Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 285 The Wisdom of Others

Just when this idea came to Taiyi's mind, the trainer's eyes lit up.

"Now, fearless boy, Megaton Boxing!"

Taiyi also has to say that this trainer has a good vision.

At this time, the Tutai Turtle had finished releasing a round of moves, and Diya Sea Lion's move was about to hit the Tutai Turtle.

At this time, Diya Sea Lion needs to recover a little, but also needs to prevent Tutai Turtle's moves from hitting him!

The Tutai Turtle's attention is entirely focused on the attack of the Diya sea lion and guarding against the more troublesome Heiluga!

As for other people's elves, Tutaigui doesn't care much for the time being!

Taiyi drank: "Casey, light wall. Then telekinesis!"

Next to the Diya sea lion, a wall of light lit up!

Taiyi will never forget the minimum cooperation.

Although he doesn't like Team Ocean and Team Rocket very much, since they are still working together, Taiyi will naturally not make any small moves.

This kind of shameless action is the patent of a terrorist organization like Team Rocket, not Taiyi!

At the same time, next to Casey, a branch was controlled by Casey using his mind power, and it quickly moved towards the part of the turtle that was exposed outside the shell!

This branch was polished very sharply. Casey spent all his spare time polishing this branch!

Another way to use telekinesis is not to use it directly on hostile elves, but to use it on other items.

From this, the super-powerful telekinesis moves are transformed into physical attacks!

As for why we don't use telekinesis directly on Tutai Turtle, even if we use it on such a large individual, we still can't shake Tutai Turtle's body!

When using moves, you must be vivid and lively, not rigid!

The few elite geniuses present all understand the reason for this!

Just when the branch was about to hit one of the turtle's feet, the turtle's foot retracted into its shell.

A clear sound sounded, which was the sound caused by the contact between the branches controlled by mind and the shell of the turtle!

Tutaigui let out a little groan, and it was obvious that this move was not useless.

Casey has been accumulating strength since just now!

Taiyi's superpower also slightly added in as a blessing.

Ochiai Kouki's eyes shrank, the power of this move exceeded his imagination.

Joy Xin glanced at Taiyi, and for the first time, her eyes showed approval.

Casey's ability has reached the gym leader level!

And, faintly, it is not an ordinary gym leader level!

Dragons do not live with snakes, so the friends of elite geniuses must also be elite geniuses!

Taiyi's previous performance was that although he was not from a big family, he was at the peak of elite level and could be classified into the same category as them!

Now, with Casey's defensive performance and the power of this telepathy just now, it can be said that although Taiyi is of ordinary origin, his abilities are almost the same as them!

Besides, they were older than Tai and had traveled longer.

If Taiyi reached their age, he would probably be even more powerful than them!

Joy Xin knew better that Taiyi was still a good researcher!

The youngest mid-level researcher in the history of the alliance!

Although this certificate is not that rare, for an eleven-year-old child, this certificate is very rare!

Takeshita Takuya took a deep look at Taiyi, his eyes were full of fear and madness!

This person will probably be the organization’s enemy in the future!

I don’t know why, Takeshita Takuya suddenly had such an idea.

Do you want?

Takeshita Takuya was thinking, should he kill Taichi here?

It's not like Takeshita Takuya has never seen murders happen, although he has never killed anyone with his own hands.

But it’s not like there were no people killed because of Takeshita Takuya’s order!

But thinking about what happened here and the purpose of this time, Takeshita Takuya restrained the murderous intention in his heart a little!

It’s not the time yet!

Besides, there are people from the Joey family here!

Takeshita Takuya was not a fool. He knew that if he retreated rashly at this time and tried to kill Taichi, he would not succeed.

When the time comes, Tu Taigui, who is unable to achieve his goal, will not let him go!

What's more, neither Ochiai Kouki nor Joey Xin will sit back and watch his behavior!

"In addition, this boy named Amuro Taichi may have other trump cards! The organization will pay more attention to this person!"

Taichi keenly noticed Takeshita Takuya's murderous intention. He glanced at Takeshita Takuya and didn't pay much attention!

As long as Takeshita Takuya hadn't lost his mind, he would have known that no one else would agree with his idea except himself.

If Takeshita Takuya insists on having his own way, he will definitely become the target of public criticism!

He hinted that he was not worried about his own safety, but he still needed to take necessary precautions.

"That's it now!"

Because of Taiyi's actions, he successfully protected the Fearless Boy!

The fearless boy's megaton punch successfully hit the turtle!

However, the Tutai Turtle deserves to have the most direct protection of the turtle shell. He directly retracted the part that was about to be injured into the shell to protect it.

The fearless boy did not directly attack the turtle's body!

The fearless boy's punch hit the turtle's shell.

But this punch seems to have no effect at all!

The other Sanren snorted coldly.

Everyone is here to make soy sauce, what are you doing out of nowhere?

Is this to attract other people's attention?

But Taiyi and the other four knew that the fearless boy's attack just now was not useless!

There is a slight crack on the turtle's shell!

The fearless boy's attack was still effective.

The turtle's head came out and bit it in one bite!

It was a biting move. If the fearless boy was bitten, the end result would definitely not be good.

The Tutai turtle was also a little angry because his turtle shell was damaged!

Although he wanted to seek a breakthrough, the damage to the turtle's shell ignited the inner emotions of the turtle.

He's going to get angry, he's going to take revenge!

If he is bitten, there are still many moves to follow. After the fearless boy gathered his energy and launched a series of attacks, he has basically no strength at this time!

Seeing that the fearless boy was about to be bitten, Taiyi said softly: "Casey, wall of light!"

Despite the previous tactical arrangement, Taiyi's Casey's first element is to protect Joey Xin from three people!

But Taiyi will not give up on others. Taiyi's protection will still arrive as long as he has the remaining strength.

The Sanren's eyes widened and he shouted loudly: "Fearless boy!"

The Turtle's mouth bit the Fearless Boy, but it only hit the light wall.

The wall of light flickered for a moment, but in the end it blocked Tutaigui's move!

But it was of no use. The light wall shattered with a crack under the attack of Tutai Turtle.

Next, if Casey's wall of light does not fall again, the fearless boy will still be attacked by the turtle!

And at the same time, countless leaves flew out around Tutai Turtle!

It was a storm of flying leaves, and every leaf was a sharp knife.

Both Diya Sea Lion and Heiluga are under attack from Flying Leaf Storm!

This move is simply terrifying!

This is simply a waterfall of flying leaves and sharp knives, which is not something ordinary elves can resist.

Diya Sea Lion used the freezing wind to rotate around itself!

Heiluga also sprays flames, it's a flame-spraying move!

But these flames did not dissipate, but instead revolved around Heiluga. They also used one offensive move to defend!

I have to say that these two people have very good minds. This is a very good defense!

"Taiichi Amuro!"

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