Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 483 The energy cube that even the King of Leave Loves

As he spoke, Taiyi lifted the veil covering the plate, revealing several energy cubes of different colors.

It was originally covered with a veil, symbolizing that the bird could still endure it.

At this moment, Tai opened the veil and the fragrance came out.

The symbolic bird chirped, and Taiyi could tell that it meant he was very eager.

Taiyi laughed, controlled one of the golden energy cubes with super powers, and threw it to the symbolic bird.

The symbol bird chirped happily, took the golden energy cube in its mouth and swallowed it.

"The symbolic bird!"

Gadelia shouted loudly, even though she knew Taiyi could not harm her.

But the symbolic bird's behavior of swallowing this energy cube without asking any questions still made Cattleya a little angry.

This symbolic bird has been accompanying Cattleya since she was a child. Although the symbolic bird will not listen to her wishes and fight, it is dedicated to accompanying and protecting her.

Cattleya turned her head and looked at Taiyi and asked.

"What exactly is this energy cube? And when I look at these energy cubes of yours, they are all different colors. Is there any problem?"

"Very good." Taiyi clapped his hands and said.

“It’s really good that you noticed this, because the fruit of the tree is different, and the additional supplementary materials that are added are different.

Each type of energy cube, suitable for each type of Pokémon, has a slightly different color.

For example, the piece I just gave to the symbolic bird is an energy cube suitable for Pokémon with super powers. It suits their taste and promotes the recovery and improvement of their super powers. "

Taiyi talked eloquently: "This is my latest research, extracting the energy from tree fruits and other auxiliary materials, and condensing it into such a small piece.

Even a Pokémon with a big appetite like Kirby.

Two or three of these energy cubes are enough for Kirby to eat. "

If enough energy can be provided, Kirby doesn't have to eat all the time.

This point has already been explained by Dr. Oak's Kirbymon.

Taiyi had taken care of the Kirby for a while before, and he already knew something about Pokémon like Kirby.

The reason why Kirby eats all the time is because their huge bodies consume a lot of energy.

Kirby just wants to store more energy and then go into a long sleep to survive the days without food.

But if Taiyi provides energy cubes for three meals a day, then Kirby doesn't need to eat all the time.

Mr. Qianli suddenly asked: "Is the energy really that high? Then is there any food suitable for Pokémon with ordinary attributes like King of Vacation?"

"It's Mr. Qianli." Taiyi said: "I think Mr. Qianli usually puts a lot of effort into feeding the vacation kings. His head hurts a lot, right?"

Kind laughter rang out, and Mr. Qianli touched his head and wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead.

“Indeed, Pokémon like the King of Leave are too lazy.

It's really hard to feed them food. Even when they are hungry, they sometimes don't bother to eat and just sleep. It really breaks my heart.

If there were such highly concentrated energy cubes that could be fed to the King of Leave, I think the cultivation of this Pokémon would be much simpler. "

"Then, I recommend this white energy cube to you.

I don’t know if Mr. Qianli carries the Poke Ball of the King of Leave. If so, he can test it on the spot. "

Taichi was so confident that Mr. Qianli took out one of his Poké Balls and released a King of Leave.

Taiyi noticed that this time the Leave King had just entered the Heavenly King level and should not be Mr. Qianli’s main force.

At least not his trump card.

Mr. Qianli has unparalleled experience in cultivating Pokémon of the Leave King series.

It is said that Mr. Qianli has bred a large number of lazy otters, hyperactive apes, and kings of leave.

Others can't direct the King of Leave to fight in a one vs one battle, but Mr. Qianli still has a way.

Just what is the solution?

This is Mr. Chisato's secret, and no one else knows about it.

Now that Mr. Qianli had summoned the King of Leave, Taiyi took some white general super energy cubes and gave them to Mr. Qianli.

"Just try it yourself."

Mr. Qianli nodded and took the plate handed over by Taiyi, and a burst of fragrance spread into his nose.

It made him move his index finger a little, wanting to swallow this energy cube.

Carrying the energy cube to the side of the Leave King, the Leave King who was originally lazy didn't want to move at all. Now he smelled a scent and the Leave King moved.

Sure enough, it works, even Pokémon like Vacation King will behave like this.

Is this energy cube really so delicious?

Or is it the energy contained in the Positive Energy Cube that attracts Pokémon's attention.

Taiyi was a little surprised to hear such speculation from one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Although these Four Heavenly Kings are not researchers, they are also very sensitive in this regard. I immediately guessed why these energy cubes attract Pokémon.

On the one hand, Pokémon is greedy for elf food, and on the other hand, it absorbs the energy in it. , you can improve yourself.

The energy cube is a relatively pure energy with slightly removed impurities.

Otherwise, there is no way to replenish such a small piece, such as the stomach of a huge beast like Kirby.

At this time, Mr. Qianli had already placed the energy cube next to the leave king.

This lazy Pokémon suddenly started to move at this time, but of course its whole body did not move.

It just stretched out one hand, pinched the energy cube, put it into its mouth, then closed its mouth and lay there motionless.

The King of Leave lives up to his name.

This situation is clear at a glance, even Pokémon like the King of Leave are able to overcome their nature of asking for leave and enjoy this energy cube.

It can be seen that this vacation king is enjoying himself.

His energy was a little low just now, he must be a little hungry, but despite this situation.

The King of Leave didn't show it at all. I really don't know how this kind of Pokémon doesn't become extinct in the wild.

Sometimes the Leave King didn't even bother to move when there was food in front of him. Just like when he provided the energy cube just now, the Leave King just moved one hand and opened his mouth.

Apart from these two actions, the only action left is probably to close the mouth.

Fortunately, the energy cubes don’t actually need to be chewed.

The saliva secreted in the mouth can digest these energy cubes.

Mr. Qianli felt it and said: "This energy cube has quite a lot of energy.

The King of Leave needs about five energy cubes at a time to fill his whole body's energy.

However, the energy cube is digested fairly quickly.

The King of Leave did not swallow it, but the saliva secreted from his mouth melted and quickly turned into energy and poured into the King of Leave's body.

This is a very efficient way to replenish energy. "

Mr. Qianli is very familiar with the King of Leave, and he is also very sensitive to the digestion of these energy cubes.

Standing up, Mr. Qianli said to Taiyi: "It is indeed an energy cube. It is a food that Pokémon likes. It seems to taste pretty good. Does Mr. Taiyi plan to announce the production method of the energy cube?"

Everyone else looked over, wondering what decision Taiyi would make.

If Taiyi decides not to announce it, then the energy cubes can only be purchased from Taiyi, which is a little troublesome.

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