Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 274 Lost, fishing at sea

“I don’t know when we will arrive!”

At this time, Taiyi took the Kuailong Spirit and set off from the sea in Hualan City, roaming in the ocean.

To be honest, it is difficult to find direction in the sea.

The endless sea level seems to be the same in every direction.

Shu Lao looked at Taiyi helplessly: "I said, your characteristic of being lost has actually been brought to this world?"

Taiyi also shrugged helplessly: "There is nothing we can do about this. Who makes this world without navigation!"

Taiyi was thinking about whether to conquer a few more Caseys, develop computer technology and satellite technology, and develop a navigation system in this world.

It's really sad to always get lost like this.

At this time, Taiyi had been drifting in the ocean for a day.

Taiyi took out an apple and ate it slowly, and said happily: "Fortunately, we are not short of food. Otherwise, we would really be numb!"

In addition to food, at night, you can also enter the World of Heavenly Books to rest.

This is something no one else can do.

Kuailong had no choice. Taiyi put Kuailong into the elf ball without explaining why he did this.

Kuailong didn't ask, but was a little worried about Taiyi.

Taichi: "The main reason is that the reference objects on this map are too far away!"

The secret place discovered by Team Rocket is on the sea, and the only reference is Cerulean City!

But Hualan City was so far away, so Taiyi began to vow to go out and look for it.

Who knows, something could go wrong and get lost.

He underestimated the power of the sea!

"But fortunately, I'm on the sea. The water vapor here is very rich, and my powers are slowly improving!"

Taiyi also unexpectedly discovered that on the sea, the water-based superpower granted by Prince Canghai was slowly improving.

Moreover, Taiyi's own superpowers have also been slightly improved.

This is not a waste of time!

"It's just that it seems that when Xiaochi receives the initial elf, I have no way to go back."

Taiyi murmured to himself: "Fortunately, I had a premonition a long time ago and entrusted the matter to Dr. Omu!"

Taiyi naturally wants to invest in Xiaochi, the future protagonist.

Not to mention that they are both really from Newtown, but when they get along, they have a very good relationship.

Taiyi might have been a little utilitarian at first, but now, he sincerely regards himself as a true New Town native.

Therefore, he has a natural affinity for the residents of Zhenxin Town!

It would be good for Zhenxin Town if there could be a few strong trainers among the younger generations of Zhenxin Town.

Naturally, as a researcher in Zhenxin Town, Taiyi can also enjoy certain soft benefits!

With nothing to do, Taiyi took out the fishing rod he bought in Hualan City.

"Just in time, I can come and try fishing. Maybe I can catch high-quality elves. In this way, I can complete the task of the horned goldfish! Fortunately, I had the good fortune and bought the fishing rod in advance. Otherwise, this would have been terrible. I’m really blind!”

The whites of Shu Lao's eyes filled up all the sockets: "You have actually known for a long time that you are blind on the road, and you have predicted that you will get lost!"

This is also the reason why Taiyi chose to go to Cerulean City first. He originally planned to find the secret realm first, and then go to Cerulean City.

Then I thought, if I get lost at sea, it will take many days.

Some things are better done early.

Dairy products are also delivered early so that Aunt Yingzi and her family can enjoy them early.

Taiyi was too lazy to talk to Shu Lao. This old man really couldn't see that he was good at anything, and he liked to beat himself up every day.

Taiyi didn't even know if this old man had developed a talkative nature because he was too bored when he was in heaven.

In modern times, there is also a characteristic of venomous tongue.

He took out his fishing rod, which is a very popular fishing rod on the market.

"It's a pity that I didn't buy that kind of prop fishing rod. Otherwise, I could try fishing for a specific kind of elves, and it would also increase the probability of the elves biting the rod! Hey, is it biting the rod?"

The bait used by Taiyi is ordinary tree fruit pulp, which of course prefers the taste that water elves like.

"King Dudu, get ready!"

Taiyi said, as soon as he lifted the rod, a big ferocious fish was caught.

King Slowly knocked out the Magikarp with one shot of his water gun.

Unfortunately, Taiyi glanced at it and saw that it was only an orange-qualified one, and Taiyi was too lazy to subdue it.

This most common type of elves can't be counted in this world.

Most of them have red and orange qualifications. If you want to conquer them, you really can't conquer them.

"Even if I don't have to pay for the fruit from my tree, I still don't have enough to support this kind of Carp King!"

Fortunately, he was just knocked unconscious. After a while, the Carp King woke up, then shook his tail and turned his dead eyes, wondering what happened to him.

He remembered that he came out to look for food, so why did he faint?

At this time, Taiyi had swam far away on the dragon, and Carp King had no idea what had happened to him!

The memory of these five seconds seems to have been with Magikarp for a long time.

Next, successive Magikarp Kings contributed little experience to Slow King.

The King of Slow has just evolved, and Taiyi is ready to train him more.

The first is the use of moves, which can train the proficiency of Slow King's moves and help Slow King master the power of attributes.

In addition, King Slow's control of power can also be exercised.

As for the recovery of King Dedu's energy, in the sea, there is a lot of water, so the recovery of King Dede is faster than on land.

In addition, drinking milk, laying auspicious eggs, and taking turns with elf food, Slow King's energy recovered very quickly.

In addition, King Slow can also borrow Taiyi's superpowers, which Taiyi only recently developed.

Although the number of Taiyi's superpowers is not large, it is already considerable.

At least Taiyi can now defeat some entry-level elves with his own superpowers.

If there are targeted attributes, it is not impossible to play at the professional level.

This is already an introduction to superpowers, much stronger than those people in Golden City who use spoons to exercise their superpowers.

As far as Binazi is concerned, it may still be far behind!

"I remember that there was a Cattleya in the Hezhong area who also had great super powers!"

As he spoke, Taiyi lifted the pole again skillfully.

Not surprisingly, it’s another big and cruel one!

King Dadai subconsciously used a water gun to pass by, but this time, the water gun did not achieve its goal.

The carp king jumped up suddenly a second before the water gun arrived, and actually avoided the water gun's attack.

At this time, the Carp King glared at Slow King and Taiyi with a ferocious face!

Taiyi was also stunned: "Water splash jump? This Carp King's water splash jump is amazing! Is this still fighting against the fifth scum?"

Following Taiyi's words, the Carp King quickly swam over and fiercely collided with the Slow King.

This is impact!

In front of King Daidai, the wall of light lit up!

King Carp's body slammed into the light wall, causing the light wall to shake a little!

Taiyi became interested: "Hey, this Zhan Wu Zha, um, this one is really cruel, it really has a bit of a cruel flavor!"

Logically speaking, King Magikarp is the fifth scumbag among all elves!

The weakest elf is no joke.

Even the Green Caterpillar can't beat him, and even Rattata can beat Magikarp for seven or eight blocks!

But Zhan Wu Zha is not without surprises.

The one in front of me seems to be a bit outstanding.

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