Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 339 Mr. Mikri, please respect yourself

Taro Sasaki was frightened, but he remembered that they were driven down by the King-level cadre of Team Rocket.

The purpose is not to let them go, but to catch a turtle in a urn and play tricks on the alliance's preliminary investigators.

Just like when a cat catches a mouse, it won't eat it all at once. Instead, it likes to play with it first, and then the cat will eat the mouse all at once when the mouse is exhausted.

This bad taste is also the source of the reputation of Hades, the fourth member of Team Rocket, and even accounts for most of it.

"No, don't kill me!" Taro Sasaki shouted loudly: "I quit the search department. I am not from the alliance, I am from the Sasaki family!"

He wanted to use this method to prevent the Rockets from attacking him.

The other preliminary investigators all had ugly expressions.

Joy Xin wanted to cover her face. How could the alliance's search department get involved with such a person?

Even if he is against Team Rocket, loses in the end and is killed by Team Rocket, he must never show such an expression.

Didn’t you see that group of civilian trainers looking at family members like us?

The Joey family is pretty good because they are in charge of treatment, and every Joey is very kind to the common people.

Therefore, Joey is generally not regarded as a family member. Only the Sasaki family can be arrogant.

In fact, the descendants of really powerful families will be more tolerant.

Such as Yulongdu, such as Zfuqi Dawu!

These people generally have a sense of responsibility and really do it. After enjoying their rights, they must fulfill their obligations.

Even in the original history, many years later, Zifuqi Daigo was almost killed by a mythical beast in order to protect the Fangyuan region.

In the original manga, Daigo faced off for 21 days in order to contain the battle between Kyogre and Groudon. Although the Four Heavenly Kings were also very strenuous, it is said that Daigo never closed his eyes. He endured the blazing sunshine and occasionally encountered heavy rains, often watching the battle between the two mythical beasts, and finally almost died of exhaustion on the battlefield.

This future champion candidate really comes from a large family.

The prince of Dewen Company is not short of money.

His status in the alliance is not comparable to that of Taro Sasaki. That is simply a difference between clouds and mud!

But Daigo's performance was something that none of Taro Sasaki could compare to.

That is the model of a big family!

Everyone around them quietly walked away, including Taro Sasaki's follower!

Taro Sasaki has withdrawn from the Alliance Investigation Department. He is still a member of the Sasaki family and will not be short of resources.

Of course, no one can have enough top-level resources.

For example, there are many treasures in Taiyi's hands that even the top families don't have.

But if it were him, there would be nothing he could do.

After leaving the Alliance Investigation Department, he basically had no future.

It is very difficult to survive in society on your own and reach the level of a king, or even a quasi-king.

Therefore, he knew that there was no way he could get into the Sasaki family.

After entering the secret realm, if they are lucky enough to survive, Taro Sasaki's future will be almost gone.

At least in the league position, there is no way.

Taro Sasaki shouted loudly, as if he wanted Team Rocket to let him go.

Well, the Rockets did let him go, because the Rockets skirted around the crowd and passed by.

Taiyi said: "Something's wrong. There is a King of Heavenly Spirit, but it seems different from what we imagined?"

Taiyi was going to make Dr. Oak's dragon vigilant, even though he felt it was different from what he imagined!

But the threat from the Rockets has still not passed.

But this time, Kuailong seemed to be in a different situation.

An epiphany?

Taiyi was really speechless. Although Kuailong had not experienced a battle just now, he had come out to intimidate other elves.

If Kuailong hadn't been there, neither Team Rocket nor the Secret Realm elves would have let them go so easily.

Taiyi has no choice. Kuailong is in this state and is obviously unable to fight.

Shu Lao said: "It seems that he has fallen into an epiphany. This time, there should be no problem."

Taiyi asked: "Will he be short of energy? Do you want to get some more vitality vegetables for him to eat?"

Shu Lao shook his head: "It shouldn't be necessary. He has already reached the promotion process. You can put him in the elf ball, it will be quieter there!"

There is a space in the elf ball. Although it is not big, it is enough for the elf to rest.

Staying outside is obviously dangerous. Once the influence from the outside makes Kuailong wake up from his epiphany, his promotion will fail again.

If you fail too many times, it will also damage the elf's self-confidence.

After doing this calculation, Taiyi quickly took out Kuailong's elf egg and put Kuailong away.

Joey Xin saw this scene and asked, "Why did you put Kuailong away?"

Taiyi did not tell Kuailong's status, but said: "The situation with the Rockets is not right. The person coming should not be the Rockets, but someone from the league!"

Shu Lao also told Taiyi at the right time: "The person coming has a king-level elf, well, it seems to be Mikri!"

When Taiyi heard this, he was stunned.

Why is there Michael here again?

But this did not affect Taiyi. He said to Joy Xin: "It's safe, it's Mikri who is here!"

Joey Xin obviously doesn’t know much about the Heavenly Kings in Fangyuan area, let alone a preparatory Heavenly King!

Taiyi explained: "This is the younger brother of Daigo, the Four Heavenly Kings in the Fangyuan region. He is also a king-level trainer. Well, he himself is relatively proficient in the gorgeous competition, which is a very popular competition in the Fangyuan region. Be particular about discovering the beauty of elves!”

"Hahaha, Taiyi, we meet again. But I will be embarrassed if you praise me so much."

Standing on a Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird, Mi Keli has an indescribable elegance.

A king-level trainer, with such a style that few can match!

What's more, Mikri is still young, he is still in his youth. Not to mention good-looking, this elf is also extremely beautiful.

Taiyi thought of Mikri's green cotton bird, which was also an elf with very good qualifications.

This is another Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird, this big dog is simply awesome.

He himself had to work hard to find them outside. There were simply not many elves with cyan qualifications.

But Taiyi quickly thought of his own elves, and there were several of them with blue qualifications!

Taiyi rolled his eyes: "I don't see why you are embarrassed."

This slut appeared, and as the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird landed, Mi Keli stood in front of Taiyi.

Next to them, many members of the Alliance Operations Department and Search Department ran around, obviously hunting down the Rockets.

The positions of this evil organization, the alliance and the evil organization have always been opposite.

It is not ruled out that some officials may cooperate with the Rockets in private.

But on the bright side, no one will be soft on the Rockets.

Taiyi didn't ask why Mikri came back, but Mikri said directly: "I didn't agree with you in Jinhuang City before, so you left directly. I chased me to Zhenxin Town, but you fell into this secret realm again. . It happened that the alliance was short of manpower, so I volunteered to come over. How about it? Can I treat you well?"

Taiyi took a step back gently, and in Mikri's doubtful eyes, said: "By the way, I don't do gay things. Mr. Mikri, please respect yourself!"

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