Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1022 Milotic: Tea Master?

Vespiquen's high-pitched Growl sound is not a vocal attack, but a cry for help.

Who to call for help?

with its sister, Roselia, asking for help.

Why Jiang Qing knew it was because he sensed Vespiquen's inner thoughts.

The opponent knows that he cannot break the Light Screen in front of him now. Once the enemy takes care of his guards, he will be the one to deal with them later.

But I can't even break the Light Screen made by the other party, so the other party must be stronger than me.

"Sisters save me"

That's what Vespiquen shouted.

The aluminum steel dragon here has also knocked down more than a dozen Elite-level Combee, and is waiting for Jiang Qing's instructions with Mega Bangelas.

Even with Light Screen, they can't break it.

Vespiquen's cry for help continued to spread through the light screen into the distance.

In fact, there was no need for it to ask for help. The movement caused by the Aluminum Steel Dragon and Mega Bangelas had already been sensed by Roselia.

It was on its way when the battle began.

"It's raining rose petals in Jiang Qing"

Celebi pointed to about one kilometer ahead and looked ahead in surprise.

Soaring in the sky ahead, red rose petals suddenly rained out of thin air. Celebi had good eyesight and could clearly see that they were rose petals.

If it were a human being, he could only see red and think it was blood rain.

But Jiang Qing could also see clearly that they were rose petals.

197 The rain of rose petals kept approaching Jiang Qing. After about a minute, the rain of rose petals stopped less than a hundred meters away from Jiang Qing, but the stamens stopped falling.

Waves of floral fragrance came along with the rain of rose petals.

Yes, non-toxic.

As the falling speed of the rose petals slowly slowed down, a Pokémon danced and moved in the rain of petals, and landed with the petals.

"Papa pa pa"

Looking at Roselia who appeared with the rain of petals, Jiang Qing clapped her hands: "This is a good way to appear."

gave a very positive evaluation.

With this way of playing, if you participate in the Contest, you will definitely get high scores.

Contest is a new type of competition that has become popular in recent years. The purpose of the competition is to show the beauty of Pokémon. The requirements for the strength of Pokémon are not very high.

This novel competition method quickly became popular, and because the purpose is to show the beauty of Pokémon, many Trainers participating are handsome men and beautiful women. Many Celebrity Internet celebrities will also participate in the exhibition.

This also attracted a large number of Yan Party viewers, so now this Contest is very popular in various countries.

The champion (chbe) is also extremely generous in terms of monetary rewards and treasure rewards. In addition, participating in the Contest does not require very high Pokémon strength.

This event is now second only to the Trainer event.

As for who came up with the Contest competition.

Jiang Qing pointed at herself.

Who else could be a time traveler?

The holding of the Contest also brought a new way of making money to the Jiang Group.

Hearing Jiang Qing's heartfelt praise, Roselia's hostility towards him became much less. Looking at Combee who fell to the ground, he was only unconscious, and her hostility could not help but decrease.

Vespiquen: "Get me out quickly, stop pretending"

Vespiquen, who was exposed to the light screen, was about to explode. I'm already like this, but you still have to hold an appearance ceremony. That's not a rush at all.

Roselia looked at her little sister indifferently: "You are just envious of me."

Vespiquen Flail, but you still have to count on it to save you.

"Can you let it go?" Roselia said.

"Okay, but I want its triple honey royal jelly"

Triple Honey Royal Jelly is honey specially brewed by Vespiquen for itself.

This thing is even more precious than Elite level three honeys.

The Vespiquen in front of me is still in the middle stage of being a quasi-champion, not to mention the triple honey royal jelly it brews.

"Don't even think about it"

Before Roselia spoke, Vespiquen had already refused.

It is extremely difficult to brew Triple Honey Royal Jelly, and it takes at least ten years to brew it once. Only by eating Triple Honey Royal Jelly can it produce high-quality Combee Pokémon eggs, and there will be a certain chance of giving birth to cyan or even blue qualifications.

So it refused without thinking.

Jiang Qing shrugged: "Look, it doesn't cooperate."

"Sister, don't nag him, beat him, beat him hard."

Vespiquen shouted through the light screen.

At this time, the Poké Ball on Jiang Qing's waist suddenly opened automatically.


Menes appears.

At the same time, an amazing charm bloomed on it.

Vespiquen, who was losing his temper, said blankly: "It's so beautiful."

It is a female and has not been affected by the charm of Milotic. The praise is that it thinks Milotic is really beautiful.

Under the influence of Poffin fragrant mud, Milotic, who originally had the most beautiful name of Lizzy, now has even more charm.

Not to mention the opposite sex, even the opposite sex may be attracted to it.

Roselia also had a flash of surprise in her eyes.

It was not that it had never seen Milotic before, but the Menais in front of it was even more beautiful than the Milotic it had ever seen.

If the Menes it had seen before was Xiaojiabiyu, then the Milotic in front of it was the eldest lady of the royal family.

Not only is she amazingly charming, she also has a sense of nobility.

"Sister, my master just wants some honey and royal jelly, can you give me some?" Milotic looked at Vespiquen with a pleading look on his face.

Aluminum Steel Dragon, Mega Bangelas didn't dare to look at Milotic at all, for fear of making a fool of themselves and being punished by Jiang Qing later. What happened some time ago was still vivid in his mind.

At this moment, Vespiquen only felt that he was guilty, and was not deceived. He nodded hurriedly and said: "Okay, okay, just take some."

"My sister is so beautiful, I agreed."


Jiang Qing was a little surprised. Originally, he wanted to defeat Dujian and Vespiquen in a thousand fights.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Milotic appeared on the stage, he opened his mouth and said "sister", and he won the opponent.

Sure enough, if the charm reaches a certain level, it can reach the point where both men and women can take advantage of it.

As Metagross unlocked the Light Screen, Vespiquen also flew out of the hive.

Behind them were hundreds of combee, each holding a Saffron-colored combee royal jelly, which in total weighed an estimated one hundred kilograms.

"Come on, sister, see if these are enough," Vespiquen said with a smile.

Milotic looked at Jiang Qing, who shook his head without any trace.

It's not that Jiang Qing doesn't think it's enough, it's that the Poké Ball is swinging blankly, and it doesn't think it's enough.

"Sister, can you give me a little more? I want to be able to think about my sister when I eat royal jelly in the future. The more royal jelly I have, the longer I will spend thinking about my sister."

"What my sister said makes sense, but it's my sister who is wrong."

So I brought another hundred pounds of three-honey royal jelly.

"Sister, I heard that the Elite Combee is very good for beauty. My sister wants some."

“Easy to talk about”

So I gave him 500 kilograms of Elite grade three honeys.

Jiang Qing: Milotic, you know the language of tea. .

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