Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 425 Conquering the Little Fist Stone, Shinichi’s Cousin’s Wail

The deal with the Nakamori family has basically been concluded.

Sakura also showed a relaxed smile. The three sisters also wanted to shoulder the important responsibility of supporting the family, but unfortunately, in a short time, they had no way.

Moreover, with their talents, they may only be gym leaders in this life.

Going any higher may be impossible.

Even if the elves have the qualifications to forcibly break through the quasi-kings, their strength is not enough to command.

Trainers and elves influence each other.

Mr. Taiyi has a king-level elf, and they all know this.

I saw it outside just now.

A turtle is sitting outside in the orchard.

Since the previous kidnapping incident of Paraster, Tutaigui accepted the mission and sat outside.

Of course, sometimes there are two quasi-king turtles who come out to change shifts.

For them, it is more comfortable to be in the world of the Book of Heaven.

Taiyi frowned, causing such a big commotion. It seemed that this invasion of wild elves was unusual.

He walked out, and several people around him followed him.

At this time, Tutai Turtle was using crazy plants to block the elves in the wild.

In addition to the Bibi Bird and Spearow clan that had invaded in the past, there were also Little Fist Stone and Rumbling Rock at this time.

Not far from here in the back mountain, there are such rock elves and even big rock snakes.

There seems to be a huge rock on the mountain behind this.

Xiaozhi will meet Shiba there in the future and learn some secrets from Shiba.

Speaking of this secret, this is the specialty of the king-level elves.

This is developed on the basis of attributes.

Taiyi, the earth turtle, is now creating his own mysteries, but he is not very skilled yet.

Speaking of which, this is also a must for promotion to the King of Heaven.

Turtle already knows how to do it, but he's not very skilled at it.

In other words, this is a sublimation of attributes.

As for champion-level elves, this kind of mystery will be very proficient, and it is very important.

Taiyi knew this from the knowledge gained from the Joey family after assisting Grandma Joey's Happy Egg to be promoted.

"Casey, the wall of light blocks the way."

At this time, the group of Xiaoquanshi and Longlongyan used rolling to strengthen their kinetic energy. This is a move that elves like Xiaoquanshi are very good at.

Big Milk Tank is also very good at this. I remember that in the anime, Xiaozhi once encountered such an attack pattern in the Johto area.

The method Xiaozhi adopted was to dig holes everywhere to interrupt the shameless move of rolling.

Taiyi naturally can't dig holes everywhere in Zhenxin Town. Even if he fills them back later, it will be very ugly.

However, the light wall developed by Taiyi and Casey, in addition to resisting moves, is also very good at dealing with this.

Just pay attention to the angle and make the small fist stones roll slowly.

The grade of this group of small fist stones is not expected to be very high, but there are a few of them that are of relatively high quality.

"Well, there are actually people with cyan qualifications?"

Casey's moves are very smooth, and he can use them immediately without any preparation.

This move is indeed very useful. The speed of Xiao Fist Stone and Rumbling Rock slows down, and the power of the move is also reduced.

After a while, he was defeated.

Taiyi took the opportunity to throw out a few Poké Balls, and was controlled by his super power, accurately subduing several small fist stones.

Fist Stone: Rock Pokémon

Level: 24

Properties: Rock/Ground

Features: Hard head

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: impact, rounding, sand splashing, rock falling, rolling, slamming

These little fist stones are indeed very qualified, and they all have blue qualifications.

Taiyi almost thought that his protagonist's characteristics had finally exploded.

Suddenly, five cyan-qualified ones came.

And they are basically full of good inheritances, and the highest one among them is actually as high as 70%.

After a little training, he will become a very good elf again.

Dr. Omu saw that the few Taiyi had tamed were indeed developing well.

But if you want to confirm, you still need machine verification.

But Taiyi seems to have very good eyesight. Every time the elf takes action, the qualifications are at least green or above.

That was just the beginning, but the elves that Taiyi later conquered were all very outstanding.

But he also thought of Xiao Chi. The elves that Xiao Chi had conquered were all cyan at least, and most of them had blue qualifications.

This seems even more weird. Well, this aspect of Taiyi is nothing.

Taichi would definitely cry if he knew that Dr. Ohki thought this way.

When Sakura saw this scene, she also sighed: "What a precise move, what an ingenious solution. Mr. Taiyi, you are indeed a good trainer. Xiaoxia will leave it to you."

Before Taiyi could respond, Xiaoxia shouted in surprise: "Sister Sakura, what are you talking about!"

Taiyi blushed, Xiaoxia, why are you blushing?

It's not what you think.

Shu Lao: →_→, what do you think Xiaoxia is thinking?

After that, it was Sakura and Xiaoxia who said what their father told them.

"Your clothes and gifts have been packed and we have brought them over. During this period, you will temporarily stay at Aunt Hanako's house."

Well, Taichi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was staying at Aunt Hanako's house.

Will Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi quarrel and fight over something again?

Well, are the heroes and heroines of this first generation finally going to live together?

Shu Lao: Why do I feel that you are a little sore?

Taiyi: No, absolutely not.

Even if they don't live in their own home, even though they are different in age and they are still young, it is inevitable that rumors will spread.

It would be nice to live in Aunt Hanako's house.

There are many secrets in Taiyi, and it is not suitable for Xiaoxia to live in.

Elves can remain tight-lipped, but humans, especially young female humans, have a harder time.

After subduing the small fist stone, Taiyi released the small fist stone and asked Happy Egg to take it with him for treatment since he was slightly injured in the battle just now.

"Don't worry, I've let the other elves go back. They also brought back a lot of fruit, so your tribe won't go hungry. Besides, you can go back and see them from time to time in the future. "

Anyway, Zhenxin Town is not far from the ethnic group, so the few little fist stones immediately felt relieved.

In other words, elves are relatively simple.

Taiyi's few words put them at ease.

If it were a human being, I would probably still doubt whether Taiyi would be able to do it.

In the afternoon, Aunt Yingzi and the others had a sumptuous lunch, took a short rest, and then left.

Taiyi instructed: "Cousin Shinichi, you must learn the lessons I give you on time."

Shinichi's cousin frowned and said, "I have no intention of taking the path of a scholar. Cousin, are you giving me too many lessons?"

Taiyi sneered: "That's it, you still plan to move closer to Sirona? Xiaochi is already over the top at your age. Sirona also studies harder than you. As you are, you might as well give up and take over from your aunt in the future. The shop is ready.”

After saying this, Xinyi's cousin immediately quit: "I want to be an elf master in the future. How can I take over a small shop? No, I will definitely finish my studies."

Taiyi looked at his cousin Xinyi with a teachable look, and said with a smile: "That's good, there will be intensive study courses later, I will send them to my aunt."

Shinichi's cousin whined: "Cousin, you must be a devil."

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