Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 492 The reluctant doctors

Sirona and Cattleya both twitched the corners of their mouths slightly. Is this what people said?

If someone said something like this and found out, they would probably be angry to death.

But Taiyi didn't notice anything and kept sighing.

"If it can be cultivated for a while, maybe the metal monster's background can be increased a bit. When it evolves, not only the strength can be improved even more, but the qualifications are also the same. I am still too anxious."

Taiyi felt a little regretful. The meditation room was already built, so he shouldn't be in such a hurry.

It was also his first time building this thing and he had no idea about the situation.

The runes in the meditation room were learned stroke by stroke under the guidance of the old man.

He couldn't wait to know the results of his hard work for so long.

Who knew that this meditation room was surprisingly effective, but it also produced results that I didn't expect.

But when he faced Metagross, he didn't show it in order not to make Metagross feel guilty.

Now, Metagross has left and returned to his room to rest.

In Zhenxin Town, these Pokémon do not need to enter the Poké Ball.

Taiyi arranged their own residence, either a room, a nursery, or an ecological garden.

These are all arranged according to the Pokémon's own ideas and wishes.

Metagross himself likes to sleep in the room, so Taiyi asked the almost-doll to arrange a room for him.

The corner of Cattleya's mouth twitched, wanting to go over and ask Taiyi: "The results are so good, but you still dislike it? I'm afraid you don't want to mess it up!"

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's go to bed early. Good night." Sirona pulled Cattleya over to prevent Cattleya from saying the wrong thing later.

This child's emotional intelligence is really worrying.

Almost the doll came over and took them to the room.

The breeding house is not too small and the room is sufficient.

However, there are many doctors and senior researchers staying today, and Taiyi's room is still a little nervous.

After all, when we were designing it before, we never considered that one day, so many people would come to stay.

There were only a few guest rooms designed here, but Taichi was still worried that Aunt Yingzi and the others might come back to Zhenxin Town.

Aunt Yingzi got married. Although she still had a house in Zhenxin Town, no one had cleaned it for a long time.

If I come back, I'll still stay here in Taiyi.

Back in the room, Cattleya asked: "Sister Sirona, why are you dragging me back? Taiyi's words are really irritating. It's a good thing that the Metagross has greatly increased its strength. Saying it in his mouth is simply... I'm so angry. Could it be that you really got an advantage and still acted like a good boy?"

Sirona was helpless: "He is a researcher!"

"What's wrong, researcher?"

Cattleya pouted, feeling very incomprehensible.

She used to breed Pokémon, and if it could greatly increase its strength, she would do it no matter what.

As a result, people said they were not satisfied.

Sighing, Sirona said: "He is speaking purely from the perspective of a breeder. If it can be cultivated for a while, the strength of this Metagross can be greatly increased. That's why it seems a bit of a pity. It's not really a pity. . And he also cared about Metagross's feelings, and only said a few words to us after Metagross left."

Cattleya was speechless.

After the two left, Taiyi was surprised: "Are they a little strange? It's inexplicable. What did they say suddenly? Did I say something wrong?"

Shu Lao walked out and glanced at Taiyi sideways: "No wonder you were single in your previous life."

Taiyi was surprised: "What does this have to do with singles? By the way, when did you know so many Internet vocabulary? You have become trendy now."

Shu Lao was too lazy to talk to this person who didn't grasp the point.

Taiyi shrugged and came down to take a look at the breeding house.

As a result, these Ph.D.s and senior researchers were not ready to stop their research.

"Doctors, if you don't rest, the Pokémon also need to rest. It's better to eat something first, wash up later, and then go to rest."

Taiyi discovered that these doctors had not eaten yet, let alone rested.

At the end of the whole day, he had finished the meditation room, but these people hadn't finished yet?

The energy cubes have been released. If it were in the past, these people would definitely care about it.

As a result, they have now become mere foils.

The attractiveness of Menas is truly well-deserved.

Dr. Hayakawa was stunned for a moment, but soon became a little shaken.

I haven't eaten much for a day, and I've been thinking about it. At this moment, I'm actually a little hypoglycemic.

But look at these meenas, although in the process of research, I ate some.

But at this time, I was indeed a little tired.

Pokémon's spirit may be stronger than that of humans.

But if you develop the habit of sleeping, and you are not in the middle of a battle, there is no need to stay up late.

Dr. Omu also said quickly: "Everyone should go and take a rest. No matter what, Menas still needs to rest."

Because there was Menas here in Taiyi before, Dr. Ohki had been studying it for a while.

Therefore, the resistance is stronger than other doctors and research institutes.

Including the researchers from Dr. Ohki's research institute, they are all following over now to assist in the research.

Needless to say, they gained a lot in just one day.

These doctors are all well-educated people, each with their own specialties.

In the past, they would have gained a lot from following Dr. Oki.

But now I am studying with other Ph.D.s, and I have gained a lot by drawing parallels.

Seeing Taiyi, they all nodded to express their gratitude.

Taiyi was originally in charge of this matter, and they were also recruited by Taiyi.

After Dr. Oki's persuasion, Dr. Hayakawa also nodded: "Indeed, I am a little tired today. If I can take a rest, I will be in better spirits tomorrow. If I come back to study again, the harvest will be greater."

As he spoke, Dr. Hayakawa looked at Taichi with burning eyes.

Taichi knew that Dr. Hayakawa was worried that he would not research for them.

Maybe it was out of favor that I didn't drive them away before.

Where in the elf world are there so many Menas for them to study?

This is a once-in-a-millennium opportunity. If you miss it, you don’t know when the next one will be.

Although Taiyi wrote a paper on the cultivation process of Chou Chou fish and published it.

But who knows, is Taiyi hiding some details?

Even if there is no concealment, the breeding process of these ugly fish may be different.

In the elf world, no two Pokémon are exactly the same.

The same kind of breeding may not allow the ugly fish you cultivate to evolve.

This is very possible.

Taiyi's heart moved slightly, and he smiled and said: "Okay. Come and study it tomorrow. I'm here, as long as you don't deliberately oppose me.

It's just an academic discussion, in fact, anything can be said. Let's have something to eat first and then take a rest.

Early tomorrow morning, Happy Egg will prepare breakfast for you. It’s not too late to study it again then! "

With Taichi's permission and promise, Dr. Hayakawa breathed a sigh of relief.

Dr. Oki didn't know whether it was funny or speechless, and pointed at Dr. Hayakawa.

Dr. Hayakawa said: "There's nothing I can do. These Minas are my favorite Pokémon. If I don't have a way to study them, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat or sleep for several days."


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