Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 487 Cattleya’s situation

Of course, the people from Dewen Company and Silver Company did not need Taiyi to bother to entertain them.

He only needs to bring people to the conference room, and then come out to inform the people on Dr. Omu's side,

Now that everything has been decided, how could we not prepare in advance for the announcement of the energy cube this time?

A few days ago, the Damu family actually sent a team of people over.

The purpose is to negotiate.

Taiyi does not have that many manpower, and there are no experts dedicated to negotiation in this area.

So for the time being, we can only invite people from the Damu family to come over as foreign aid.

"Then you can have a good talk here, and I'll go back first. I still have some things to do."

After Taiyi finished speaking, he nodded with a few people and then came back.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Cattleya sitting there, a little nervous, and I could see that she was a little anxious.

Without thinking too much, Taiyi knew why she was like this. Anyone has been suppressed by these superpowers since birth.

He may be counterattacked by super powers at any time, and even his family may be implicated.

After more than ten years, everyone will have the same thoughts as Cattleya.

"You're back." Cattleya stood up almost as soon as Taiyi came in and said eagerly.

Taiyi Laughter pressed his hand and signaled Cattleya not to worry. Sirona also stretched out her hand to pull Cattleya to sit down: "It's already now, so don't worry anymore. Let's see what Taiyi has to say. "

Taiyi sat down here, facing Sirona and Cattleya.

Both of them were a little nervous. Sirona was nervous for Cattleya, and she was indeed a good best friend.

Cattleya was already holding the hem of her skirt with her hands. At this moment, she was really nervous and wanted to hear a good result.

I was afraid that what Taiyi said would not have any good effect, so I ended up disappointed.

Taiyi did not seduce him and said directly: "Cattleya, you should also feel the super power in my body."

Cattleya nodded: "It is true that you have quite a lot of superpowers in your body. In fact, this happened to me right after I came here."

Taiyi smiled bitterly, he had worked hard for more than a year to cultivate his superpowers, and even meditating with many superpowers Pokémon had a great bonus. The result was more in Cattleya's mouth.

However, the number of Cattleya's own super powers is too great, and the surging power is almost coming out of her body.

If it hadn't been for that heavenly king-level symbolic bird that suppressed this force with its own power, Cattleya might have burst her body even if she didn't go berserk.

Sirona pulled Cattleya's hand and signaled her not to be so straightforward.

Cattleya said: "Sister Sirona, the number of superpowers in his body is really pretty good, very good."

Sirona smiled bitterly, Cattleya was just a spoiled child and spoke too directly.

He actually didn't care about Taiyi's face at all, even though Taiyi was younger than them all.

There is no one else with this kind of emotional intelligence.

Cattleya said this with an encouraging attitude.

But I’m afraid the person being encouraged won’t think so. Everyone has their own dignity. Who would be willing to encourage a trainer who is not much older than himself and who is not stronger than the other person to encourage him like this?

In fact, if the superpower king of the older generation said this, there would be absolutely no problem.

Not to mention anything else, just because of your age alone, you can say these things, and Taiyi won't care.

But Cattleya herself is not too old, so saying this feels like preaching.

Tai waved his hand, indicating to Sirona that he didn't care.

"Forget it, compared to Cattleya's huge power, even the power of the super-powerful King-level Pokémon can't be suppressed.

I really have nothing to say about the number of superpowers I have. "

Sirona quickly changed the subject and said: "By the way, in that case, do you have any way to treat Cattleya's condition?

She has been suppressing the superpower in her body since she was very young, but this power has been growing vigorously as the years have grown.

This made her very painful. Even though she is so lively now, in fact, the suffering she suffered is something that many people in this world cannot bear. It is really amazing. "

Tai nodded: "I can understand, it's like there is a powerful force in her heart that may explode at any time, and may even cause some situations that she doesn't want to see. I understand how she feels."

With that said, Taiyi stopped being pretentious and said to Cattleya: "You can feel the superpower in my body. But I think you don't know that I only awakened to my superpower last year."

"Impossible!" Cattleya said loudly,

"How is this possible? The number of superpowers in your body is quite large, even comparable to that of elite Pokémon. And the quality of your superpowers is probably not even comparable to mine."

Sirona also has superpowers, but she can feel the superpowers, but she is not familiar with them.

At this moment, hearing Cattleya's words, his eyes widened. How could this be possible?

How powerful is Cattleya's power?

Not to mention the little bit of power in Taiyi, it is definitely not comparable to the super power in Cattleya.

But Cattleya's superpower itself is very pure. In addition, the suppression of superpower Pokémon in recent years has not only prevented the development of Cattleya's superpower, but also compressed her power, making it Become more pure.

Misfortune depends on blessing.

And this is also the reason why the power in Cattleya is violent. The more suppressed it is, the stronger it rebounds.

It's not like Cattleya hasn't tried to control this power in the past few years, but it's a pity that it's difficult.

Cattleya nodded: "Sister Sirona, there is no need to doubt my superpowers. I can feel Mr. Taiyi's superpowers, they are really pure."

As she said this, she seemed to have realized something, and turned to stare at Taiyi, her eyes shining with hope.

Tai nodded: "Yes.

In fact, my superpower was just awakened last year, and it was not huge at the time.

It cannot be considered youth, it is just a seed.

During this year, I read various classics on my phone.

After trying it out, I figured out a method of meditation.

Through this meditation method, I can effectively promote my mastery of superpowers.

In this process, the number of superpowers has also increased accordingly, and it can even meditate with Pokémon to improve the quantity and quality of each other's superpowers.

This way Pokémon can also be improved. Trainers can also feed themselves back. "

Shu Lao walked out and rolled his eyes.

Taiyi cupped his hand, of course the movement was very slight and no one else saw it.

Shu Lao didn't care. It was hard to come out and receive the award on his own in this kind of thing.

Fortunately, the two of them became one, and it was probably Taichi who made it happen.

But Cattleya said in surprise: "I have tried a lot of meditation methods. In fact, you may not know much about the superpower world.

Although there are not too many superpowers in this world, there are not too few either.

The superpower meditation method has actually been around for a long time. Among other things, the superpower gym has emerged in Golden City in the Kanto region in recent years.

It was organized by a family of superpowers.

At that time, my elders also took me to their family to seek medical treatment, but unfortunately, they were helpless.

Even because of this meditation method, the superpowers in my body are still increasing, which doesn't help. "

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