Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 405: Feeding Officer, I won’t compromise

Ezaki Yusei was the first to leave, and everyone else also smiled and left.

In the end, only the female trainer was left, gaping at the scene.

Finally, he stamped his feet angrily and went to book a room.

As for whether to find a few more men to be teammates afterwards, that's another matter.

Anyway, Ezaki Yusei didn’t object, right?

After checking in, Ezaki Yusei took a shower. When he came out, his phone was very busy.

Many people are talking about the previous female trainer.

"Does she think she's pretty?"

"When I heard her sobbing voice, I felt like vomiting."

"If it's a beautiful young girl, I'll forget it. With this kind of appearance, she's over thirty years old. I'm really..."

Some forbidden words also kept popping up.

There seems to be no cyber police in this world? Can such words come out?


Esaki Yusei smiled and just shook his head. Anyway, they had already established another group, and the previous one was ignored.

Unfortunately, there is no way to block it for the time being?

Um? It seems there is this option.

After looking through the history messages, Ezaki Yusei discovered the option to block group chats.

He laughed: "Mr. Taiyi is really funny. Have you set up this kind of settings in advance? Did you expect that such a situation would happen?"

Naturally, he didn't know that this was a setting copied by Taiyi from another world.

However, after chatting for a while, Ezaki Yusei and others decided to take over the mission early tomorrow morning and then leave Joban City.

"We can try Hualan City, or Golden City. I remember there seemed to be traces of Three Bees there."

"Isn't that just fake news? Do you take it seriously?"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, there are a lot of things on the to-do list over there. Let's go over there and take a look. It would be great if Xiaochi could draw a new map for us."

Esaki Yusei laughed. These people have realized the benefits of the map, and this is a good thing.

There is that thing, but people don’t use it themselves?

Although the previous map of Viridian Forest was incomplete, it only had maps of peripheral areas.

But it has already brought them huge benefits.

Don’t people all keep this kind of thing for themselves?

To put it bluntly, this thing is of great value.

Although it only requires a more powerful trainer to go in and walk around, and then someone who is proficient in drawing can draw the map.

But to be honest, there are quite a few such people, but there is no need for them to draw a map.

Just do something else, can’t you make money?

Early the next morning, Ezaki Yusei and others got up, washed themselves a little, and then came down to check out.

The supplies were purchased yesterday, and the corresponding materials were also purchased based on the cultivation knowledge learned from the Rising Sun app.

If you can buy it on the app, you can buy it on the spot.

They also bought other things in Joban City in the afternoon, and then they began to recharge their batteries.

I bought a breakfast and finished it quickly. A group of people left quickly and left from the city gate.

They took over those tasks before leaving.

Although others cannot see the status of taking tasks, the number of tasks can be seen on the task list.

From this, some situations can be ruled out and some situations can probably be guessed.

Something like this has happened before, otherwise they wouldn't have thought of it.

After they all left, the female trainer arrived belatedly.

Mainly for women, they have to be beautiful.

So it took a while to get up early and put on makeup. When she came with her elf and knocked on the door, no one answered for a long time.

She tried everyone's room and it was the same.

At this moment, her expression finally changed.

Then, he went to the first floor and asked Miss Joy. After a long time, she found out that she had left.

"Is this? Do you think I am a burden? I simply..."

In Viridian Forest, Mimikyu swallowed the elf food with a smile on his face.

The elf food made by these human trainers tastes much better than tree fruits.

Although it's still not as good as the food made by the guy who feeds it, it's much better than tree fruit, isn't it?

But when she finished the food, she found that she could no longer find the same group of people.

"They all ran away?" Mimikyu was very angry. She wondered, should she capture a few humans and make elf food for her?

But then, Mimikyu shook her head again, she was afraid that this would attract the feeders.

He warned me, in case I...

However, I am not sucking their life force, I just want them to stay and make elf food for me.

Very good, that's it, I didn't hurt them, I just wanted to ask them to stay.

Then, in Viridian Forest, a team of trainers was captured by a ghost-type elf.

The strength of this team of trainers is not very good, and their skills are not very good.

After Mimikyu tried it, he threw these people out.

After that, there were rumors that there were powerful ghost elves in Viridian Forest that were arresting people.

Mimikyu Q spit out the elf food he had eaten.

It was so unpalatable.

Mimikyu: The Painted Skin Pokémon

Level: 47

Attribute: ghost/goblin

Features: Painted skin

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Hypnosis, gavel, leap, shadow sneak attack, magic space, claw sharpening, round pupils, coquettishness, shadow clone, imitation, split, shadow claw

Mimikyu's strength has not declined even after leaving Taiyi.

After all, he is a highly qualified elf, and it takes no effort at all to reach the elite level.

In addition, when Taiyi was around before, Taiyi gave her all the good things in order to make Mimikyu feel dependent.

Doesn't this mean it has a tricky taste?

If it had been before, Mimikyu would have thought that the fruit tasted quite good.

But now, she couldn't eat it at all.

However, Feeding Officer, I will not compromise.

How is it possible to make me surrender with delicious food?

However, we still need to capture a few more trainers, otherwise, the fruit of this tree will not taste very good.

Taiyi doesn't know all this, he is still in the laboratory.

Although Taichi was very sorry for Mimikyu's departure, there was no way he was really sad.

If he doesn't want to, then he doesn't want to, he also has several elves with blue qualifications.

Although there is no ghost type, the ghost type is still scary.

Well, this is purely for personal self-comfort.

"Yes, the effect of this incense has been enhanced by about 5%, and the price of raw materials has also dropped by about 10%, which is very good."

This is equivalent to an increase of 15%. For those wealthy people who pursue the ability to achieve the best results in a short period of time, this 10% decrease may not matter.

But for the general public, this thing is very good.

This kind of thing needs to follow the route of small profits but quick turnover, and the price of raw materials has dropped by 10%, which is also very good news.

Taiyi believes that as long as this thing is successfully artificially cultivated by Menus, it will naturally be very popular.

You can definitely make a lot of money by selling in volume.

As for who to cooperate with to produce this kind of incense, do you need to ask?

"But the production of incense requires a certain amount of technology. I don't know if this thing can be made using machines and mass-produced using assembly lines?"

It's hard to say for sure. It's very technical, and mechanical production may be a problem.

Taiyi shook his head: "Forget it, don't worry about it for now. If it doesn't work, then we can only train elf employees."

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