Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 408 Otherwise, it’s called nature

What she discovered was the mall function.

"What? Do you need mission points to purchase?"

"But the things here do seem to be cheaper than outside, right?"

"Wait a minute, is the quality of the stuff here guaranteed?"

Many people noticed it, because there were so many people coming up for the experiment, and it suddenly became noisy.

The managers of Dewen Company also smiled and did not interrupt. Originally, they were not willing to do this kind of thing.

If an app is rooted in it, what should I do if users complain?

But there is no way, this is the prerequisite for purchasing a patent.

Silver Company was defeated by Dewen Company precisely because it disagreed with this point.

But at this time, it seems that it is precisely because of this app that smartphones may become more popular.

The prince is so wise, he is already one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and he must be very good at management.

This condition was exactly what Dawu agreed to.

At this time, Dawu's father looked at this scene and said to Dawu happily: "You are indeed suitable for business. Otherwise, the company will be handed over to you?"

Daigo waved his hands repeatedly: "No. Actually, it was Taiyi's request, so I didn't think too much about it. My father should manage the company himself."

Daigo's father said, "If you take over the company, I can explore those fascinating stones."

Daigo: "I knew it was like this. As the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance, how can I have so much time to manage the company?"

Daigo's father: "Then you take advantage of your position and the reward is not to dig a lot of rocks from some mountain? You don't have time to manage the company?"

Daigo sighed: "Okay, I understand. Which rock of mine do you like? Can't I give it to you?"

Daigo's father smiled in triumph.

At this time, in the Kanto region, the manager of Dewen Company smiled and said: "This is absolutely safe and the quality is guaranteed. This app is the inventor of the smartphone, Mr. Taiyi, the father of the smartphone, and the youngest intermediate researcher in the alliance and Mr. Taiyi, the junior cultivator. The above tasks were all released by Mr. Taiyi. As you all know, Mr. Taiyi is a researcher and it is impossible for him to run around. Therefore, he needs a lot of experimental materials before releasing these tasks. And those rewards , are also made by Mr. Taiyi and Mr. Taiyi’s assistants, the Elf Geely Eggs. The quality is absolutely guaranteed, and the quality is much better than the products of the same grade from our Dewen Company. Well, the products from our Dewen Company The products are very popular in Fangyuan area and other places. They are no worse than Silver Company’s products. In fact, they are even better.”

"Asshole!" yelled a Silver manager.

Belittle your peers, this is what everyone does.

This is also done in other regions that Silver Company has entered.

It's just that the Kanto region and the Johto region were originally the headquarters of Silver Company and Dewen Company was not allowed to enter.

Similarly, in the Fangyuan area, the market share of Silver Company's products is also very low.

But at this time, Dewen Company actually used its own products to complement the potion made by Taiyi.

This is really shameless, and you have to sell your own company's products.

Someone soon remembered: "It seems that some of the products we bought at Silver Company were also invented by Taiyi?"

"Yes, elf food was also announced by researcher Taiyi."

Nothing else matters, but elf food does give civilian trainers a chance to rise.

Many are ordinary vegetables, etc., combined with some tree fruits, which can achieve much better effects than the previous elf food.

The price is much cheaper.

This in disguise increases the possibility of ordinary civilian trainers rising.

The manager didn't expect that Taiyi would still be a good person in the eyes of these parents in an ordinary family.

Immediately, the manager continued: "By the way, there is also a forum module here, where you can exchange everyone's cultivation experiences. In addition, there are also special cultivation courses in the mall, which can be purchased for only 1 alliance coin. Yes. Some are specialized elves of a certain race. If you have the same elves, you can follow them. Of course, every elf is different. The effect may be good or bad, but it is definitely useful."

The manager found that this app was a catalyst for mobile phone promotion, so he spared no effort to help promote it.

Soon, many people exclaimed.

Many people even placed orders, paid and bought mobile phones on the spot.

Some who didn’t bring any money hurriedly placed their orders and then rushed home to get the money.

Some bought several units at once and brought them to their families.

Thousands of smartphones were originally prepared on site, but the manager originally thought there might be too many.

But in a short period of time, it was sold out.

There are also many people who came after hearing the news but couldn't buy it.

The manager quickly said: "Everyone, listen to me. On the street near the Elf Center, there is a store of our Dewen Company. If you haven't bought it, come to me to get a coupon. Consider it our apology. You guys You can go to the store to purchase. Of course, because the products are limited, it may take some time to ship. But don’t worry, our products will be delivered within a week.”

Tai nodded: "Is this manager very good at marketing? This way, he can capture a lot of potential customers."

Many people are still waiting and watching, but with the coupons, many people are interested.

Dr. Oki smiled and said, "Come to think of it, at this time, many factories have to work overtime."

There are many accessories for mobile phones. If you sell one, you can feed a lot of people.

Taiyi felt that Silver Company would probably not be willing to do OEM work.

Although, this allows them to gain some experience and earn some money.

But this is an act of capitalizing on the enemy, and Silver Company would rather lose money than do it.

"By the way, Dr. Omu. Do you know which nursery can buy high-quality similar dolls?"

Dr. Oki was stunned: "What do you want a doll for?"

There are already several lucky eggs, isn’t that enough?

Don’t we still need a big milk tank to take care of the elves?

Taiyi shrugged: "With the launch of smartphones, there will definitely be a lot of people buying things in the mall. I have some potions in my hand, but the auspicious eggs are already very busy. Even these auspicious eggs are not enough. Moreover, Do you think the incense in your hand will sell well with the appearance of Menas?"

That's true.

Dr. Oki smiled and said: "Dr. Yamanashi's family has a breeding house where they breed babies. Just contact Dr. Yamanashi and bring in some."

Taichi laughed, Dr. Yamanashi thought it was fate.

I brought Sirona here before and asked him to make friends with Sirona.

After that, Dr. Yamanashi also helped with the previous paper questioning.

Dr. Yamanashi also agreed to serve as editor-in-chief of the new journal and help review papers.

Now, I have to buy similar dolls from Dr. Yamanashi. This fate is still very deep.

Just as Taiyi was about to turn around and leave, Dr. Oak stopped him.

"What's wrong? Does the doctor have anything else to do?"

Dr. Oki said: "We have all applied to open a new journal, but we haven't decided on the name of this journal yet. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Otherwise, is it called nature?"

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