Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 448 Gene Inhibitor, Lack of Herbal Medicine

In the end, Dr. Ohki didn't have any particularly good solution, so he could only provide Taiyi with two solutions.

The first one was the massage that Taiyi had used before. He used cultivator techniques to massage Ibrahimovic to relax his whole body. The effect was there, but not great.

Due to the activity of genes, Ibrahimovic's body is changing all the time. This kind of pain is difficult to solve with massage alone.

Dr. Oki said to Taichi: "Then the only way is to try the second method, use gene inhibitors."

Gene inhibitors are a type of medicine, which Taiyi has also seen from the paper. But he didn't know how to make gene inhibitors.

Dr. Oki said: "Actually, I have done some research on gene inhibitors before, but later due to some reasons, I gave up."

Dr. Ohki's research is really rich and complex, Taichi admires it.

In fact, the market for gene inhibitors is not large, because the function of gene inhibitors is to inhibit the evolutionary genes of elves, making it impossible for elves to evolve.

The purpose of the trainer is to cultivate powerful Pokémon. The strength of Pokémon that cannot evolve will be worse than that of evolved Pokémon.

Besides, if you really don’t want your Pokémon to evolve, you can also use items like the Immutable Stone.

Items such as the Immutable Stone are relatively expensive, but there are not many trainers who need to use this item.

In fact, the most common ones are some female trainers who want to conquer some cute Pokémon.

Female trainers do not want these Pokémon to lose their cute appearance due to evolution, so they want to suppress the evolution of Pokémon.

Generally speaking, these female trainers are not short of money, so they can easily buy items such as the Invariant Stone.

For these reasons, there is not much market for gene inhibitors, so there are not that many researchers studying this.

Taiyi doesn’t know why Dr. Oki wants to study gene inhibitors.

But now that Dr. Ohki has preliminary product information, it is enough for the time being.

Taiyi said: "Dr. Ohki, then you authorize me to use this patent, and I will also conduct some research on it myself."

Of course, he will not forget the royalties that should be paid, even if he is an acquaintance.

Dr. Ohgi authorized Taichi, and Taichi hugged Ibrahimovic and said goodbye and came back.

Xiaoxia was still waiting for Ibrahimovic. When she saw Taiyi coming back, she immediately asked: "How is Taiyi's brother Ibrahimovic?"

Taiyi shook his head and said: "Ibrahimovic's situation is not very optimistic, but we will all work hard. Right? Ibrahimovic?"

Although Ibrahimovic was still in pain, he still looked into Taiyi's eyes and nodded.

Taiyi put Ibrahimovic down, and Xiaoxia wanted to come up and touch Ibrahimovic, but this time she was in vain.

Taichi noticed that Eevee used telekinesis to float his body towards the room.

He was also a little surprised that Eevee had degenerated, but the superpower moves that the sun elf had mastered were still retained.

And Ibrahimovic is very smooth to use.

Taichi even discovered that there is a lot of superpower energy in Ibrahimovic's body.

This Eevee's superpower qualifications are definitely not bad.

Xiaoxia rushed to nothing and didn't care.

Xiaoxia looked at Ibrahimovic with pity in her eyes.

Taiyi had no choice but to shake his head and turned around and entered the laboratory.

He wanted to master the method of making the gene inhibitor as quickly as possible.

Only in this way can the most basic gene inhibitor be produced to help Ibrahimovic stabilize the evolutionary genes in his body.

In fact, Ibrahimovic's problem is very simple. It is because the evolutionary genes in his body were destroyed by Team Rocket researchers.

In addition, Ibrahimovic's qualifications are extremely good, and Ibrahimovic has already reached the stage where he can evolve. However, because the evolutionary gene is too active, the direction of its evolution has not yet been determined. So Ibrahimovic has no way to stabilize.

Of course, Ibrahimovic evolved into a sun elf before, which shows that Ibrahimovic's evolutionary genes will also be affected by Ibrahimovic's own will.

However, Ibrahimovic's evolutionary genes have never been stable, and the evolutionary genes towards other evolutionary forms have always been active.

This is the reason why the Sun Elf degenerated into Eevee again and could evolve into other forms again.

If you are a utilitarian person, you may think this is a good opportunity. Because this means that Eevee can degenerate and evolve again at any time, becoming a Pokémon with the attributes that the trainer needs.

In this way, whether it is a gym battle or an alliance regional conference, such an Eevee has a good advantage.

No matter what attribute the opponent is using, this Eevee can be transformed into an attribute that restrains the opponent.

But for Taiyi, this is nothing compared to the pain Ibrahimovic has to endure.

After a busy afternoon, Taiyi finally mastered the production of gene inhibitors.

The preparation of this kind of potion is more troublesome, and the raw materials used are also relatively precious.

But for Taiyi, as long as it can alleviate Ibrahimovic's pain, it doesn't matter that the alliance currency is too hard.

Taiyi's current patent will bring him a lot of wealth every day.

The most obvious one is the patent for smartphones. The cooperation between Taiyi and Dewen Company is very successful. Dewen Company uses smartphones to expand the market every day.

Under such circumstances, Taiyi's income is also increasing day by day.

There are some herbs too one not found here.

So Taiyi went out and went to the elf center.

Joey Ying also laughed when she saw Taiyi coming over: "Taiyi, why are you free to come here today?"

Taiyi told the story about Ibrahimovic, and then said to Joying: "I am short of some herbs. I wonder if you have any here?"

Joey Ying asked Taiyi to take out the list of herbs. Joey Ying looked at it and said: "We have most of the herbs here. But there are still a small part that are not distributed in Zhenxin Town for the time being. I will contact you Family, ask them to send it over.”

This was just an emergency measure, and he couldn't ask the Joey family to provide him with these herbs every time.

So Taiyi is going to issue some tasks in the Rising Sun app and use these herbs as daily tasks.

Although the quantity that Ibrahimovic may need to use is not too much, Taiyi still wants to prepare more.

In addition to the gene inhibitors used by Ibrahimovic, Taiyi also needs to conduct research on these herbs. Improve the quality of gene inhibitors.

The effect of primary gene inhibitors will most likely not have a strong effect on Ibrahimovic. So despite taking this medication, Ibrahimovic's pain may continue.

The waiting process is excruciating.

At this moment, Grandma Joy walked out of it and was stunned when she saw Taiyi. She said, "Taiyi, I was just going to find you. You happened to be here. Come in with me."

Taiyi didn't know why Grandma Joey wanted to find him, but Joey Ying smiled and said, "It's a good thing, go ahead."

Taiyi followed Grandma Joy in with a puzzled look on her face, but Grandma Joy did not stop, but kept walking inside, and arrived at a room with a sign on it, incubation room.

"Grandma Joy, why did you bring me here?" Taiyi asked a little strangely.

This incubation room should be used by the Joey family to hatch elf eggs. Grandma Joey brought him here, so she wouldn't want to give him an elf larvae.

But Grandma Joy smiled and brought Taiyi to an elf egg and said, "This is prepared for you."

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