Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 325 Unknown Divine Beast Elf Egg

"What harvest?" As soon as Taiyi asked, an elf egg appeared in front of Taiyi. The pattern was very complicated, but it gave people an extreme sense of beauty!

Taiyi didn't know what kind of elf egg it was, he couldn't tell.

Even though Yi Taiyi had read so many books on cultivation, he still couldn't figure out what kind of elf egg this was!

Shu Lao said: "I feel the same kind of feeling on this elf egg!"

Taiyi was stunned: "You mean, this is an elf egg from Earth Cloud?"

I wonder if the legendary elves have elf eggs.

But it must be difficult for people to tell what kind of elf eggs they are!

Shu Lao shook his head, and Taiyi knew what Shu Lao meant: "This is an elf egg from a legendary elf, but I don't know what elf it is from?"

Shu Lao nodded this time, and Taiyi was immediately delighted.

No matter what kind of legendary elves they are, they are all very powerful elves!

Now he has a lot of elf eggs on hand, including those from Lazy Otter and those that ride on dragons.

Next, there is another one with unknown properties, huh?

Taiyi felt that this elf egg seemed to have some resonance with his own super power.

He tried to get a ray of super power, and it was quickly absorbed by the elf egg. He seemed to feel the joy coming from the elf egg.

But more, there is no more.

Taiyi smiled bitterly: "It seems that I will work hard to develop my superpowers from now on!"

Taiyi confirmed: "The elf in this elf egg, after all, has superpower attributes. As for the others, I don't know."

In Taiyi's cognition, or memory, there are many mythical beasts with superpowers.

The first is Mew, which is the ancestor of all elves, but I don’t know if this one is.

Legend has it that Mew is symbiotic with World Tree, but what about World Tree?

This is most likely not the case, but it cannot be ruled out!

Next is Mewtwo, which is an artificial mythical beast created by Team Rocket using dreams.

But it should still be planned now. The information Taiyi intercepted in Cerulean City contained this content.

This one is definitely not one either.

Mewtwo is a man-made mythical beast, not born from an egg.

The third type is Hupa. Hupa has two forms, namely the sealed form and the true form of the deity. The true form of the true form is characterized by a larger body, increased rings, and 6 arms than the sealed form. It is said that he will use a ring that can distort space to snatch everything. The ring in its hand can summon divine beasts, and so far, its ability is as powerful as a plug-in.

The fourth type is Lunayala, which is an ultimate alien beast, that is to say, it is an elf from another world!

Lunayala is one of the ultimate beasts. Since its birth, it has been worshiped as the Messenger of the Moon by ancient people. It can absorb moonlight and convert it into its own energy, so it is also known as "The Messenger of the Moon". "Beast" whose figure is like the brilliant night sky.

Lunala is a divine beast from the Alola region, so it should be impossible for her to appear here.

I'm not sure, there are elf eggs of mythical beasts appearing here, so it's not surprising at all.

Solgaleo is also one of the ultimate beasts. He has been worshiped as the Messenger of the Sun by ancient people since his birth. It contains a huge amount of solar energy in its body, so it is also called the "sun-eating beast", and its figure is as beautiful as the sun.

This is the fifth possibility!

The sixth type is Lugia who controls the three holy birds. This legendary elf named Poseidon is also a very powerful elf!

The strange thing is that Prince Canghai is not the God of the Sea, but Prince Canghai can summon the God of the Sea.

The last one is Victini. Victini is a small, rabbit-like Pokémon. Its huge and pointed ears form the shape of the letter V, and it has a large head that does not match its body and large blue eyes. The body contains powerful power and can be shared with friends. It is said that a trainer who conquers Victini will never fail!

Taiyi couldn't determine what kind of legendary elf this was.

But since it is confirmed that it has superpower attributes, it will not go beyond these seven possibilities.

Shu Lao laughed: "If you don't know, you can ask others. You know, this is the territory of the Tutai Turtle. And the fluctuations I noticed before seem to belong to this elf egg!"

Taiyi was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

When he was outside the secret realm, he assisted Tutaigui to break through to the level of Heavenly King.

Shu Lao once said that Tutai Turtle has the fluctuations of divine beasts.

At that time, Taiyi thought that the Turtle was the messenger of a certain divine beast, so it carried the fluctuations of the divine beast.

But Shu Lao had not determined before that which kind of divine beast wave the Tutai Turtle had.

Now that I think about it, it belongs to this elf egg.

Well, maybe they are the parents of this elf egg.

Taiyi suddenly felt worried: "I took away this elf egg, so the parents of this elf egg won't come to trouble me, right?"

Shu Lao was also stunned, he had never thought of this possibility.

But soon, Shu Lao smiled and said: "Whether or not, it has become a fact that you took this elf egg. If you release it again, this elf egg will also fall into the hands of the Rockets or the Alliance. Inside. Besides, the Book of Heaven can isolate the traces of the divine beasts."

Taiyi knows that no matter what you do, there are risks.

But do mythical beasts have parents?

Taiyi is not sure. If not, where did the mythical beast come from?

Well, made by other mythical beasts.

So where did the earliest mythical beasts come from? Beyond the void of the universe!

In the words of Shu Lao, they are creatures in chaos, such as alpacas!

After putting away the elf egg, Taiyi still installed it with an incubation device, put in the nutrient solution suitable for super powers, and was delighted to get this elf egg.

Taiyi found Tutaigui and asked, "What is that mysterious elf egg?"

Taiyi was not sure whether Tutaigui knew that this was the elf egg of a mythical beast, so he could only ask vaguely.

Tutaigui seemed to already know: "Have you discovered it? Yes, even the secret realm can be integrated, so you must know the things in the secret realm."

Tu Taigui slowly recalled: "At that time, I was still a grass seedling turtle and accidentally found this elf egg. He gave me a lot of power. My original qualifications were not good, and it was difficult to learn moves. But This elf egg gave me a lot of power, making it easier for me to learn moves and control energy more easily. Until I became the leader of the Turtle clan, I brought all the clan members over and settled here. …”

This is simply the treatment of the protagonist in Elf. Adventures and so on are all created for Tutai Turtle.

But as Tutaigui said, this elf has existed here for a long time.

At least it takes decades, because the turtle has experienced such a long time.

I don’t know how much time passed before the turtle arrived.

This elf egg has never hatched, which shows how difficult it is to hatch the elf egg of a mythical beast.

Taiyi's face was also ugly: "I will die of old age, and this elf egg has not hatched yet. I still want to treat it as a relic and let my descendants inherit it, right?"

Shu Lao rolled his eyes: "He was suffering from lack of energy before. If you give him more nutrient solution and benefits, he will hatch naturally!"

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