Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 393: Xiao Chi is surprised when he newly learns to mutate the elves in the grass field

Taichi also didn’t know that part-time worker Akagi Yohei was so hard at promoting the platform.

However, this kind of thing is directly proportional to Akagi Yanghei's gains, so there is no need to be surprised.

Taiyi has trained Paras and other elves here.

Paras, who previously had orange qualifications, has improved very quickly over this period of time, and all of them have yellow qualifications. A few of them have all improved to green qualifications.

The other few with green qualifications, although they did not successfully break through the green qualifications, became cyan-qualified elves.

But there has also been great progress, and green qualifications have also increased a lot.

The other one is the Bibi Birds. The qualifications of the Bibi Birds have improved a lot, and many of them have evolved into Bibi Birds.

Not only the qualifications have improved a lot, but also the strength has improved a lot.

Bird Pokémon: Bird Pokémon

Level: 55

Attributes: Normal/Flying

Features: Strong chest muscles

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Hot wind, impact, wind, sand splash, flash of lightning, parroting, flying, feather perch, air slash, whirlwind blade, high-speed movement, stand-in, reflective wall, feather dance

Many Bi Diao have reached the gym leader level, which greatly increases Taiyi's defense.

The wild elves invaded again, but they were all driven away.

Parasite: Mushroom Pokémon

Level: 42

Attribute: Insect/Grass

Features: Dry skin

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Paralyzing Powder, Poison Powder, Drain, Screech, Parasitic Seed, Catch, Grow, Sleeping Powder, Cross Shears, Sleep, Dig, Grassy Field (Mutation), Root, Snoring

The strength of many parasites has also improved, reaching the elite level.

After that, it will be difficult to improve.

However, it is worth mentioning that there is a Paraster, um, a male Paraster, and his grass field moves have been mutated.

Like Bulbasaur and the previous female Paraster, the grass field moves have been mutated, becoming able to accelerate plant growth and add some vitality.

This is something worthy of celebration, but Taiyi just held an internal banquet, which was considered a celebration.

Ever since the last time the female Paraster was almost captured by the trainer, Taichi knew that this place was not very safe.

Those powerful elves may not be able to come in, but some elves below the average level can still come.

And Taiyi also needs to be on guard against some not-so-powerful trainers who help Team Rocket bring in king-level elves.

At that time, if you just catch them and run away, you will be in trouble.

Dr. Oak's elf can't be guarded around the clock. Even if it is known by then, it may not be possible to recover it if it catches up.

Even if he is brought back, won't it cause trauma in the elf's heart?

The female Paraster is now a little afraid of the trainer who is traveling to Zhenxin Town.

Having a little good stuff is not a bad thing.

In Zhenxin Town, tree orchards and vegetable gardens cannot be expanded.

Because there is only so much land here, and the area that Bulbasaur and Parasite can manage has almost reached its limit.

However, in the world of Tianshu, because too much land has been expanded, Shu Lao controls the land cloud to manage it, and some of it cannot be managed.

This is also the reason why Di Diyun is still trying his best to radiate more elves with mutated moves in the grass field.

Land Cloud: Shu Lao

Level: 62

Properties: Ground/Flying

Ability: Sand Power

Qualification: unknown

Gender: Male

Skills: Falling Rock, Stare, Sword Dance, Seal, Earthquake, Earth Split, Block Road, Stomp, Fly, Destroy Light, Sleep, Fertility (2 stars), Power of the Earth, Rock Fall, Supernatural Power, Pointed Stone Attack, Arm Hammer, Sandstorm, Reverse Scale, Earth Splitting, Snoring, Hard Hold, Weather Ball, Quicksand Hell, Rapid Return, Throw

Unlike other elves, Earth Cloud's farming move is Abundance. This move can not only promote the growth of plants, but also improve the quality of the surrounding soil.

This is the power of Diyun.

Other land clouds also have the power to improve soil quality.

But the ability to create golden slag and radiate the mutation of moves in the grassy field is probably not available.

Otherwise, this matter should have been spread long ago.

This male Paraste was placed by Taiyi in the world of the Book of Heaven and was responsible for the growth of the fruits there.

After this male Paraster, there is finally a walking grass, well, now I should say it is a stink flower.

After such a long period of cultivation, not to mention that he often fights against the invading elves in the wild.

Even if it is simply nurturing, it should evolve.

Stinky Flower: Weed Pokémon

Level: 41

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Characteristics: leaf green

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Absorption, Growth, Sweet Smell, Dissolution Liquid, Super Absorption, Paralysis Powder, Hypnosis Powder, Moon Power, Grass Field (Mutation), Moonlight, Petal Dance

The green aptitude of this smelly flower is about 70%, which is relatively high.

The strength has also reached the elite level, but it is a bit difficult to go up further.

The upper limit of each elf is different, and even if the qualifications are the same, there may be differences.

Because each elf has different qualifications for mastering energy and moves.

And purely from the perspective of qualifications, that is, the qualifications of the seven colors of the rainbow, it is difficult to express these.

Of course, the better the aptitude of the elf, the stronger in this aspect.

This smelly flower was also added to the World of Heavenly Books and became a member of the team that assisted Di Tu Yun in managing the land within the World of Heavenly Books.

In fact, within the world of the Book of Heaven, the energy intensity itself is higher, and the vitality is also richer.

But if you add the management of green grass fields or abundant moves, this is stronger and needs to be strengthened a bit.

It's a pity that after this, there was no more mutation of the Elf's Green Grass Field move.

Not every piece of land in the Heavenly Book World can be managed by them.

The fruit trees in the Heavenly Book world naturally formed a ladder.

Taiyi didn't care, since he had no choice but to accept it.

The fruits of the trees that happen to be traded must be of good and better quality, which is also a benefit.

On this day, Xiao Chi received something from Bi Diao and was very grateful to Bi Diao.

After Bi Diao left, Xiao Chi looked through these things and immediately became happy.

The quality of these items provided by Taiyi is much better than those purchased in shopping malls.

Except for buying some fresh food, he didn't need to buy anything else.

Xiao Chi also thought that he should get more good things for Brother Taiyi in the future.

I just asked Brother Taiyi to help treat Ibrahimovic. This is also a favor.

"Hey, what is this?"

Xiao Chi dug out a mobile phone from a pile of things.

"It's so strange. Why is the screen so big? There are no buttons?"

The mobile phones in the Elf World are all old-fashioned, and Xiaochi has never seen anything like this.

After he turned to an instruction manual and read it, he excitedly opened his phone.

It started up quickly, and Xiao Chi found the icon of the Rising Sun app on the desktop.

This is standard and is already installed when assembled.

Xiao Chi opened the app, followed the prompts to register, and discovered a new world.

"It's amazing. It turns out that these things can be redeemed in this app. But you have to complete the task and get the task points before you can redeem it. Well, I also have to help Brother Taiyi complete the task. However, the good things I have here are above Not all of them are available, Brother Taiyi still takes care of me."

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