Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 366 Peeping Gaze

There was an auspicious egg evolving here in Taiyi, and the Joey family soon found out.

Joey Ying came over and smiled at Taiyi: "You are even more like Joey than our Joey."

Taiyi was stunned and looked at Joey Ying.

Joy Ying said: "My lucky egg hasn't evolved yet. It's too difficult."

In addition to the accumulation of energy, mastery of moves, and intimacy are also important.

But the first two are not completely useless.

That is quite useful. The latter requirement of intimacy is the threshold, but the first two are the foundation.

If the foundation is not up to standard, even if the intimacy level is reached, it cannot evolve.

Taiyi waved his hand modestly: "It's all because of Ji Li Dan's hard work."

It is certain that Geely Dan worked hard, but Taiyi also invested a lot.

Apart from anything else, even in the Joey family, there are still things like Guishui Essence.

But the Joey family couldn't use every auspicious egg, so these auspicious eggs were sent to Taiyi.

This is naturally the harvest of Taiyi, so why not belong to these auspicious eggs?

An auspicious egg evolved into a happy egg, and its strength increased greatly. This is something that can illustrate Taiyi's character.

An elf like this needs intimacy to evolve. If you don't have enough patience and love for the elf, it will be really difficult to evolve.

Joey Ying came here to learn from the experience because she also wanted to evolve her auspicious egg as soon as possible.

Their intimacy is enough, but more importantly, they lack energy and mastery of moves.

Taiyi shared it with her, and Joey Ying left with satisfaction.

Pichu came in unhappy, and she felt that her favor was shared again.

There was a metal monster and a gem starfish, but she couldn't defeat those two.

Just rely on your speed, otherwise, you will really be bullied.

But now, another lazy otter has arrived, and it's too much.

She heard that this lazy otter also had very good qualifications, even as good as hers.

Because Pichu was not born next to Taiyi, Taiyi had not included this Pichu before.

Of course, purely based on qualifications, this Pichu's qualifications are very good. Definitely no worse than a lazy otter.

And Pichu doesn't have the troubles of a lazy otter. Pichu doesn't have the trait of laziness.

But Taiyi is a lazy otter, more of a research mentality.

After comforting Pichu, it is still difficult to be a trainer, especially when you have so many elves, it is even more difficult.

Because you have to balance these elves and take care of them all, which is really difficult.

Pichu teased Lazy Otter, but she found that the elf ignored her at all.

After several days, no matter how bad Pichu was, Lazy Otter was too lazy to pay attention to him.

This made Pichu very boring, but it also aroused some ideas in Pichu.

Pichu happily challenged Lazy Otter and never gave up.

Taiyi tried to persuade him several times, but finally realized that Lazy Otter really ignored Pichu and didn't care, so he left it alone.

Over there, Hades finally returned to Team Rocket, and Sakaki asked: "Where is Takeshita Takuya?"

Hades was a little embarrassed. He looked dismissive of everyone else, but for Sakaki, Hades really respected him.

This is entirely due to Sakaki's strength and personal charm.

Hades said: "I was imprisoned by the Alliance in the Alliance Prison. Do we want it?"

He made a chokehold, which had two purposes.

First, kill Takuya Takeshita to silence him.

The second one is to take people back from the alliance prison.

Sakaki waved his hand: "Forget it, it's better not to tease the alliance recently."

Recently, Yulongdu and Sirona have bitten Team Rocket like mad dogs and have destroyed several bases.

Even with the Rockets' funds, it's still a stretch.

Sakaki was also a little distressed by this.

Especially since the secret realm has not been retrieved yet, most of it has been taken away by the Alliance.

Hades was silent, and then said after a while: "It seems that the young researcher from the Alliance is doing something inside. Looking for time, I..."

Sakaki glanced at Hades: "He doesn't even leave Zhenxin Town, what can you do?"

Waving his hand, Sakaki was still very good to the four cadres. These people were very powerful and had no major mistakes. It was really hard for him to break his arm.

Hades retreated unwillingly, and his elves were seriously injured.

This time, if it weren't for the desperate efforts of several elves to protect him, he would have died from the Frozen Bird's moves.

This made Hades very angry, and he vowed to come back with revenge on the frozen bird one day.

Over there, Secretary Shintori walked in, and Sakaki asked: "Is there any bad news?"

Zhenniao said: "There is a smartphone over there in the alliance..."

Sakaki nodded, and Shinori brought over the relevant information. Sakaki looked at it, and immediately laughed: "It's interesting, it's actually related to this kid. What a talent!"

Taichi didn't know that he was actually remembered by Sakaki.

If you knew that, you would definitely be a little scared, right?

Sakaki, they are some of the biggest villains in the world.

After reading it again, Sakaki said: "This is actually not very technical. It is completely a splicing of existing technologies."

Secretary Zhentiao nodded and asked, "Do we want it?"

Sakaki looked up at the real bird and asked, "How do we do it? Silver doesn't dare to use this thing casually, right? It's patented."

The Rockets dare not touch what is on the surface.

Because in this way, it is easy to attract the attention of the alliance.

The Rockets have people within the league, but these people are not used to do this kind of thing.

The Rockets have other sources of money and don't like this.

As the real bird prepared to go down, Sakaki asked again: "How are the vegetables and fruits going?"

Zhenniao said: "We purchased a lot through some families. It does contain a lot of vitality, but we have no way of knowing the cause. We only heard that it was because of a few special elves."

Sakaki was silent, special elves, he thought of some elves favored by mythical beasts.

Back then, Sakaki also had close contact with mythical beasts.

This is why Sakaki has always been obsessed with replicating a mythical beast, or capturing a mythical beast.

The power of the divine beast is simply too powerful.

Moreover, the power of mythical beasts is really difficult to replicate in this world.

For example, Sakaki has been studying these vitality vegetables and tree fruits for a long time, but has no clue at all.

The real bird asked tentatively: "Do we want it?"

Sakaki glanced over and said, "Can you break through the wood?"

Sakaki was very afraid of Dr. Ohki.

Although he didn't know that Dr. Ohki's Kuailong had broken through the championship, Sakaki's fear of Dr. Ohki had never been less.

"Yes, boss, I understand." Shinori resigned, and Sakaki shouted again: "Come back."

After a pause, Sakaki said: "It's okay to give it a try. But don't send too powerful elves there. Try it if you have the chance. If it doesn't work, forget it."

The real bird nodded and retreated.

Sakaki himself did not dare to go to Zhenxin Town, but it was not impossible for someone to try it out.

What if?

Sakaki felt that he was very greedy for those elves.

If you could copy this kind of elves in batches, what would you get?

The vitality potion is definitely very popular.

Taiyi didn't know that several of his elves were being stared at.

But Taiyi has actually known this for a long time. Don't reveal your wealth to others. As long as you reveal it, it will always attract prying eyes.

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