Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 480 Reception, Acceptance

Even though I don’t want to leave, I also want to get a piece of it.

Dr. Ivy knew that he had completely angered Researcher Taiyi before, even if Researcher Taiyi was willing.

No, Researcher Taiyi would never be willing to share the results of this research with him.

Although you can get a general idea from the paper, the actual content is never in the paper.

For example, Taiyi never mentioned the ingredients of the elf juice that Taiyi mentioned.

Although some people on the market have already used it, and they can also redeem it in the Rising Sun APP. They have many channels to get these elf juices.

Even including Dr. Ivy, all the researchers here have obtained these elf juices from various sources and have also tried to copy them.

But in the end, there was no way to get exactly the same elf juice, and the effects were too different.

They don't understand the difference, but they have this understanding and know that it is not easy to copy this kind of elf juice.

When Dr. Ivy gritted his teeth and turned around, out of the corner of his eye he saw the remaining glass bottles that had been set on fire around the pond.

That should be Elf Incense.

Dr. Ivy had a clear understanding in his heart. Unfortunately, even though they knew it was elf incense, they still didn't have the slightest clue.

Making elven incense is inherently complicated. There are many steps involved and there is no way to know.

In addition, there are many raw materials, types, and the order and conditions of adding them that you can’t even imagine.

Adding these several variables together makes it impossible to study them.

What's more, Dr. Ivy knows that there is no way he can get these elf incense, and Researcher Taiyi will not sell it to him.

After a few steps, Dr. Ivy caught up with Dr. Sato.

Dr. Sato snorted coldly: "Why don't you stay there and give it a try?"

There was a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, not only because Dr. Ivy and the others turned against him and admitted the authenticity of Taiyi's paper before him for their own benefit.

What's more, now that he turned around and left, the others actually hesitated for a while, and Dr. Ivy only caught up with him, which made him a little unhappy.

Dr. Ivy ignored Dr. Sato's bad temper and asked directly: "Do you think there is any way to get those elven incense? If the elven incense can be cracked, I think the conditions for the evolution of these ugly fishes, We can probably crack it."

When it came to business, Dr. Sato also became serious.

After thinking for a while, Dr. Sato said: "Indeed, I observed carefully just now. There are many bottles around the artificial lake. This is something that was not there when we first entered."

"This Taiyi researcher has been rumored to be a superpower holder before. Now that I think about it, his superpowers should be pretty good, and he can arrange all this silently."

"Yes, I remembered that when we were shocked by the beauty of Menas before, he did make some small moves, and the scales of the ugly fish did become brighter after the incense."

Thinking about this, Dr. Sato's pace slowed down a bit. He even thought about whether to go back to Researcher Taiyi and ask for a bottle of elven incense to go back to study.

It was his strong willpower that stopped him from turning around.

Dr. Sato pondered for a while and said.

"Don't worry, the remaining people will give you elf incense, and I think this kid has great ambitions. In the future, there will definitely be elf incense exchange in the Rising Sun APP. After you go back, you ask the younger members of the family to Register an account and complete more tasks, and you will be able to redeem it. Then we will see what everyone is capable of."

Having said this, Dr. Sato became determined and walked outside.

Not long after leaving, he came to the clearing and took out a flying Pokémon.

Dr. Sato said: "Let's go back and talk about it from the beginning."

Dr. Ivy looked back at Taichi's cultivation room and said, "Aren't you going to wait for the others?"

Although their small group is said to be small in number, there are still six or seven people.

The family has a lot of say in the alliance. Now that the two of them left in despair, there will definitely be a gap between them and others.

There will be cracks in this small group, and I'm afraid there will be no way to cooperate sincerely in the future.

Dr. Sato snorted coldly and said: "What good do they think that kid has? You see they will come back in despair later. Instead of staying here and suffering this humiliation, it is better to leave earlier."

Thinking of this, Dr. Sato already controlled the Pokémon and flew up.

There is no nostalgia at all, and nostalgia has no effect at all.

Dr. Ivy stood up and left with him.

I still think about it, just like what Dr. Sato said.

In the end, there will probably be no results. That kid is so young and so ambitious, what kind of good looks can he give him?

But the atmosphere in the room was definitely different from what they thought.

After Dr. Sato and Dr. Ivy left.

The two doctors who were the most staunch opponents of him left.

Taiyi turned around and said to everyone: "Well, I heard that everyone is coming over. I have asked Happy Egg and the others to prepare food and drinks. Why don't you follow me to the front to enjoy the food and discuss about this paper? There are many It’s worth discussing.”

Dr. Hayakawa looked at Taichi and said, "Are you willing to share it with us?"

Taiyi laughed: "I have never thought about being an enemy of anyone. I remember that since I started to be a researcher, others have always been making things difficult for me, and I just passively fight back, isn't it?"

Dr. Hayakawa thought about it, and it was true that several conflicts were brought up by Dr. Sato.

It's just that because of their relatively high status, those they provoked in the past were unable to fight back like Researcher Taiyi, so they have never failed in their attempts.

Nowadays, it is just because of Taiyi's tough methods and strong research ability that they appear to be in a dilemma.

Taiyi smiled and said: "Dr. Ohki and I discussed starting this journal, and we also wanted to make the atmosphere in the research community more liberal. So there is nothing that cannot be said about these studies. If Dr. Hayakawa wants to discuss it with us If so, we are very welcome.”

Dr. Hayakawa was the doctor who had just made a decisive announcement that his paper was true and not plagiarized.

It can be seen that his temper should be more upright, but because his butt determines his head, his camp determines that he must do something.

Dr. Hayakawa's decision-making was very good. When he saw something was not right, he immediately cut off his wrist and was mentally prepared to be spit on.

But what Dr. Hayakawa didn't expect was that Taichi would be so generous and choose to forgive them and be willing to accept them for discussion.

Dr. Oki also nodded secretly. It is not good to blindly make enemies. Taiyi can restrain his temper and choose to accept people like Dr. Hayakawa who are not so firm in the other camp and have not persecuted him. This is a job. Mature.

Although he admired it in his heart, Dr. Omu still felt a little sad for Taiyi's choice.

You have to consider so many situations at such a young age, and you are not at all as ambitious as when you were young. Isn't that what young people are like?

It's just the pressure from the family and the changes in the family that made Tai grow up in an instant.

Thinking of what happened this year, Dr. Omu guessed in his heart.

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