Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 302 News about the Sand Scale Fruit

Although Haixingxing was a little confused, he still stopped when he heard Taiyi's call.

Haixingxing returned to Taiyi, not knowing why Taiyi asked him to stop.

Starfish has a feeling that he is about to evolve!

For the elves, Taiyi's request is to suppress evolution as much as possible!

But at the level of Starfish, the training is already in place. If you want to improve your qualifications more, it cannot be completed in a short time.

But right now, Taiyi still has to put his own safety first in this secret realm.

In this case, we still need to improve the strength of the elves!

Starfish has also made plans. If given the chance, he will evolve.

Although Starfish has only one stage of evolution, I have to say that Starfish is still a pretty good elf!

Especially when Starfish's qualifications are so excellent!

"Don't make a sound!" Taiyi made a gesture to silence him, and Haixingxing just nodded to show that he understood.

Taiyi walked towards the direction of the sound. Not far away, he saw two people in front of him sitting and resting.

"It is said that a sand scale fruit was found there. This is a relatively rare fruit tree!"

"Let's take a rest and hurry over. If we can get a few fruits, this time will not be in vain!"

"By the way, have you conquered the elves?"

"I tamed a little wild boar that looks pretty good and I'm going to train it!"

It turned out to be two individual trainers, but they discovered the Sand Scale Fruit?

This kind of fruit tree Taiyi knows is a relatively rare fruit tree. The price on the market is indeed good. If you can get a few of them and sell them, you can exchange them for a lot of resources for cultivating elves.

"Fruit trees like Sand Scale Fruit can increase the speed of elves, and they are relatively rare on the market!"

On the market, this kind of high-end tree fruit is indeed relatively rare. Once it appears, it will be bought at a high price!

That is to say, only big forces such as Silver Company will have some sand scale fruits for sale.

But it is not that easy to buy this high-grade tree fruit.

Even if Silver Company wants to sell the Sand Scale Fruit, it will definitely be solved internally, either as an offering to Silver Company, or to some high-level trainers who have good relations with Silver Company!

For example, Dr. Ohki.

Silver Company is naturally not a charity company. They use various high-end resources to make friends with top people in various industries!

The reason is the company's prospects.

After waiting for a while, the two individual trainers left in the same direction!

Taiyi pondered for a while: "Should I go there? This kind of fruit tree is relatively rare. If you can get the seeds, it will multiply in the world of the Book of Heaven and it will be a great wealth! The most important thing is that it can be provided to Use my elf to increase the speed of the elf!"

This kind of tree fruit increases the basic speed of elves!

It can be said that this is a very useful tree fruit.

But it is a pity that the quantity of this kind of tree fruit is too small. Taiyi has seen it on the alliance website before. It is too expensive and he is not willing to buy it!

What Taichi thought at that time was that with the merit points and the purchase of machinery, he could provide more solutions for cultivating elves.

When the time comes, just use other resources to cultivate the elves.

At this time, there is such an opportunity, Taiyi doesn’t know whether to go or not!

Shulao asked: "You should have been sure of getting the fruit in the past. But compared with the habitat of the ivory pig, which one is more important?"

When faced with a choice, it is natural to compare which one is more important.

Taiyi understood almost immediately: "Of course the ivory pig side is more important!"

The cave over there is hidden, but it’s not too hidden!

There were a lot of people coming in this time. Although the secret place was not small, there was a chance that someone might go over there and discover the cave, which would be bad.

Taiyi saw several very good things from the ivory pig's dream.

Among them, there were a few feathers that were somewhat similar to the legendary elf Taiyi had seen on Kuailong before.

Frozen bird feathers!

Frozen Bird is a legendary ice elf, and its fallen feathers are definitely of great benefit to the ice elf!

It is no exaggeration to say that the feathers of the frozen bird may be much better than those expensive items on the alliance's exchange website!

Well, the feathers of the frozen bird can itself be made into props!

The alliance naturally does not have any particularly cherished props for the public's exchange website.

Almost immediately, Taiyi knew that he had to give up one side!

"The Sand Scale Fruit Tree is in this secret realm. As long as I find the core of the secret realm, the entire fruit tree will be mine. I don't have to worry about getting the seeds. Besides, as long as Joey Xin gets the seeds, I will still have Chance to exchange for part of it!”

Joy Xin will definitely go to those places where people gather, one is to strive for benefits!

This is what every trainer who comes in does.

On the other hand, Joey Xin will also give priority to ensuring the safety of trainers.

Obviously, where a large number of trainers gather, something bad will happen.

The issue of profit distribution has always been the most feared issue in wild adventures!

Thinking of this, Taiyi changed direction and walked towards the direction where the ivory pig came out in his memory!

Shu Lao asked again: "Are you really planning to let Mimikyu leave? This Mimikyu's qualifications are very good. And it also has secrets!"

Taiyi sighed: "What else? This Mimikyu's temper is too stubborn. Instead of keeping her and feeling disgusted with each other, it's better to let her go!"

While talking, Taiyi could feel that Mimikyu, who was hiding in the shadow, was very concerned about the conversation between Taiyi and Shu Lao outside!

This was too much for Mimikyu to hear deliberately, otherwise, with Mimikyu's level, he would not be able to hear Shu Lao's words at all!

Taiyi is not planning to trick Mimikyu, he is really planning to release Mimikyu.

This is just to reassure Mimikyu for the time being and not to cause any trouble!

At the moment, Taiyi continued to move in the predetermined direction.

Starfish is still the best choice to deal with the elves on the road.

But slowly, the level of elves here is also improving.

Many of them are at the elite level, and several are at the gym leader level.

Taichi had to let Slowmon and Metal Monster come out to help deal with the enemy!

It's not that Taiyi can't let Bi Diao come out to meet the enemy, but Bi Diao's progress has been very slow.

Bi Diao has now reached the peak of the gym leader level. The next step is to break through the gym leader and become a quasi-king of elf!

But Bi Diao doesn't feel the opportunity for a breakthrough for the time being. These gym master-level elves can't provide enough pressure on Bi Diao!

So, why not give the other elves a chance to exercise!

The metal monster has just evolved and needs to fight to adapt to the surge in strength, and the use of energy also needs to be re-trained.

Taiyi asked them not to waste every bit of energy, but to think carefully about how to save energy.

This is actually teaching them how to break through the realm of Quasi-Heavenly King!

Quasi-Heavenly Kings, in addition to being familiar with attributes, also need to be able to use energy in subtle ways.

This is the focus of Bi Diao’s daily exercise.

It can be said that Bi Diao is still very good in this aspect.

But unfortunately, the bottleneck of breakthrough has still not been reached.

Taiyi felt that if there was another quasi-king elf to provide combat experience and pressure, Bi Diao would be able to break through!

At this moment, after a difficult battle, Starfish, Slow King and Metal Monster struggled to defeat the gym master-level elf on the opposite side!

When Taichi threw the Poké Ball and subdued the elf, the starfish also began to evolve!

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