Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 450 Inspection of Printing Factory

Ibrahimovic's condition stabilized a little, and Taiyi felt a little relieved, but he decided that his future research focus would be on gene inhibitors.

Eevee's physical condition really worried Taichi. This was the Pokémon he was most worried about when he came to this world.

But life goes on, and Taichi can't spend all his time on this. He has other projects and other Pokémon to take care of.

That day Taichi came to the printing factory. Kazuo Karasawa stepped forward to greet Taichi: "Mr. Taichi, you are here!"

Taiyi looked around, everyone was very alert, although most people were working and doing printing. However, there are also a few people who are watching around, so as not to know if someone comes in.

Although the people in Zhenxin Town are very simple and most of them will not do anything bad, Zhenxin Town has been visited by many tourists recently. The people in Zhenxin Town are still a bit complicated.

Taichi doesn't come here often. Although the printing and distribution of journals is very important, this matter has been handed over to Kazuo Karasawa, so he let it go.

Everyone knows that Kazuo Karasawa has experienced too much in the past, and he is a very stable person.

Taiyi nodded and asked: "How about printing?"

Kazuo Karasawa replied: "The raw materials were provided in a timely manner, and Dewen Company was also very cooperative. So far, 70,000 copies have been printed.

Yes, the first issue of the journal Taiyi was not very conservative and chose to print 70,000 copies. That's not all. In the next few days, another 30,000 copies will be printed, for a total of 100,000 copies.

100,000 copies may sound like a lot, but when distributed to various regions, 100,000 copies is just that.

In addition to the Kanto region, Chengdu region, Fangyuan region, and Sinnoh region, these regions are relatively developed. In addition, there are several other regions that belong to the alliance. Slightly less developed regions have a large population.

Kazuo Karasawa went to get a sample and gave it to Taichi: "Mr. Taichi, look at it, this is the printed sample."

Taiyi took it and looked through it, and found that the printing was very good, the fonts were clear, and there were no problems such as ink stains or smearing.

There is no need to look at the typesetting, because this typesetting itself is a type of typesetting made after discussion between Taiyi and Dr. Ohki. Kazuo Karasawa and the others were just copying Taichi and Dr. Oki's layout.

Although the thing is simple, it is very important. Taiyi looked through it and expressed that he was very satisfied.

Kazuo Karasawa was very satisfied to see Taiyi, and Kazuo Karasawa was also happy. Since Taiyi is satisfied, it means that their work has become relatively stable.

In the past, jobs like having to compete with wild Pokémon for resources in the wild were not a big deal, the risk was high, and the income was not necessarily high.

This is because after the opening of Taiyi’s Rising Sun app, they have many more ways to make money.

Now when working for Taiyi, their elves can all participate, whether it is printing or warning, they can all come in handy. The salary given by Taiyi is also very good, at least much better than before.

Moreover, today’s jobs are much safer and there are not so many dangers.

Kazuo Karasawa planned to marry his fiancée and have a child later.

Although Kazuo Karasawa has not completely given up on his inner ambition, he has also begun to make preparations.

Taiyi's salary here is good, he can support his own Pokémon training, and he can also save part of it.

The work here in Taiyi is not very heavy every day, and there is still a lot of free time. During this time, Kazuo Karasawa can go to the Banjoban Forest with others to complete tasks.

Taiyi recently issued some herbal collection tasks. Seeing that the rewards were pretty good, Karasawa Kazuo was already planning to organize a team to collect herbal medicines in the Viridian Forest.

It just so happens that Mr. Taiyi in Zhenxin Town can also directly deliver the task.

Although the person responsible for delivering the task was a Pokémon, Kazuo Karasawa was not surprised by a Pokémon with super powers like Casey.

The intelligence of this kind of super-powered Pokémon is very high, much higher than that of humans.

I am just responsible for the task settlement of a Rising Sun app, which is not particularly difficult. For Casey, it was easy.

If necessary, Casey can even receive a dozen or even dozens of people at the same time to deliver tasks together.

What's strange is that this Casey didn't fall into a deep sleep for more than 18 hours a day.

This is very different from other Casey, but considering this is Mr. Taichi's Pokémon, it seems to be the original Pokémon. Kazuo Karasawa understood.

Mr. Taiyi is so powerful, and his initial dream must also be very powerful. At least all of Kazuo Karasawa's Pokémon combined are no match for Mr. Taichi's starting Pokémon.

After inspecting the printing factory, Tai nodded and asked Akagi Yohei to go to the Joban City printing factory to urge him.

During this period of time, Taichi often asked Akagi Yangping to go to Joban City Printing Factory to urge them to print journals, and urged them to deliver journals many times, but was dealt with perfunctorily.

This is also to confuse the Sasaki family, lest they find out that they are printing journals in another place, causing them to print this journal and deliver it to Taichi.

Taichi had previously signed a contract with the Sasaki family and entrusted them with printing journals. His original intention was to confuse the Sasaki family, and even the doctors and their families behind the alliance's paper review department.

The publication of nature journals offends the interests of these families, and these people will definitely take some actions.

Taiyi doesn't necessarily want to fight against them, he just sets a trap, and whoever falls in may be determined.

Although Akagi Yangping didn't know what Taichi had planned. But Akagi Yohei knew that everything he did was to serve Taichi's true purpose. So try not to be too obvious.

Akagi Yohei arrived at Joban City Printing Factory and was warmly received by the person in charge.

The director of the Joban City Printing Factory was very enthusiastic when he received Akagi Yanghei. He invited him to drink elf juice inside, and accompanied him throughout the whole process, and visited the Joban City Printing Factory.

The person in charge smiled and said: "We are the largest printing factory in Joban City, and we can definitely complete the tasks you assigned. Don't worry."

Akagi Yangping said: "There are only a few days left before the date of delivery of the journals. Are you sure you can deliver all the journals on time? The contract states that even if one is missing, full compensation will be required."

The person in charge muttered inwardly: "I don't know how the Sasaki family is going to deal with this."

The factory director thought to himself that the Sasaki family probably thought that the Sasaki family had a monopoly on most of the printing industry in the Kanto region and Chengdu region.

If Mr. Taichi Amuro wants to print periodicals, he must cooperate with the Sasaki family, otherwise he will not be able to print all the periodicals in time.

After this time, the Sasaki family may also cooperate with Mr. Taichi to print periodicals. After all, the business won will not be pushed out, it will just delay some time.

The person in charge didn’t know what the specific situation was.

The two of them have their own thoughts and deal with each other. One treats you warmly and just wants the other to leave quickly.

A perfunctory treatment, just thinking about getting things done, deceiving the person in charge of the printing factory so that he can complete the task.

At the end of the day, both of them were very tired, but they were very impressed with their acting skills!

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