Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 435 Arrive at Zhenxin Town and contact the printing factory

"Mr. Akagi, is this true?"

Kazuo Karasawa asked with some urgency.

According to age, Akagi Yohei is only in his teens.

And Kazuo Karasawa is already in his twenties, has a fiancée, and plans to get married.

In the past, we used to call each other by name, but now we have to include the word "Mr." I have to say that the fate of life is so magical.

Akagi Yohei had received some care from Kazuo Karasawa before, so he also took good care of Kazuo Karasawa.

After Akagi Yohei was recruited by Taichi and took over the management of the Kanto region of the Rising Sun App, he took great care of Kazuo Karasawa and called them over immediately to register the app.

It can be said that Kazuo Karasawa is the first batch of users of Rising Sun app.

Akagi Yanghei nodded and said: "Yes, a batch of unicorn bugs have been hatched by Mr. Taiyi recently, and their qualifications are pretty good. Mr. Taiyi mentioned to me that if any of the first batch of initial users of the Rising Sun app want the insect system If you have any questions about Pokémon, you can contact me.”

After receiving Akagi Hinata's confirmation, Karasawa Kazuo made a decision in his heart.

This time I must go to Zhenxin Town to serve Mr. Taiyi.

Salary is only secondary, high-quality elf sources are what Kazuo Karasawa values.

It's not that other breeding houses don't have such high-quality elves for sale, but Kazuo Karasawa doesn't have that much money, and Mr. Taichi cares about his employees. The price of elf larvae will be an extremely favorable price.

In addition, the salary offered by Taiyi was also very high, so they naturally chose to buy from Taiyi.

Although Taiyi now provides insect-type Pokémon, it even only provides one type of Pokémon, the unicorn bug.

However, including Akagi Yohei and Karasawa Kazuo, they all believe that Taiyi will be able to provide more and more types of elves in the future.

However, one female team member still asked in confusion: "What kind of job is it? I think the salary is higher than the salary of employees working at Silver Company."

Akagi Yangping shook his head and said: "This matter is still being kept secret. It's hard to tell you, but I can assure you that this matter is not very dangerous, and the work is not too tiring."

In fact, Akagi Yanghei didn't know what he was going to do, but Taichi said it was a civilian job. Then it definitely won't be too dangerous, that's for sure.

Akagi Yohei said vaguely, and Karasawa Kazuo nodded and agreed: "Okay, shall we set off now?"

Akagi Yanghei called several civilian trainers he had recruited and told them: "Work well here. If someone comes to submit a task or needs to exchange for any resources, you must follow the regulations."

After that, they chartered a car and went directly from Joban City to Zhenxin Town.

Taichi happened to come out of the Elf Center at this time. Since he knew that the Sasaki family had a monopoly on the printing industry in the Kanto region, he naturally had to take some precautions.

Some people also need to help find out some information. In this regard, no one is more powerful than the Joey family.

Not surprisingly, the Joey family agreed to Taiyi's request and were willing to help him keep an eye on the Sasaki family's movements.

In addition, Taiyi contacted Dewen Company and asked them to send some printing machinery, paper and ink.

Dewen Company didn't know what Taiyi wanted to do, but since Taiyi told them to keep it a secret and transport the things over secretly, they wouldn't ask any more questions.

These are the best customers, and the chairman has arranged for them to be treated warmly.

Coming back from the Elf Center, Taiyi happened to meet Akagi Yanghei and his party who were driving over.

Akagi Yangping asked the driver to stop the car, got out of the car, and said to Taiyi: "Mr. Taiyi, what a coincidence. What are you doing?"

Tai nodded and said, "An elf is injured. I'll come to the elf center to take a look."

Taichi didn't tell the truth, and there was no need to tell Akagi Hinata and the others these things.

What is your identity and what do you do?

Akagi Yanghei doesn't need to think about this, he only needs to manage the Rising Sun app.

Now that they have arrived, Akagi Yangping greeted them all to come down, and then let the car go back directly.

A group of people walked to Taiyi's breeding house. Kazuyuki Karasawa and others came to Zhenxin Town for the first time, and they were filled with emotion when they saw Taiyi's breeding house.

The female team member even found that Taiyi's cultivation house was very novel and should have been built recently.

Deep down in her heart, the female team member was still thinking: "It looks like this training house was just built. Where did Mr. Taiyi get the money? Isn't Mr. Taiyi still a second generation?"

I was cursing in my heart, but on the surface, I didn't show it at all.

Kazuo Karasawa once heard Akagi Hinata mention that Mr. Taichi's father disappeared when he was very young. Of course, Mr. Taichi is not very old now, but he is only 11 years old.

Mr. Taiyi's father had left him an orchard of trees, but there was nothing else.

As for the legacy left by Mr. Taiyi's father, he would not know it very clearly.

When the two were chatting, they also said with emotion: "Mr. Taiyi is only 11 years old, but he has made so much money. He is really capable."

To this end, they also ordered two magazines and read Taiyi's papers.

The two of them also discussed in private whether Mr. Taiyi's papers would cost more patents.

"Come in and sit down, everyone."

Taiyi greeted and asked Happy Egg to bring some drinks over.

"It's all freshly squeezed elf juice. You can try this. It will be on the market soon."

Akagi Yohei didn't know about the transaction and cooperation between Taichi and Dr. Yamanashi, but elf juice can still be redeemed on the Rising Sun app. Akagi Yanghei exchanged a lot of elves for him to taste. Of course, he also drank some by the way. The taste was indeed very good.

But the elf juices at Mr. Taiyi’s house taste even better than those provided on the Rising Sun app.

Akagi Yangping was not too surprised by this, because Akagi Yangping knew it. Mr. Taiyi always has new products on the market.

Taiyi once said that if an app wants to run well, it must constantly provide new tasks and new rewards.

After drinking some juice, Akagi Yohei introduced Karasawa Kazuo to Taichi.

Akagi Yanghei didn't care about what happened next.

Taiyi is still very satisfied with Akagi Hinata's self-knowledge.

After that, Xianyi just said: "You wait for a while. After the machine arrives and I and the elves have assembled it, a group of technicians will come to teach you. Then you can live in Zhenxin Town."

Arriving at Zhenxin Town, Kazuo Karasawa didn't feel worried at all.

With the world-renowned Dr. Oak here, what else is there to be afraid of?

After settling in Kazuo Karasawa and the others, Taichi and Yanghei Akagi came out. Taichi said to him: "Dr. Ohki and I have prepared a new journal called Nature. This journal will be published soon. Go to Joban City and help I'll contact the printing house to see who can handle this."

Although Akagi Yangping was a little strange, he still nodded and said: "Okay, I will contact the printing factory after I go back today, and it will be finalized tomorrow. I will send you an email with detailed information at that time."

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