will not know about it.

There are so many soldiers and construction workers here. Who knows if there are spies from various countries inside.

Dragonite's recent breakthrough was so loud that it was difficult not to attract attention.

So Xia Guo simply announced the news of Jiang Qing's release.

[Jiang Guanjun finally came out, I wonder what treasures there will be in the original secret area]

[If he comes out, do we have a chance to go in?]

[Don’t even think about those below Elite, you will definitely die if you go there

[I have never even entered the top secret realm, the original secret realm is definitely more dangerous]

[The second batch should be our domestic champions and various scholars]

There is a lot of discussion in the country. Although they know that they have no chance to enter the original secret realm, they still have to join in the fun.

Overseas, it is even more lively.

Knowing that Jiang Qing had come out, all countries that had good relations with Xia State immediately asked their ambassadors stationed in Xia State to go to Xia State to inquire about information and see if they could be allowed in to take a look.

Even if this hope is small.

"Dad, you little brat, please wait for me."

In the air, Jiang Lan looked a little depressed at Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan, who were about to be swept away by him.

Jiang Oreburgh's Skarmory and Jiang Qing's Dragonite are both championship-level, and the flying speed is naturally much faster than his Salamence.

"Salamence, hurry up"

Jiang Lan urged on Salamence's back.

Salamence's wings were almost smoky. Hearing his Trainer say sarcastic words on his back, he really wanted to throw him off.

Why is my speed slower than them? The main reason is that my strength is weaker than theirs.

Then why are you weaker than them? It's not because you're not good at being a Trainer and you only know how to fish all day long.

Look at that Dragonite, it took just a few years to become a champion.

Salamence felt even more unhappy when he thought that Dragonite, which he had grown up watching since the Dratini period, was now beyond his reach in terms of strength. .

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