Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 444 The source of danger, the arrow is on the string

Mimikki emerged from the shadows, feeling a little regretful at this moment.

She couldn't help but think that if she had not left Taiyi at that time, she would have been eating delicious elf food and lying down somewhere to sleep.

Mimikyu Q looked in the direction of Zhenxin Town, with a look of yearning in his eyes.

But soon, Mimikyu resolutely got rid of this emotion, she Mimikyu. If you don’t believe in God, how could you succumb to the temptation of delicious food?

But soon his stomach growled again. Mimikyu lifted up his Pikachu doll, took out a fruit from it, and ate it loudly.

The powerful ghost attribute elves have a virtual space, and Mimikyu Q has such a small virtual space, which can temporarily store some fruits or other props.

Mimikyu had stored a lot of elf food before, but as he was constantly being trained and chased, Mimikyu gradually ate up all those things. At this time, there were only some ordinary food in Mimikki's virtual space. The tree is fruity!

This is very painful for Mimikyu Q.

Like Metal Monster, Mimikki is also a foodie.

With another look of resentment, Mimikyu looked in the direction of Zhenxin Town, and finally she gritted her teeth and forced herself to turn around and leave.

"Feeding Officer, there is no way I will give in! If you wait for me, you will definitely become stronger and catch several trainers to help me make food in the future."

Sensing that some of the other elves around him were not as powerful as him, Mimikyu was shaken. Could he absorb some of their life force?

But soon, Mimikyu remembered the words she was told by Taiyi before leaving.

Taiyi said that if she is addicted to absorbing the vitality of other creatures, she will increase her strength very quickly. However, in this case, she will be regarded as an evil elf by the wild elves and the alliance, and they will crusade together.

Although Mimikyu Q is a ghost-type elf, it is not too evil.

After being cruel, Mimikyu decided to train on her own. Her qualifications were very good, and sooner or later she would be able to train herself to be very powerful. She could even capture Taiyi and make food for her.

Feeding Officer, just wait for me.

If one day I can be so powerful, I will definitely capture you as a chef.

After talking about Mimikyu here, Xiaochi told Taiyi another unexpected news.

"I heard from several friends on the Rising Sun app that three bees appeared in the forest outside Jinhuang City. That's why I came here. After a day or two of rest, I will go to the nearby forest to search."

In Taiyi's Preface to the Rising Sun app, there is a mission to capture and subdue elves like Three Bees.

The Three Bees are an elf made up of three bees, but they are actually just one elf.

Three bees collect nectar from flowers and brew three honeys, a high-grade nutritional product.

Taiyi likes this delicious variety of honey very much, so he has always wanted to collect a three-bee honey.

Naturally, he wanted to cultivate his own queen bee, but Taiyi was not sure whether it would work. He could only say that he would try his best.

In addition, he also wanted some mount lambs, but it was not that easy.

After telling Xiao Chi to be careful, Taiyi was not too worried. After all, Xiao Chi was the protagonist of this world, even if he encountered some setbacks. It's not life-threatening either.

In this case, as long as Xiao Chi is careful, there is no need to say more about the rest.

After hanging up the phone, Taiyi still had some hope. If Xiaochi could really catch a three-bee bee and hand it to him, maybe he could really cultivate a queen bee in the future, or even spread a three-bee colony.

In a colony of three bees, there will only be one queen bee that is female, and all subsequent three bees will be male.

Besides, the Sasaki family got a sample of the nature magazine sent by Taiyi. The patriarch of the Sasaki family looked at this nature magazine and frowned.

"Impossible, this Nature magazine doesn't have many high-quality papers."

Sasaki Shinichi was also very strange. He always felt that there was something wrong with this matter, but he couldn't tell what the specific problem was.

A member of the Sasaki family laughed: "They have to prepare a journal in a hurry. Although there are smarter doctors such as Dr. Oki and Dr. Yamanashi in it, some of the excellent papers in it should be written by these two doctors. It’s probably very difficult for them to request papers, so they can only use these relatively common papers to make up for it.”

Sasaki Shinichi asked: "Is this really the case?"

The man became angry and said, "Isn't it true? Tell me what is the reason?"

Sasaki Shinichi couldn't explain the reason, but he just felt it was a bit strange intuitively. However, after asking a few questions, he learned that Taichi had personally sent the journal to the printing factory in Joban City.

After that, Sasaki Shinichi didn’t know what to say.

It's just that there's something weird about this thing. He thinks it's weird, but he can't tell what's weird about it.

Almost all printing houses in the Kanto region are in the hands of the Sasaki family. If Taichi wants this journal to be published smoothly, he must cooperate with the Sasaki family.

After suppressing the doubts in his heart for a while, Sasaki Shinichi could only hope that Taichi had no other conspiracy. Otherwise, the Sasaki family would really suffer a lot this time.

Thinking of the contract signed by Taichi and the Sasaki family, it was really harsh and very unfavorable to the Sasaki family.

In the past, the Sasaki family would not agree to this, but in order to trick Taichi, the Sasaki family agreed to such a very unequal treaty for the first time.

This is also the reason why Taichi feels that there is something evil in the Sasaki family.

The Sasaki family, which originally monopolized the printing industry in the Kanto and Johto regions, was arrogant to those who asked for printing services.

Unequal treaties are also aimed at those who seek to come to the door.

When has the Sasaki family suffered such a loss?

However, at this time, the members of the Sasaki family were immersed in the idea of ​​teaching Taichi a lesson, so they did not see some of the risks involved.

Sasaki Shinichi grasped some key points, but this flash of inspiration disappeared into the back of his mind, and he did not understand where the danger lay.

Since the explanation made sense, the patriarch of the Sasaki family smiled and said: "Let's just send the journal samples to the Sato family as we discussed before."

Sasaki Shinichi still hesitated, raised his hand, and finally said: "Clan leader, this matter is against our credibility. Once we do something wrong, the credibility of the Sasaki family will be destroyed. Although this will make Taiyi suffer a little. Loss, but don’t forget, patriarch, that Mr. Taichi took photos and recorded the process of signing the contract. Even if we push the person in charge of Joban City Printing Factory as a scapegoat, it will still have a huge impact on the reputation of the Sasaki family. Loss.”

But the patriarch couldn't listen to these words: "It goes without saying, the interests of the family come first. The Sato family promised that after this matter, there will be a lot of business coming."

Sasaki Shinichi sighed, knowing that he could no longer change the clan leader's mind. This matter was imminent and had to be taken action.

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