Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 295 The First King Elf

Arriving in front of the entrance to the secret realm, Tutaigui had always been here. He opened his eyes and saw that the trainers who fought him yesterday were already here.

Among them, Taiyi is the most dazzling, and he is also the trainer who promised to surrender as long as Taiyi can move the secret realm!

"Are you all here? Do you want to go in?" Tu Taigui asked.

Obviously, not everyone can understand.

Taiyi understood and nodded. Tutaigui continued, "Well, before I go in, I have a few words to say!"

"Please say!"

"In the secret realm, there are many grass-type, ground-type and rock-type elves." Tutaigui said: "But they are not all surrendered to the grass seedling turtle clan. In fact, the groups inside are all independent, and there is no Subject matter. So please be careful! But, if possible, try not to hurt them!"

Taiyi relayed Tutaigui's words, and many trainers looked at Taiyi strangely.

Most trainers actually don't know about special abilities including the power of Viridian!

At this point, the alliance has not become popular!

Superpower may be the only special ability they know!

Because many gym leaders have special abilities such as superpowers, and they can use them in battles.

In many competitions, there are players with super powers participating.

So superpowers are the only special abilities that are relatively common!

As for the rest, most people don’t know.

There are some descriptions of special abilities in some elf comics!

But those are just some speculations by the author and should not be taken as true!

"How could he understand what Tutaigui said?"

"Isn't it just random talk?"

"Want to fool us?"

"But he doesn't have this need!"

Many trainers whispered and made random guesses. Akagi Hinata said: "Humans cannot understand the words of elves, but elves can understand the words of humans. If Mr. Taichi is wrong, then Dodaigui will definitely bring it up!"

The trainer who was rebutted said: "Then, Taiyi...how did you understand?"

Akagi Yangping didn't know about special abilities, but he guessed: "Maybe it's because we understand it? If we usually understand the elves, we can also guess what they want to express!"

This might be a possibility. The trainer thought for a while and didn't say anything more.

Taiichi: "Before you go in, I still want to remind you. No one knows the details of what's going on inside. Kouki Ochiai and Takuya Takeshita have already gone in before. Several other trainers have gone in. We don't know what they are. In this situation, please proceed with caution and don’t trust others casually.”

Taiyi had to remind these people that the people who rushed in before were not worthy of trust.

If not, these people would not have rushed into the secret realm before everyone else.

Taichi saw that everyone knew it, so he motioned for Tu Taigui to leave.

A king-level elf was guarding the entrance, and these people really didn't dare to go in directly.

When Akagi Yanghei entered, he gave Taichi a look.

Taichi knew that Akagi Yangping wanted to say that he had expressed Taichi's intention to form an organization.

Those people are also interested.

Knowing this, it’s OK!

Joy Xin was the second to last one to go in. When she entered, she said: "Be careful. Also, these individual people cannot be completely trusted!"

After saying that, Joy Xin took her Miss Mi Lun and Flower Therapy Huan Huan and submerged into the big tree.

Just like the secret realm he first saw in Yuejian Mountain, the entrance was on a big tree.

This big tree itself is also a real existence. It exists in space and the entrance actually exists in two dimensions and does not overlap.

In this regard, Taiyi's superpower can make a slight difference.

The big tree was slightly affected by this entrance and became somewhat separated from the world.

But this does not affect the life of the big tree. This is actually a very magical phenomenon.

If it were in the previous life, I am afraid that this phenomenon cannot be explained by technology.

Taiyi nodded to Joey Xin, and when Joey Xin went in, Taiyi said, "Then, I'm going in too!"

As for the issue of the secret realm, Taiyi can absorb the core of the secret realm first when the time comes.

By then, the Cao Miaogui clan will all be in their own world of heavenly books!

Naturally, the Tutai Turtle must be subdued!

This is a bit like coercion, and Taiyi feels a little embarrassed!

But for the secret of the Book of Heaven, Taiyi would do anything.

But Tutai Turtle suddenly said: "Do you have a Poké Ball? Take it out!"

Taiyi was stunned for a moment, and then thought of a possibility.

"But, didn't you say yesterday that we would wait until the secret realm is moved?"

Tutaigui shook his head: "I changed my mind. It's better to go in with you. Maybe, I can help you! The two people who went in first yesterday are not bad, at least stronger than your elves. Well, the premise is , the situation where the elf in your elf ball cannot be used! But I think he shouldn’t be able to take action at will. The two people entered the secret realm first and may have established a firm foothold. This may not be a good thing for you. News. I can help you!"

Taiyi was noncommittal and didn't say that Kuailong could help.

Especially when dealing with Kouki Ochiai and Takuya Takeshita, both of whom are members of terrorist organizations, there is nothing wrong with using Kuailong on their own.

Anyway, the alliance won’t raise any objections!

As for Team Rocket and Team Ocean, they are both in danger. Can't they still be used?

The matters concerning these two organizations will be discussed later.

Besides, he's not very weak.

Taking out a red and white ball, Taiyi gently moved the elf ball towards the turtle, and the turtle was taken in.

The red light came on, then went off.

Well, I got it!

"I'm afraid this is the first king-level elf I've conquered!" Taiyi said. Shulao rolled his eyes. His strength will be promoted soon, okay?

But what Taiyi said is not wrong.

After collecting the elf ball, Taiyi had no intention of releasing the turtle directly.

It's not necessary. The turtle's body is too big, so it naturally can't move that fast.

In addition, no one knows that this turtle has been conquered by him, so this is a trump card.

Taiyi would not use Kuailong unless forced to do so.

This earth turtle comes in handy.

Turning around, Taiyi entered the secret realm.

Regarding the population, no one can destroy this entrance without a special machine!

And if Taiyi absorbs the core of the secret realm, it will naturally be rejected by the secret realm.

Generally speaking, no one will persecute you at this entrance.

If you want to destroy it, you don’t have the right tools!

It is not that easy to destroy a space.

As soon as his vision went dark, Taiyi came to a space full of rocks.

"It looks like a secret place mixed with rocky mountains and forests?"

Taiyi stood on the rock and looked at the forest in the distance and said.

The environment of the secret realm is very strange. It is a bit like the junction of Nibi City and Joban City.

There are rocks on one side and forests on the other.

Naturally, there are also elves in these two environments here!

There was no one else around, and Taiyi didn't know where the entrance to the secret realm appeared randomly after entering.

In other words, those who came in before left quickly.

In a world with elves, it is not impossible to leave a place quickly.

"Shu Lao, tell us which direction we should go. We must find the core of the secret realm as soon as possible!"

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