Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 476 Cattleya, One Hundred Thousand Volts

Dr. Ivy's face was as black as the ashes at the bottom of the pot.

He really didn't expect Tai Xiao, who was so young and sharp-tongued, to be able to speak like this.

If you grab a handle, you can give him a slap in the face, which makes him very angry.

They have a high status and it is difficult for them to scold a child.

In addition, they usually maintain a high status and are very arrogant when facing others.

They all had stern expressions, and it seemed that if they spoke more words, they would have to pay a lot of power. Their eloquence was really not as good as Taiyi's.

Then I heard Taiyi say: "You better use your mouth more, otherwise you won't be able to quibble with it. But I have a very thick skin. I don't know how I developed it. It must be a natural family inheritance."

When he said this, Taiyi happened to walk out and passed by Mr. Mikri, which immediately made Mikri laugh. He pointed at Taiyi and didn't know what to say.

Taiyi blinked at him and asked, "What I said makes sense, right?"

Everyone could hear this joking tone. When they turned around to look at the faces of Dr. Ivy and Dr. Sato, they saw that their faces were as dark as something, darker than the ink sprayed from an octopus barrel.

Sirona couldn't help but laughed.

Although she quickly covered her mouth. But the laughter was still very abrupt.

Dr. Sato and Dr. Ivy almost ran out of breath.

Cattleya burst into laughter immediately, pointed at Taiyi and said, "You are so funny. I regret it so much. I should have come here earlier and gotten to know you earlier, life would have been more fun."

"Who is this?" Taiyi asked as he led them forward.

Sirona smiled and introduced him: "This is Cattleya, my best friend."

Taiyi stared at Cattleya carefully.

Taiyi could feel a huge superpower from her body.

This power is much more than the number of superpowers that Taiyi has acquired through hard training. Taiyi's current superpowers are probably about the same as an elite-level first-level superpower Pokémon.

This is entirely because of his good physique, the very advanced meditation method, and the joint efforts of Casey and the others, which made Taiyi's strength improve so quickly.

Cattleya's superpowers are extraordinary, and their numbers are so huge that Taiyi guesses that they can compete with quasi-king-level Pokémon.

Even when Casey evolved into Yongjira, he was now at the pinnacle of the gym leader level, just one step away from being a quasi-king.

But Casey's total superpowers still feel inferior to Cattleya's.

But Cattleya's superpower gave Taiyi a very strange feeling, which seemed to be very violent.

Cattleya herself seemed unable to control this energy well.

Cattleya looked at Taiyi curiously: "Why are you staring at me like this? Tell you, I don't like you, little brother."

Taiyi smiled bitterly, his body was still too small and he was teased everywhere.

Taiyi shook his head and said: "It's your matter. Let's talk about it later."

Mikri came up and said, "Why are you tempted? Let me tell you that Cattleya is a blue chip stock. Her family has a lot of wealth and there are many high-level trainers."

"Even Cattleya herself is already a quasi-king-level trainer. King-level is not a dream. I believe she will be promoted soon. She is very good at super-powered Pokémon."


Taiyi knew in his heart that after watching so many elf anime and elf games, and playing so many elf games, he was still very familiar with Cattleya.

Cattleya's Pokémon all have superpower attributes.

At least one of those attributes is a superpower, and she rarely has Pokémon with other attributes.

Generally speaking, trainers with super powers are inherently compatible with Pokémon with super powers.

It has great help in commanding operations and training.

Even these super-powered Pokémon can help these super-powered trainers control their own super powers.

Cattleya's super power is very terrifying, Taiyi has a feeling that if it were not bound by the super power Pokémon, this power would be very lethal when it explodes.

But there is no rush for this matter. We can have a good talk after today's matter is over.

Cattleya has a good background, and her family has great power in the Fangyuan area.

Now Cattleya is traveling to the Hezhong region, and will become one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Hezhong region in the future. Taiyi will not give up such a network.

Taiyi continued to move forward, and Cattleya whispered close to Sirona and said, "Sister Sirona, Mr. Taiyi doesn't really have any thoughts about me, does he?"

She has seen many such people.

Sirona laughed and said to Gadelia: "You don't know yet, but Mr. Taiyi is also a superpower. He should have noticed the superpower in your body."

"By the way, does he have a lot of research on superpowers? Maybe he can help with your problem."

Cattleya doesn't have high hopes for this: "My parents have hired a lot of superpower experts for me, but they are all helpless. I don't have high hopes anymore."

But in her heart, Gadelia still had a little hope.

If it were possible, who would want to walk around with such a terrifying force that could go berserk at any time?

The reason why I left home and walked alone in the Hezhong area was because of this concern.

Cattleya was very worried that she would hurt others because she couldn't control her superpowers.

She went out alone to face challenges to hone herself, and she also wanted to make her will stronger so that she could control the power of her body.

At this moment, she is carrying a king-level symbolic bird on her body, which is controlling the superpowers in her body all the time. It seems that just because of an oversight, this superpower will burst out and cause a huge disaster.

"It would be great if she could really help me control my powers."

"Okay, this is my cultivation house." Taiyi led everyone to the front of the cultivation house and pointed at the cultivation house and said.

"There are so many Pokémon." Cattleya sighed. There are really a lot of Pokémon coming in and out here. Happy eggs, a few lucky eggs, and a considerable number of similar dolls are all very good. Helper Pokémon.

Thinking of Taiyi's other identity, a junior breeder, it is reasonable to need these assistant Pokémon.

The number of Pokémon here in Taiyi seems to be roughly dozens, not hundreds.

Cattleya also saw several Slowpoke beasts and a Slowpoke King.

Is this the new evolved form of Slowpoke that Mr. Taichi just discovered?

Sure enough, it's much prettier than Slowpoke, so cute.

At this moment, a burst of lightning flashed across the room.

Sirona's eyes flashed, is this one hundred thousand volts?

What kind of Pokémon is this? It's so scary that it can unleash its moves in the house. thing

Everything in the house was almost destroyed.

Pikachu: Rat Pokémon

Level: 45

Attributes: Electricity/Superpower

Features: Lightning rod

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Electric shock, tail wagging, coquettishness, charming, lightning flash, wall of light, teleportation, harmony, angel kiss, electromagnetic waves, high-speed movement, cheek rub, electric light, electric ball, shadow clone, one hundred thousand volts

Taichi had a headache, turned to Sirona and said: "It's probably Pikachu again. She can learn some tricks every time she watches Jinling Animation. This time, I'm afraid she learned one hundred thousand volts. It's really a headache."

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