Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 280 Quasi-Overlord Elf Turtle

Yulongdu was silent for a while, and then said: "Maybe!"

But even so, there was nothing they could do.

Although they are the top leaders of the alliance, they naturally have to consider the interests of the alliance.

Sometimes, that's it. In such a large organization, the interests inside are entangled, constantly being pruned, and still chaotic!

Yu Longdu also has his own demands. If he wants to inherit the title of Four Heavenly Kings, he must abide by the rules of the alliance!

Sirona fell silent, even she must abide by the rules of the alliance!

The larger the organization, the more rules it needs. This is the system, it is the system!

The temple family naturally has privileges, but they must also abide by certain rules!

Taiyi didn't know at this time that everything was just as he thought. The situation here was that the league and the Rockets had a tacit understanding.

Over there, Sirona and Yulongdu were still fighting with Team Rocket's base.

But that's all. The Rockets still have enough energy to manage things on the island.

"Where is the entrance?" Taiyi was a little confused.

Logically speaking, the alliance has instruments for detecting secret realms, and the Rockets should also have such instruments. How come they still can't find them yet?

"Shu Lao, do you feel it?"

The Book has always been the tool spirit of the Book of Heaven, and now the Book of Heaven has also opened up a secret realm, which is the world of the Book of Heaven!

Shu Lao will also be aware of the fluctuations in the secret realm.

But Shu Lao shook his head and said: "It seems that the entrance is covered by something, which is a bit strange. Things have undergone some wonderful changes!"

They found the relevant information about this secret realm from Team Rocket's information.

But at that time, Team Rocket only discovered a suspected secret place.

As for the true situation of the secret realm, Team Rocket has no specific information.

If they want to find the secret realm, they still have to rely on their own abilities.


At this moment, a strange fluctuation came.

Shu Lao turned around and looked in that direction and said, "Quick, over there!"

Taiyi was blessed with super powers and ran in that direction.

On the way, Shu Lao said while floating: "There are fluctuations in space over there, it should be the secret realm. The secret realm should be opened soon, hurry up!"

Taiyi sighed inwardly. He originally thought that Team Rocket didn't know the news, so he came here just for a trip!

As a result, there were so many people.

Not to mention the loose people, the elves around them are not very powerful.

Even if he is an elite level elf, Taiyi is not worried at all.

But there are people from Team Rocket, the Alliance, and maybe even Team Ocean. Those people are all gym leader-level elves with at least one team.

Such people will form competition for Taiyi.

In Taiyi's hand, he only has one gym leader-level elf.

If Casey evolves, he can be considered a gym leader.

The combination of Big Needle Bee and Bad Butterfly can be regarded as a gym leader-level elf!

In this way, Taiyi only has three and a half gym leader level spirits around him!

The other elves added up are half of them!

"If I don't use Kuailong, not only will I have no advantage, I will also be at a disadvantage!"

Taiyi felt a little emotional, but the time was still too short. Only one year was given. It would not be so easy to cultivate too many high-level elves!

Even if the qualifications of these elves are not bad, he does not lack any resources.

But the time is still too short! The elves don't have enough time to strengthen themselves!

Moreover, whether it is the Joey family, Team Rocket, or Team Ocean, they all have no shortage of highly qualified elves!

Don't look at the low-level elves in Team Rocket, they are all bad people.

The qualifications are not good, and the type is not good either.

These organizations have no shortage of highly qualified elves!

As long as the trainers are of high quality, they will have no shortage of highly qualified elves.

Coupled with the organizational training, by the time they reached Taiyi's age, they had been cultivating elves for who knows how many years.


Taiyi stopped and saw a huge turtle in front of him!

Turtle: Mainland Pokémon

Level: 70

Attribute: grass/ground

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Earthquake, Mallet, Impact, Shelling, Drain, Leaf Blade, Curse, Bite, Super Drain, Photosynthesis, Crush, Ultimate Drain, Leaf Storm, Self-motivation, Roar, Poison, Big Sunny day, destruction of light, awakening power, wall of light, defense, mysterious guardianship, anger, solar beam, repayment, shadow clone, reflective wall, sandstorm, rock blockade, crazy plant

Look at the huge, flat turtle shell, as well as the three gray equilateral triangle rocks on the turtle shell, and the tree that looks like an oak tree.

Taiyi recognized it immediately, it was a turtle!

This is a quasi-overlord elf stuck at the limit of quasi-king!

Looking at its huge size, you will know how terrifying this turtle is!

Ordinary turtles are only two meters tall, but this one is three and a half meters tall!

The trees on the turtle shell became even taller.

"Huh? So the fruit has grown up there?"

The trees on the turtle's body can bear fruits and are also very useful.

Generally speaking, it is related to the development of the second attribute of the elves, which is the awakening power.

This fruit is very likely to allow the elves to awaken grass or ground attributes.

Of course, the premise is that your elf learns to awaken the power!

Well, this fruit is inherently good for awakening power.

But, not necessarily. No fruit has been obtained, and no one dares to determine the true function of the fruit produced by this turtle until detailed research.

But it is definitely beneficial, there is no doubt about this.

This quasi-king turtle has very good strength. Because of its huge size, he has strong defense, and his energy is surging, far exceeding other elves of the same level!

The rich moves make this earth turtle strong in resisting blows, and it also has no shortage of attack power.

Especially the crazy plant move, Taiyi had a hunch that this level would not be so easy!

Because, the entrance is surprisingly located on a tree next to Tutai Turtle!

If you want to enter, you must pass the Tutaigui level.

But this Turtle stuck at the pinnacle of the Quasi-Heavenly King doesn't seem to be that easy to talk to.

Before Taichi arrived, the boys from Team Rocket and the fighting Joey of the Joey family had already arrived.

While Taiyi was observing, several more people arrived one after another.

None of them stepped forward, but stood relatively far away from Tutaigui, just like Taiyi was doing now.

The One is not hidden, there is no need, there is no possibility.

If you want to enter the secret realm at that time, you must pass this level.

But it seems that this level is not so easy to pass.

Taiyi will not take out Kuailong. At this time, the elder's elves cannot be used by default!

If Taiyi doesn't obey the rules, others may unite and attack Taiyi!

Who doesn’t have a few elders, who doesn’t have a few powerful elves?

Taiyi would naturally not use Kuailong first, there was no need and he would not dare.

Being the target of public criticism here will delay his progress.

But Taiyi felt that the purpose of going out this time might not be so easy to achieve.

At this time, a young man stood up and said with a smile: "I am Kouki Ochiai, from the Ocean Team! Everyone has arrived, and the observation is almost done. I believe you should also know that this turtle is the overlord of this island. , he blocked the entrance to the secret realm just because he wanted us to challenge him. In order to break through the shackles of the Quasi-Heavenly King! Everyone has no objection to this, right?"

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