Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 300 The dream weaved by Mimikyu Q, saying goodbye to the past

Release Mimikki again. This time, Mimikki didn't continue to attack Taiyi.

Mimikyu should also know that such an attack is useless against Taiyi.

Instead of doing this, it is better to complete the agreement with Taiyi first.

Taiyi brought the ivory pig over again and said to Mimikyu: "It's this ivory pig. You weave a dream and let me find their habitat. The secret realm is almost half done!"

Mimikyu nodded, a look in his eyes flashed, and Taichi felt a strange fluctuation.

Then, Tai's eyes turned dark!

"Huh? What am I?"

It was pitch black in front of his eyes. When Tai opened his eyes, he found that he seemed to be in a strange place!

"Where is this?"

Taiyi asked in his mind, the light in front of his eyes became slightly brighter, maybe because he had adapted to the dark environment, his eyes could already see the surrounding environment vaguely.

"This is Longhu Mountain!"

Taiyi can clearly know that this is Longhu Mountain!

Because this is the place where Taiyi obtained the Book of Heaven in his previous life, and it was from this place that he was hunted down by many people.

In the end, he will die and his soul will travel to the elf world!

Later, Taiyi knew that this was Mimikyu's fault!

"I haven't given up yet!"

Immediately, Taiyi will contact the power of the Book of Heaven to free himself from this secret realm!

The place where he asked Mimikyu to weave his dreams was inside the Book of Heaven!

This small dream cannot block the connection between Taiyi and the Book of Heaven!

The Book of Heaven is a divine weapon. As the Lord of the Book of Heaven, Taiyi possesses extremely powerful power within the Book of Heaven!

Even elves at the level of Heavenly Kings may not be able to escape the power of Taiyi!

This is also the reason why Taiyi dared to put the Tutai Turtle into the World of Heavenly Book!

You know, Tutaigui hasn’t become Taiyi’s partner yet!

But then, Taiyi hesitated for a while!

Taiyi really missed the earth in his previous life.

Now that you've come here, you can't waste it.

Xianshui Rock, Longhu Mountain, Shangqing Palace, Hongwu Lake, Mazu Rock and Yingtian Mountain were all visited one by one.

During this period, Mimikyu Q was also very curious, where is this place?

What a beautiful scenery, and a daunting feeling.

what is that? Is it a mythical beast? The legendary elf?

However, apart from the scenery, there is no trace of elves at all around here!

The dreams weaved by Mimikyu Q are also mainly weaved with Taiyi's memory.

In other words, in Taiyi's memory, if there are elves in this place, they will appear here one by one!

However, in this dream, there was not even a single elf!

Shizhai, stone walls, stone beams, stone cliffs, stone pillars, stone peaks, peak clusters, peak forests, one-line sky, single-sided mountain, Zhubei mountain, honeycomb caves, vertical caves, natural bridges, stone gates, etc., Taiyi are all in order Go to.

Since Mimikyu is willing to weave a dream for him, let him miss his past life.

Of course Taiyi will not refuse!

Taiyi didn't even use his superpower, he just walked slowly in this attraction.

The only pity is that there is no one, no fellow countryman to communicate with!

It seems that he came to the elf world not long ago, but in Taiyi's feeling, he seems to have been gone for a long time!

Returning to my hometown after a long absence makes Taiyi really miss me!

After visiting Longhu Mountain, Taiyi was ready to visit other places!

But when we walked out of Longhu Mountain, the scenery outside became a little blurry.

"This is?"

Then, Taiyi came out of the dream.

Mimikyu seems to be out of breath, she seems to have overused her energy!

Taichi thought that the dream just now was very realistic and grand, which should consume a lot of Mimikyu's energy.

After returning, I felt a little nostalgic in my heart, but more importantly, it was a farewell to the past!

In my previous life, I left so quickly that I didn’t even have time to say goodbye to my hometown, so I came to such a world!

Although Taiyi likes the elf world very much, he also has the same love for his hometown!

Now, with the help of Mimikyu's dream, although it is not the real hometown, the real feeling still gives Taiyi a chance to say goodbye to his hometown!

Just for a moment, Taiyi seemed to let go of something.

My soul seems to be much more transparent, and my superpowers have suddenly increased!

It's like I was just entering the category of professional-level elf before, and now I feel like I'm in the middle of professional-level elf!

The water attribute abilities also suddenly increased!

Shu Lao said strangely: "What's wrong with you? I feel like you left for a moment just now. This Mimikyu Q is not honest?"

Because in the world of Tianshu, Shu Lao is not worried about Taiyi's safety.

If Taiyi is in danger, the artifact of the Heavenly Book will spontaneously protect Taiyi.

If you don't even have this function, how can you have the nerve to call yourself an artifact?

Tai nodded and said: "The ability of Mimikyu to weave dreams just now was not used on the ivory pig. It was used on me! It seems that this Mimikki Q is wild and untamable and has a bad character! Even if it is If she wants to stay, I won’t let her stay either.”

With that said, Taiyi said to Mimikyu: "This is the last chance. If you are willing to help me complete the purpose of the secret realm, I am still willing to let you go! But if you are careful again, then I will lock you in This place will deprive you of food and imprison you forever without being able to see your surroundings!"

Ghost elves can also get hungry, and they will die if they are extremely hungry.

There is also free soul energy in the world of the Book of Heaven, but as the Lord of the Book of Ethereum, he can easily isolate these free soul energies and not give Mimikyu a chance to eat!

Mimikki could feel the seriousness of Taiyi's words, and couldn't help but shudder, remembering his own experience of being hungry!

Otherwise, why would she like to absorb the life force of other elves?

It was because the experience of being hungry was really unbearable for her to look back on!

Mimikyu, who was still a little cautious at first, now no longer dares to resort to petty tactics.

In this evil place, Mimikki discovered that he, an elf, was no match for an unarmed human!

There was no other way, Mimikki had no choice but to use the ability to program dreams on the ivory pig!

But Mimikyu used his ability on Taiyi before, which consumed too much energy.

At this moment, there was actually not enough energy.

She stopped and looked at Taiyi with a pitiful expression in her eyes.

Tai asked Geely Egg to bring some nutrient solution without expression: "Eat it, and then restore some energy, and then continue to use it! If you help me complete the trip to the secret realm earlier, you can leave earlier! I will do what I say, I will definitely let you go after that! In fact, even if you don’t want to leave, I don’t want to keep you! You are too cunning and unable to communicate!”

Mimikyu made some aggrieved sounds, but Taiyi had experienced several Mimikyu sneak attacks and no longer had any hope that Mimikyu could figure it out.

It’s not like Taiyi doesn’t have blue-qualified elves, and as long as Taiyi has the treasures of nature and earth, and Taiyi slowly cultivates them, there will naturally be more blue-qualified elves in the future!

What's more, Taiyi also has a heavenly book that can detect the elves' qualifications.

Viridian Forest is so big and the base of elves is so large, it is not difficult to have a few elves with blue qualifications.

As long as there is a chance, Taiyi will naturally get more blue-qualified elves!

Even purple qualifications are not impossible!

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