Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1002 Go To My House

Faced with Jiang Qing's proposal, Regigigas was really moved. For it, sleeping somewhere is not sleeping anyway.

Then why didn't you choose a place closer to you, instead of going all the way to the ancient wax country?

Jiang Qing looked at Regigigas who was thinking, and suddenly slapped his forehead.

"Regigigas don't go to Haitian City, go directly to my hometown Lanzhi"

Why did I think about letting Regigigas settle in Haitian City before? It was entirely because it was the closest to Haitian City.

But later Jiang Qing thought that now that the original secret realm no longer needed Regigigas to pull him away, he could let Reshiram fly directly to Lancang City with Regigigas.

There is no need to use it at all.

Jiang Qing didn't expect this part just now.

So without waiting for Jiang Qingtong to agree, Reshiram directly asked Reshiram to grab Regigigas' shoulders, fly high into the sky, and then flew towards Lancang City.

The three divine pillars were left looking at each other.

Sanshenzhu: At least take us away, hey!

[No, Champion Jiang, leave Regigigas in our Haitian City]

[Hmph, Champion Jiang is the pride of 800 our Lancang City. What’s the benefit? Of course you have to remember your hometown Red.

[Will there be a temple in Lancang City in the future?]

[The three sacred pillars are so pitiful, they were left where they were]

[If Regigigas settles in Lancang City, doesn’t it mean that Lancang City will be protected by a first-level god in the future?

[Judging from the current relationship between Regigigas and Jiang Guanjun, it is really possible for him to become the patron saint of Lancang City]

Netizens in Xia Kingdom were talking a lot.

And Jiang Qing has already led Regigigas towards Lancang City. At Reshiram's speed, even if he holds Regigigas, he is not much slower.

As a first-level god who can't fly like Groudon, it's a bit novel to play Soaring in the sky this time with Regigigas.

Groudon: It can't fly either, why are you just talking about me.

It didn't take long for Jiang Qing to arrive at Sky in Lancang City.

I chose a place that was relatively close to my home, surrounded by mountains and rivers. It was definitely a Feng Shui treasure.

Regigigas: I am in deep sleep, not in eternal sleep.

"How is Regigigas here?" Jiang Qing said.

In fact, Regigigas does not have many requirements for the place where he sleeps (bgbe), as long as it is not an extreme environment like the sea or magma.

"But since you have already come to my territory, why don't you go to my house as a guest today?"

Without waiting for Regigigas' reaction, Reshiram grabbed it and flew into the sky again.

"Dumb, carefree waiter, there will be important guests coming in a few minutes."

Jiang Qing specially sent a message to Daidai and Guanshi.

But just after sending it, I found that I had arrived at the Sky in my backyard. Su Shiram's speed was a bit too fast.

Dadai and Guanshi, who were still in the house, had just received a message from Jiang Qing. They were still thinking about what kind of important guest it was and what dishes to cook for him in the evening, when they suddenly heard a sound coming from the backyard.

So they immediately walked towards the backyard and saw Reshiram slowly landing with Jiang Qing and Regigigas in hand.

Dadai and Ai knew who Regikas was, and they had been watching the live broadcast during this time.

Jiang Qing stayed with this guy for seven months, during which time he didn't even return home. He ate, drank, slept, and slept on Reshiram's back.

Of course, when it comes to cleaning up her own excrement, Jiang Qing will definitely not let it be photographed by satellites.

Otherwise, if he urinates and defecates in front of people all over the world, he will die immediately.

Seeing Jiang Qing bring the first-level god Regigigas home, his first reaction was that Jiang Qing hadn't taken a shower in the past seven months.

The first reaction of Guanshi was that her cub had eaten the food in Gengar's stomach for seven months, and it was all junk food.


Jiang Qing said that he had washed it, and he had swam in the ocean more than once. People all over the world can testify to this.

As for food, it is true that he is always eating the food in Gengar's stomach. After all, with so many satellites above his head, he cannot take out food directly from the system space.

He wouldn't know it if he didn't eat it. Only after eating every day did he realize that there was so much food in Gengar's stomach.

Most of it was junk food put in by Celebi and Jirachi, and a small part was put in by Jiang Qing a long time ago and forgotten later.

"Let me introduce to you. This is my most outstanding partner, Daidai. This is the carefree servant who has taken care of me since childhood and is the family member I care about most."

Seeing the stupid and intrusive waiter looking at him with unkind expressions, Jiang Qing's expression remained unchanged and said to Regigigas with a smile on his face.

Dudai: The most outstanding companion.

Love to take care of yourself: the family you care about most.

Feeling that Dadai and Guanshi were exuding happiness, Jiang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he praised his wit.

Regigigas said hello to Daidai and Guanshi.

As a first-level god, it is very sensitive to emotions, whether it is Celebi, Metagross, Reshiram, or the little nebula in Jiang Qing's arms, Jirachi.

And the two Pokémon in front of me now.

They all like this human being from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course this human being also cares about them.

This two-way emotion makes Regigigas's love for love continue to improve.

Otherwise, Jiang Qing would have beaten it long ago if he kept fooling it. Of course, the exclusive energy cube also contributed a lot.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "Go take a shower first"

Although he is no longer angry with Jiang Qing, he has not forgotten what he should do.

It has already smelled the fishy smell of Jiang Qing's body.

After all, after flying at sea for seven months, it's strange that there is no fishy smell from the sea.

"Oh, Regigigas, please wait for me here first."

With that said, Jiang Qing took Celebi, Jirachi and little Xingyun to take a bath together. These three little ones had been blowing the sea breeze for seven months like him.

Dadai also followed in, holding a brush, intending to give Jiang Qing a good brush, otherwise it would really not be able to pass the test in its heart.

And Regigigas was left hanging in the backyard by Jiang Qing.

But Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Gangjiang are on their way from the imperial capital.

Jiang Lan, who was fishing outside, also rushed home with a bucket.

Tian Rou, who was teaching students at school, skipped class.

There is a first-level god at home now. Why don't they come over and have a look? Don't go there too late and Regigigas will have fallen into a deep sleep.

Even if you can see it from the back, it's not a shortcoming.


Ai Tuanshi: "Jiang Qing, thank you, Lord Regigigas, for taking care of me these past few months."

Regigigas: “Easy to say”

Aiguanshi: You really responded. .

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