Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 415 Cultivation of Ugly Fish, Nature Journal Seminar

Tai nodded: "It's just in the journal of the heart."

He added another sentence, and Mikri nodded.

The meaning of this sentence is almost explicit, Mi Keli, please support the establishment of the new journal.

Taiyi also needs to use his own strength to seek some other help.

And the approval of a king-level trainer is an opinion that cannot be ignored.

What's more, Mi Keli is the future Four Heavenly Kings. The alliance must also consider this power.

With it in hand, Mi Keli can also attract Dai Wu, even though Dai Wu may have approved of it.

But having more insurance is always better.

Looking at Taiyi, he had already made several pots of elf food and went out, but the hungry elves were still shouting outside.

For the first time, Mikri didn't envy Taiyi, and asked, "When did you conquer Kirby? Well, no, what's the level of this Kirby?"

Tai nodded and said helplessly: "It belongs to Dr. Ohki."

It was the first time that Mikri saw so many elves from Dr. Damu. This did not guarantee that all the elves from Dr. Damu would come.

Who doesn’t know how to hide some trump cards?

It is impossible for Dr. Ohki to let all his trump cards come out and be exposed to the eyes of others.

Taiyi is relatively safe here, but there is no guarantee that anyone will be watching here.

If nothing else, those who covet the fruits and vegetables of Zhenxin Town will inevitably draw attention to this place.

Mikri patted Taiyi on the shoulder, expressing deep sympathy.

Feeding a Kirby is not something that most people would dare to accept.

Taiyi arranged for Mi Keli to stay in the training house. As for his secret, be careful so that Mi Keli won't see it.

In the next few days, Mi Keli stayed in the breeding house and watched with his own eyes Taiyi's efforts in breeding the ugly fish.

In addition to delicious elven food, there are also all kinds of heartfelt compliments.

To be honest, if you don't really like elves, it would be difficult to praise Ugly Fish from the bottom of your heart.

This kind of elf, how should I put it, is really ugly.

That appearance, those scales, and those spots, many people dislike it from the bottom of their hearts.

But Taiyi said the words so easily that made the ugly fish happy.

Mi Keli could tell that Taiyi's words were all sincere.

This let Mi Keli know that what Taiyi said before was that the trainer and the ugly fish should reach a tacit understanding, truly recognize the trainer, and praise the trainer from the heart to make the ugly fish more confident.

This is completely true.

In addition, the use of beautiful incense is also done every day.

An ugly fish needs to light a bottle of beautiful incense.

This bottle costs hundreds of alliance coins.

This still costs money every day, how can a civilian trainer afford it?

Taidao: "This thing is actually an acceleration effect. Because cultivating the ugly fish is destined to be a long-term matter. In the early stage, the ugly fish may be able to win against the five scum."

Everyone knows that Zhan Wu Zha is the most brutal person in the elf world, and even the Chou Chou Fish can't defeat it.

Because Magikarp can hardly learn any other moves besides splashing water.

Chou Chou Fish can at least learn several moves.

Mi Keli nodded: "There is nothing we can do about it. But as long as we win a gorgeous contest, and then receive advertisements, endorsements, or attend some commercial activities, we can support them in cultivating ugly fish."

The premise is that you can win the gorgeous contest first.

In the Fangyuan area, the winners of these gorgeous competitions are still very sought after.

Many business activities will spend a lot of money to invite these champions.

The representative is Dewen Company.

Well, Daiwu can be considered as using practical actions to help his junior brother.

However, Dewen Company can also benefit from this.

Capitalists, don't believe they will help for free.

Even fellow seniors have something to gain.

Some are feelings, some are money, and some are power, it all depends on how the capitalist sees it.

After that, daily massages took a lot of time, there were more than fifty ugly fishes.

"You hold the camera, I'll take a video and upload it to the app."

"Is it the Rising Sun app?" Mi Keli asked: "The tasks in it are too simple. I originally wanted to help you with a few tasks."

Taiyi raised an eyebrow: "Okay. I will upload a few difficult tasks later. These civilian trainers are not capable of doing those tasks yet. I uploaded it just to see. Even if they are united, their strength is still Too bad. But if you are willing, you can. For example, help me catch a few three-bees."

Mi Keli raised his eyebrows: "You are planning to farm thoroughly. I said, don't you want to go out and have a look?"

Taiyi shrugged: "What's the good thing about going out? I'm pretty good in Zhenxin Town. Besides, where can I run around as a researcher?"

Mikri: "I remember, Dr. Omu was running around."

Well, Dr. Oak, you are so unprofessional.

You said you have nothing to do and why are you running around? I also brought Auntie Hanako everywhere.

You can't even let others think about it.

Well, Dr. Omu doesn't go out much at this time.

When Xiaozhi goes on a trip, Dr. Oak will be called diligent.

I don’t know if it’s because of time travel, but Dr. Omu knows a lot, so he goes out so diligently.

Or is it just to help Xiaozhi improve his strength?

Taking care of the ugly fish in this way will waste a lot of the trainer's time.

Mi Keli also felt that it was too difficult to completely spread the gorgeous contest and not just limit it to the Fangyuan area.

"But, if we can really successfully breed a Meenas, it will be cost-effective, right?" Taiyi said in a timely manner, as if he heard Mikri's thoughts.

Indeed, if one could really breed a Menas.

I believe that there are too many trainers who are willing to do this, especially trainers who participate in the gorgeous competition, they are even more willing.

Not to mention anything else, how many points does this appearance alone add to the competition?

But the question is, can Menas really be cultivated after such cultivation?

How much time will it take?

Unknown conditions make people afraid to start.

There is a long way to go, Mi Keli thought in his heart.

On this day, a discussion about Nature journals was held at the Alliance.

Both sides tried their best.

Dr. Sato and the others are trying their best to prevent this application from being approved. How much benefit will they lose?

But a large number of doctors, including Dr. Oki, supported this journal. It was for no other reason than to strengthen the voice of doctors.

If journals can allow hundreds of flowers to bloom, the voice of doctors will be enhanced as never before.

It's a pity that traditional big families don't want to see this scene.

So far, scholars are the most feasible way for civilians to rise.

It can be seen that Dr. Omu is one of them.

During the meeting, Dr. Oki also contacted Dr. Yamanashi: "How about it? Can you fulfill Taiyi's order?"

Dr. Yamanashi smiled and said: "It's not a big problem. This is the biggest list this year. But just like dolls, the Joy family also has a lot of requirements. This kind of elf is still very good as an assistant."

Dr. Omu smiled and said: "Your family has saved so much that it's almost like a baby. It doesn't matter if you take out some of it."

In addition to being an assistant to Joey, who is almost like a doll, being an assistant to the doctor is also very good.

Dr. Yamanashi’s dolls are the most outstanding among these dolls.

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