Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 291 Incorporating Akagi Hinata

Shu Lao said: "When the Tutai Turtle evolved just now, there was a mysterious wave on his body, and it felt like it was of high quality!"

As for what it was, Shu Lao didn't know, so he didn't mention it.

Taiyi rubbed his chin, wondering what kind of props this turtle had!

Yes, whatever this thing is, it's a prop.

Well, that’s the layman’s way of saying it.

Taiyi felt a little eager in his heart, but he never thought about snatching the things from Tutai Turtle.

"Next, it looks like our plan must go ahead."

Taiyi had originally planned to conquer this Turtle. A Turtle with cyan qualifications that had reached the level of a Heavenly King was also very important to Taiyi now.

It can be said that all his elves combined may not be able to defeat the earth turtle in front of him.

Especially now that the Tutai turtle has advanced to the Heavenly King level, and the turtle shell has become harder and harder!

Before being able to put a certain amount of pressure on Tutaigui, Taiyi had already mobilized all the force he could use!

Among them, there are also several of Joy Xin’s gym master-level elves!

I really didn’t expect that Joey Xin really had a team of six powerful elves at the gym leader level!

Moreover, Joy Xin also has an extra flower healing ring that can heal!

Including the divine beast that Shu Lao sensed, there are eight elves in Joey Xin!

Taiyi muttered in his heart: "I don't know how Joey Xin got the quota of eight elves! If it is because of his qualifications as a breeder, then this Joey Xin's qualifications as a breeder are at least advanced!"

There is a difference between a breeder and a researcher!

Researchers need assistants, and cultivators may also need them, but the priority is not high.

Therefore, the rule in the elf world is that only when you are a senior researcher can you increase the number of elf!

As for the top breeders, they can get a quota of two elves!

The quota of researchers is, starting from scholars, the quota of junior and intermediate researchers is increased by one elf!

One more senior researcher and one more elf doctor!

In other words, researchers and cultivators will increase by the same amount in the end.

It’s just that the researcher’s quota will be given in advance!

Of course, most people are unable to reach the final stage.

Therefore, the researcher finally took advantage.

I can't figure it out, and Taiyi doesn't bother to think about it.

At this moment, Taiyi looked up and saw the trainer named Akagi Hinata walking towards him.

For these individual trainers, Taiyi also had some plans at this time.

Over there, Joy Xin is also making her own dinner.

After helping everyone get treated, the nutritional medicine was provided by Taiyi.

Joey Xin also got a portion. If it was a potion given by others, Joey Xin might think twice about it.

But this was given by Taiyi. As an ally of the Joey family, Taiyi would not tamper with this potion.

It is not particularly difficult for a pharmacist to tamper with the medicine he makes.

Those individual trainers didn't know, so they used it directly.

People in the Joey family naturally know that not all potions are real.

At this time, Joy Xin was also communicating with her partners.

"You're saying that there is a secret in that Turtle, and there is also a threat to you on Taiyi's side?"

Joy Xin was very surprised that the turtle's qualifications were not particularly outstanding.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been stuck at the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly King for so long!

This is entirely because the Tutai turtle has accumulated this heritage during its long life as a turtle.

But now her partner told her that it was not that Tutaigui had no chance to break through, but because he had other secrets!

As for what the secret is, my partner doesn’t know the details.

If you want to know, you must conduct detailed research on the turtle.

However, as a member of the Joey family, Joey Xin would not force Tutaigui to do anything.

"Perhaps I can communicate with the Tutai Turtle. If I can subdue the Tutai Turtle, there will be no problem!"

After conquering it, Joy Xin will definitely cultivate the Tutai Turtle as the main force.

For any trainer, a king-level elf can be regarded as the main force.

At least, what the public knows so far, even the Four Heavenly Kings and the regional champions, are like this!

Taiyi didn't know that Qiao Xin had the same plan as him, and he also knew that he had some protection.

Joy Xin even guessed a little bit about Taiyi's reliance.

At this time, Taiyi raised his head and looked at Akagi Yangping: "Come to me, what do you want to say?"

Akagi Yangping smiled and said: "Isn't Mr. Taiyi the first to extend an olive branch to me?"

This is a smart man. Taiyi's protection allowed the fearless boy to successfully evolve and even improve his qualifications.

After that, Taichi was more or less protecting Akagi Hinata!

After the battle, Akagi Yohei's protection of Taichi was also a form of protection before repaying him.

Taiyi's series of actions were naturally extending an olive branch to Akagi Hinata.

As for success or failure, it all depends on whether Akagi Hinata is smart or not!

Tai smiled and stretched out his hand to signal Akagi Hinata to sit down.

Although he had the idea to recruit Akagi Hinata, this person has the qualifications, but he didn't have the opportunity to get a good elf!

But now, Taichi has some elves to offer!

Taiyi has conquered many green-qualified elves, and with the detection function of the Book of Heaven, he can look for highly-qualified elves at any time!

The next trip to the secret realm is an opportunity!

Akagi Hinata was stunned for a moment, but finally looked into Taiyi's eyes and confirmed that the other person really didn't care, and then sat down.

In the elf world, the levels of upper and lower levels are also very strict.

When facing a superior person, when will the inferior person have a seat to sit on?

But at Taiyi's age, he obviously hasn't developed that kind of tolerance, nor does he have that kind of thoughts.

In Taiyi's eyes, he can subdue the other party, but if he really wants the other party to sacrifice his life for him, that's not possible.

Taiyi has no such idea and will not do it.

Taiyi: "The past days must have been very difficult!"

This sentence triggered the grievance in Akagi Yangping's heart.

But he didn't cry, he was just talking about his past.

Akagi Yangping is a very ordinary child, with the dream of an elf master, he embarks on the journey of a trainer!

In short, this is a boy who is just like Xiaozhi, but without Xiaozhi's background and luck!

At this time, Akagi Yanghei was actually not very young, only fourteen or fifteen years old, and he still had a lot of moldability.

This is the reason why Taiyi recruits each other!

If there is no moldable type, then no matter how qualified the elf is, it will just be a waste.

Tai nodded: "I'll tell you what I think. First of all, I'm not trying to establish a strict organization. I believe you won't completely sell yourself out just because of a few resources!"

Akagi Yangping smiled a little brightly. He was really worried about this at first. Now that Taichi said so, it must not be this.

"So, what is Mr. Taiyi's plan?"

Taidao: "I just want to establish a small organization, let's call it a mutual aid association! In the early stage, I can provide resources and high-quality elves, and if you want to exchange for these resources, you must accept the organization's tasks. Don't worry, These tasks will not make you die. I just want to collect some resources from various places, as well as some specific elves and the like. You can freely choose whether to accept them. When you have enough task points, you can come to me Exchange the resources you need..."

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